Written by Emily Harstone August 1st, 2024

Thought Magicians: Now Seeking Submissions

This new online literary journal is focused on philosophy. In fact as they state on their website: “Our only strict criterium is the presence of philosophical value that is expressed textually.”

If you want to learn more about the platform and the people behind it, their about page is very helpful. They are based in the Netherlands.

Thought Magicians was founded in 2023. It’s easy to get a feel for what they are interested in by reading a few pieces by scrolling down on their home page.

They accept and publish submissions written in Dutch and English. They pair all pieces with black and white photographs. All submissions must be made via email.

They ask that all submitted work, be grammatically correct and between 500 and 5000 words long but they are also open to discussing that. In fact they encourage potential contributors to reach out about other matters also, including helping authors find potential collaborators. Throughout the website they emphasize the importance of community.

To learn more visit their contributors page here.


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