Written by Emily Harstone June 11th, 2015

Triangle Square: Now Accepting Children’s Book Submissions

UPDATED October 6th 2020: They are no longer open to unsolicited submissions.

Triangle Square is an imprint of Seven Stories Press that focuses on publishing young adult novels and children’s books. Seven Stories Press is an independent publisher that is well respected and has been around for twenty years. Their books are distributed by Random House. You can read our full review of Seven Stories Press, here.

Triangle Square focuses on publishing high quality writing that is educational. They recently published Pulitzer Prize winner Jared Diamond’s first science book for children, The Third Chimpanzee for Young People. But they also published an illustrated book called The Mummy Makers of Ancient Egypt by Tamara Bowers, and a novel called Misdirected by Ali Berman which focuses on such issues as bullying and homophobia.

Their books all have an educational aspect, even if they are fictional. Triangle Square, like Seven Stories Press has a focus on education and social justice, their audience is just younger.

It is a good idea to look through the books they have previously published so that you know what they are looking for. You could also buy a book, or check out a few of them from your local library.

Their submission policy is the same as Seven Stories Press. All submissions must be made by mail. Just send a cover letter and two sample chapters (no more), along with a self addressed and stamped envelope or postcard so that they can respond.

Their address is Seven Stories Press, 140 Watts Street, New York, NY, 1013.

To get a better feeling for what they publish, please visit their website here.


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