Many great modern novels are about the love of books and libraries. Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Book Store and The Shadow of the Wind are just two examples. Both books are about imagined secret libraries.
Your prompt today is to write about an imagined library that is for some reason or another a secret. Now this library could be a large one, with grand ceilings and thousands of books, or it could be a small closet containing half a dozen books, or any number of things in between. Perhaps this library is hidden behind a tv, or located in the future.
All those details are up to you.
The prompt can focus on just describing the library, or it can focus on some sort of narrative involving the library, all those choices are up to you as the writer.
The only thing this prompt must include is a secret library – one most people don’t know about. Explore this idea, write something interesting, and most of all, have fun.