
8 Essential Articles for Self Published Authors

This collection of articles contains comprehensive, thoughtful advice for self published authors by self published authors. The articles in this collection focus on giving concrete advice and encouragement for self published authors. Eleven Ways to Build an Audience for Your Writing Eleven concrete steps to take to develop an audience for your writing, not just…

7 Articles You Should Read Before Self Publishing

Self Publishing has been around since the dawn of writing. In the last century it has been mostly been frowned on. It was a field dominated by vanity presses that charged their authors a lot in order to be published. It was considered something that authors should do as a last resort. It was not…

Don’t Fear The Reaper (or How to Kill your Darlings)

For some people, there are few things as scary as a minimum word count requirement; for others, they dread length guidelines. I, myself, fall into the latter category. My current novel clocked in at 110,000 words. I was relieved when an acquisitions editor asked me to flesh that out. Unfortunately, she didn’t mention until a…

Up The Staircase: Now Accepting Poetry Submissions

Up the Staircase is an online journal open to submissions of poetry, reviews, and interviews, for their 31st issue until the 15th of October. A lot of journals are closed to submissions during the summer, and so it is always nice to find one that accepts submissions during the slow summer months. They publish four…

Hard Case Crime: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Hard Case Crime is a well respected and established niche publisher of hard boiled crime novels. The publisher has been featured in a number of respected publications including Time Magazine and The Stranger. They re-issue books that were previously published and they also publish new books. They are open to manuscript queries. They focus on…

Stupid Things Authors Believe, Part 1

It’s been said that if what you write isn’t new, delete it. In an attempt to promote fresh, original ideas, these pundits of the pen want us to say something no one else has ever said before or jettison it to the trash heap. My response? Bull crap. As an ancient and wise author once…

After The Pause: A Publisher of Poetry, Flash Fiction, and Visual Art

Update: Permanently Closed to Submissions After the Pause is an electronic literary journal that publishes one issue per season. They are always open to submissions. They publish each issue on the electronic magazine site Issuu. They publish poetry, flash fiction, and visual art. They plan to publish their first yearly print anthology in January 2016….

The Sea of Tranquility: A Self Publishing Success Story

The Sea of Tranquility was initially self published by Katja Millay in 2012. Within only three weeks of being self published the novel was picked up by Atria Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. It went on to win the American Library Association’s Alex Award & A School Library Journal Best Book of the…

How to Tell If Your Writing Is Any Good.

‘The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.’ – Sylvia Plath “The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize.” – Robert Hughes The Editors of Authors Publish receive regular emails and Facebook messages that contain one or two sentences and are always the same…

Eifrig Publishing: Now Accepting Book Proposals

UPDATED April 2018 Eifrig Publishing is a small independent publishing company that focuses on publishing children’s books. They also publish family psychology books, some non-fiction for adults, and books on education. They publish some eBooks. Their motto is “good for our kids, good for our environment, and our good for our communities.” Their website is…

8 Ways to Improve Your Writing

“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.” – Ernest Hemingway Most writers want to improve their writing but they don’t necessarily know how. Some writers are happy with the way they currently write, but in my opinion there is always room for improvement. In my own writing practice,…

Smashwords: A Must for Your Author’s Toolbox

Every writer should have a toolbox – a go-to place that lists or houses all the fantastic contacts and resources that you can’t live without. Whether you’re self or traditionally published (or just building an author platform) one essential item to have in your toolbox should be Smashwords – the eBook distributor. About 50% of…

The Collagist: Now Accepting Submissions

The Collagist is a literary journal published by Dzanc Books. They are an electronic publication. They publish short fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and excerpts from longer works. They are open to submissions until July 31st. They reopen to submissions in October. They publish one issue on the 15th of every month. They are a highly respected…

Five: Now Accepting Poems

Five is an electronic poetry journal that has a very specific mission. Instead of publishing a large number of poets in each issue, they publish just five poet’s work per issue. However, they publish five poems by each of the five poets they publish. Five publishes one issue per month. They have a fairly high…

Wattpad: A Source of Support for Young Writers

I joined Wattpad two years ago. When my first novel was recently released, I was looking for more ways to promote it and get my name out there. I knew nothing about Wattpad until I read an article by a young adult author who credited this site with an increase in her following. It made…

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