Written by Emily Harstone August 16th, 2018

Twelfth Planet Press: Now Seeking Novella Submissions

Twelfth Planet Press is a small electronic press focusing primarily on publishing novellas by women and other marginalized writers in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, horror and more recently, crime. They particularly hope to publish Australian writers but they have had no geographic limits on their recent submission calls. They really want to publish underrepresented voices. They appear to often offer advances, which is unusual for a small press.

Twelfth Planet Press is currently only accepting submissions of holiday themed novellas, although they have a broader novella reading period coming up in September.

They most important aspect of their current call for submissions is that the story is set at or around the festive season, for example Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, New Year’s Eve. They are looking for a diverse range of authors, story settings,  as well as time periods, cultural backgrounds and protagonists. For this call they are open to the following genres: science fiction, fantasy, horror, crime, romance, and contemporary fiction.

The novellas must be between 17,000 and 40,000 words. They will earn an advance of $300. The deadline for submissions is 31 August. They are not interested in previously published work. You can learn more about their current call for submissions here.

Twelfth Planet announced in advance that they are going to have a general novella reading period starting in September and extending through November. Manuscripts accepted during this period, too, will be offered an advance ($300). According to their website they are looking for “a diverse range of authors, story settings, time periods, cultural backgrounds and protagonists. Magic, history, fantasy, steampunk and science fiction are all welcome. We are also looking for fun, light crime novellas that fit within our Deadlines imprint”. They aim to respond to all submissions by the end of January 2019. You can learn more about this submission call here.


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