Written by Ella Peary October 12th, 2017

The Fiction Week Literary Review: Now Seeking Submissions

The Fiction Week Literary Review is an online magazine of innovative poetry and fiction. Since 2009, they have been publishing ground-breaking new writing that seeks to find novel ways to tell a story. They also publish craft essays, selections from novels, and reviews of innovative fiction and poetry books. You can get a sense of their purpose and style by reading past issues online.

Published by FictionWeek.com, Fiction Week Literary Review releases two issues each year, in the spring and fall. They are now seeking submissions for their Fall 2017 issue. All submissions are reviewed by a selection committee, and they respond to submissions as soon as possible.

Authors may submit pieces of cutting-edge fiction up 5,000 words. They are looking for innovative, postmodern stories. They also accept selections from novels up to 5,000 words. Poets may submit up to three poems at a time. They are looking for leading-edge poetry, and do not accept classic or traditional work. They also accept essays on the craft of writing, as well as reviews of innovative poetry and fiction books.

They ask that authors include a brief biography when submitting; however, they don’t publish the bio with the work. They believe that once a story or poem is published, it no longer belongs to the author; rather, it belongs to the reader. Without any information about the author, the reader is forced to interact directly with the story. However, if authors want readers to know who they are and about their writing resume, they can respond to comments in the magazine’s Literary Review Discussion Forum.

The Fiction Week Literary Review accepts submissions via email, but not online or by post. They ask that authors send all submissions in the body of an email, not as attachments. They accept simultaneous submissions, but ask that authors notify them if their work is published elsewhere.

If you would like to learn more or submit to The Fiction Week Literary Review, please visit their website at http://www.fictionweek.com/fwliteraryreview/submissions.html.


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