
What Not To Do: An Agent’s Perspective

First of all, I realize that many writers today want to bypass agencies. There’s a lot of that going on lately in the self-publishing world, and I champion it. So why am I writing this advice piece? Because once you succeed in selling and marketing your work, you may get dream offers. If so, you might…

Tor/Forge: Open to Manuscript Submissions

September 30th 2020: They are closed to general submissions due to COVID-19, but plan to reopen. Also they’ve held novella submissions during this time (You can learn more about that here), so the site is still worth checking. Tor/Forge publishes science fiction and fantasy books. Run by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, Tor/Forge is an imprint…

tiny poetry: Now Accepting Submissions

A new online journal of “macropoetics,” tiny poetry publishes poems and images together in pocketsize image macros. The project began when creator Misty Ellingburg crafted T. S. Eliot poems into macros using an iPhone app and shared them via Facebook where thousands of people were inspired to create and share their own macropoems. From this…

Happy Third Birthday Authors Publish!

It seems so strange to me now that Authors Publish has been around for three years now. When we started out we reviewed two literary journals every week and had one feature article and a writing prompt. By our first birthday we were reviewing one literary journal and one manuscript publisher every week. The writing…

P is for Procrastinate: The ABC’s of Good Procrastination Habits

I am no marathon writer. I sprint, then break by tackling something, anything else – as long as it’s productive. That is what my definition of a good procrastination habit is: a temporary transition from one task to any other of equal or greater importance. It only took me three decades to let go of…

Jolly Fish Press: Now Accepting Book Manuscript Queries

Updated March 8th 2024 Jolly Fish Press was started in 2012. They are based out of Provo, Utah. Their authors have won numerous awards. They initially published a wide range of genres for adults, children, and young adults. They are now part of North Star Editions. They now only publish middle-grade and young adult books….

How #PitMad Works: Instantly Pitch Book Publishers Via Twitter

Written By Rebecca Ann Smith #PitMad is a quarterly Twitter pitch party coordinated by writer and social media guru Brenda Drake. There was an event on 17 March 2016 and I decided to give it a try. There are several Twitter pitching events out there and they all have slightly different rules and entry requirements….

Red Sage: Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Red Sage Publishing started as a traditional print publisher in 1995. They have a long list of published books covering diverse genres ranging from contemporary to science fiction. However, they were one of the earliest publishers of erotica. Their website is one of the best I have navigated in a long time. The landing page…

Memoryhouse Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Memoryhouse is an online magazine dedicated to documenting personal narratives. They publish all genres of writing—poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and everything in-between—as long as the work presents a personal story. At Memoryhouse, they love all forms of over-sharing—diary entries, autobiographies, personal tragedies, ego-trips, and neurotic exposés. Produced by students at the University of Chicago, the Memoryhouse…

The Top 10 Lessons I’ve Learned From Authors in Movies

Written By Erica Secor Everything I ever needed to know about being an author I’ve learned from authors in movies. May these nuggets of wisdom guide you along your path to authorship: LESSON #10 – THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING (2001) What They Said: Bilbo Baggins (Ian Holm) contemplates his…

Hydra: A Digital First Imprint of Random House

UPDATED January 2019 – Hydra it is not open to direct submissions any longer. It does not seem likely that that will change at any point. Hydra is a digital first Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror imprint of Random House. That means that they publish manuscripts in an e-book format that is available everywhere (Amazon,…

Anomaly: Now Seeking Submissions

Anomaly is a new online journal of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and art, created with the aim of publishing only the most promising up-and-coming authors. Tired of reading literary journals comprised mostly of filler, the creators of Anomaly decided to curate a carefully honed journal in which each word is thoughtfully selected. They want to promote…

A Busy Mother’s Guide to Establishing a Writing Life

Written by Jean Knight Pace As a mother of four young children and a writer, the question I most often get is, “How do you find time to write?” Usually I answer that I stay up too late. That is true. But there are a few other (healthier) habits I’ve found helpful as a mother-writer….

Build Your Captive Audience With These 4 Free Websites

A captive audience. That’s what you need if you want you want to build your reputation as a writer. Having a loyal audience will make your life easier. You will have better opportunities to earn a living as a writer. You will also have it easier when you publish an ebook or two for sale….

How to Submit Your Poetry for Publication

If you’re ready to get your poetry published in literary journals, then you’re going to need to go through the process of submitting your work. This article will guide you through the most important step in the process so that you can start submitting your work, and get published. What is that step? Putting together…

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