Issue Three Hundred Seventy Two

Sourcebooks: Now Seeking Book Submissions

Updated April 1st, 2024: They are currently closed to nonfiction work, but their romance and horror imprints remain open to unagented submissions. Sourcebooks is based out of Illinois, they also have offices in Connecticut and New York. Sourcebooks was started in 1987 by Dominique Raccah. They also have several imprints, all founded within the last…

Bright Flash Literary Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Bright Flash is a brand new online journal of flash fiction and nonfiction. They launched this year in June, and since then they’ve published eight shorts online. They accept a wide range of styles, and the best way to get a sense of their aesthetic is to read what they’ve published so far online. Bright…

5 Marketing Strategies for Your Self-Published Book Launch

By Annmarie McQueen So you’ve edited your novel to perfection and you’re ready to self-publish it on Amazon and show it off to the world. You’ve decided on a launch date, but now what? Setting up a pre-launch marketing campaign is one of the biggest things determining the success of your book launch, and yet…

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