April 5, 2021
There are 33 themed calls for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, including 13 themed contests. Some of the themes are: generations; climate change; gaslamp fantasy; art; ocean animals; asinine assassins; cryptids emerging; winter wonders; sleep and dreams (as related to fairy tales); and consequences of war. All but one pay cash for submissions. Also see this…
April 1, 2021
These markets pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They are a mix of literary and genre markets, and not all are open throughout the month. Translunar Travelers LoungeThe editors of this speculative fiction magazine want fun stories. Their guidelines say, “A fun story, at its core, is one that works on the premise that things…
March 15, 2021
These magazines publish literary fiction, or stories with a literary slant, and many publish stories in other genres, as well. Most of them publish other genres/forms too, like nonfiction and poetry. Several of them pay writers. A few of the calls are themed. They are now open for submissions, and are listed in no particular…
March 11, 2021
Apart from the highly popular Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine and the Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, there are several magazines that publish mystery, suspense, and crime fiction. They have a range of tastes and requirements, from cozies to police procedurals to gritty crime. Here are some that are open now for submissions. They are in no…
March 4, 2021
These markets pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They are a mix of literary and genre markets. WesterlyThey publish short stories, poetry, memoir and creative nonfiction, essays and literary criticism. Non-subscribers will be asked to take magazine subscription as part payment for their work. Scholarly articles are accepted year-round.Deadline: 19 March 2021Length: Up to 3,500…
March 1, 2021
There are 20 themed calls for submissions for the 16 markets listed here, of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the themes are: neighbours, chilling crime, lost at sea, omens, magic gone awry, tough times, angels, beyond the stars, distanced, and escape. None of these charge a submission fee, or they have some fee-free submission…
February 15, 2021
These 20 magazines publish poetry, and they are open for submissions now. Many also accept other genres, like fiction and nonfiction. Some magazines pay writers, and some of the calls are themed. Also see this list of themed submission calls – a few are for poetry, and deadlines are approaching. Those looking for presses should…
February 4, 2021
These are paying markets for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, and they are a mix of literary and genre markets. Not all of these magazines are open through the month. LightspeedThis award-winning magazine is currently open to science fiction by BIPOC authors only. They will be open for general science fiction submissions during 8-14 February. They…
February 1, 2021
There are 26 themed calls in the 22 markets here for writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the themes are: circles, water, queer Gothic, fire, sound, 1986, habitats, cyberpunk fairy tales, good Southern witches, dark hearts, cryptids, a postcard from the past, dark carnival, gorefest, roots, home cooking, and internet. There are a…
January 18, 2021
These are markets of speculative fiction, and they’re open now for submissions. A few also accept other genres, like nonfiction and poetry. Many of them pay writers. They are listed in no particular order. Diabolical PlotsThey publish science fiction, fantasy and horror (up to 3,500 words). Feel free to mix in other genres with these,…
January 7, 2021
These markets pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, and they’re open in January. Also see this list for themed (and paying) submission calls that are open now. Nashville ReviewThis literary magazine accepts fiction, nonfiction (memoir excerpts, essays, and imaginative meditations), translations, poetry, and comics in January, May, and September. Submissions for literary comics and featured…
January 4, 2021
There are 28 themed calls for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry in the 20 markets here. Some of the themes are: mermaids, lost civilizations, lesbian historic fiction, monsters, protest diaries, stories inspired by Jules Verne, parenting, engaging with the natural world, health, and (reimagined) Gothic fiction. All are paying markets (also see this list for more…
December 30, 2020
January is an exciting month, as several journals will open their doors for submissions during the month. These magazines/journals pay for fiction, and they are all scheduled to open for a limited period during January 2021. A few also accept other genres, like nonfiction and poetry. Cosmic Roots and Eldritch ShoresThis speculative fiction magazine publishes…
December 21, 2020
These magazines publish creative nonfiction, including personal essays, memoir, lyrical essays, narrative nonfiction, and others. Most of them also accept other genres, like fiction and poetry. Some of these pay writers. Here they are, in no particular order. Small Print MagazineThey publish fiction and creative nonfiction (flash pieces to 8,000 words; serialized and longer works…
December 10, 2020
These 10 magazines accept literary fiction, and they are open for submissions now. Many of them accept other genres too, like non-fiction and poetry, and some outlets pay writers. Apart these, several premier (and paying) literary magazines that accept literary fiction are also open for submissions now. These include AGNI, Bennington Review, Grain Magazine, Ninth…