Issue One Hundred Eighty One

10 Anthologies Seeking Submissions

Written By S. Kalekar Here is a list of open calls for anthologies, ranging from calls for true stories about military families and premonitions, to fiction about addiction-themed horror and sci fi/fantasy stories about submerged worlds, and more. Chicken Soup for the Soul’s anthologies They look for true stories, written in the first person that…

Lyrical Press: Accepting Manuscript Submissions

UPDATED February 2025 Lyrical Press is an electronic only imprint of Kensington, a large independent publisher. Kensington and Lyrical both publish mainstream novels and seem to put a fair amount of pressure on the author to promote their books. They publish a large number of books per year. Lyrical publishes books in all romance genres…

How to Make Time for Focused Writing

“All writers have this vague hope that the elves will come in the night and finish any stories.” ― Neil Gaiman Time for writing doesn’t make itself. This might seem like a ridiculously obvious statement, yet it is a trap writers fall into all the time, myself included. If you have a good writing habit…

Banshee: Now Seeking Poetry, Fiction, and Creative Nonfiction

Banshee, a print literary journal from Ireland, is now seeking submissions of poetry, fiction, flash fiction, and creative nonfiction for their fourth issue, to be published in the spring of 2017. The deadline for submissions is October 31, and all authors published in the journal will receive payment, as well as a copy of the…

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