
A New Ruse by Publishers to Make Authors Pay to Publish

Since 2020 there are more authors than ever trying to publish. This has impacted both the self publishing and publishing industry in profound ways. I’m only going to talk about the shift that has happened that is most worrying to me — as a reviewer of traditional publishers, as an author myself, and as an…

Don’t Change Your Debut

By Grace Bialecki I was nearly finished with my first novel when I met up with an author acquaintance to ask for advice about getting a literary agent. It was a bitter New York winter night, and I felt icy and invigorated as I slid into the bar. Soon I would send out my manuscript…

Monarch Educational Services: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated March 2025: They keep updating their website, and it’s very unclear if they are still publishing new books. The review below reflects the version of the website that existed in March 2024. They do not currently have a submission guidelines and if they are still active they do not seem interested in un-agented submission….

The Colored Lens: Now Seeking Speculative Fiction Submissions

The Colored Lens is an established print publisher of speculative fiction. They aim to help readers see the real world more clearly by looking at it through the lens of the imagination: “By considering what could be, we gain a better understanding of what is.” They publish all forms and styles of speculative fiction, including…

It’s Time to Stop Reading and Start Writing

By Ratika Deshpande Let me ask you a question: in the last week or month, how much time have you spent reading about writing? How many articles on how to open your novel? How many articles on the routines of famous writers? How many articles describing the success stories of those who’ve come before you?…

Opportunities for Historically Underrepresented Writers this August

This list of publishers meet our guiding principles, but are only open to free submissions from historically underrepresented writers or focus on publishing content produced by historically underrepresented writers. Some of these publications are open to a wide range of writers including writers of color, gender non-conforming and LGBTQ+ writers, and those living with disabilities….

5 Paying Literary Magazines to Submit to in August 2023

These magazines pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They are a mix of literary and genre outlets. Not all are open through the month. Nashville Review They accept submissions of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and translations during the months of February and August. Please note, they have a submission cap and may close early if volume…

No Starch Press: Now Accepting Book Proposals

No Starch Press is a small press that focuses on publishing work on technology, particularly work with “a focus on open source, security, hacking, programming, alternative operating systems, LEGO®, science, and math.” Their motto is “the finest in geek entertainment.” They are distributed by Penguin Random House. You can get a good feel for what…

The Acedia Review: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

The Acedia Review is a new poetry journal produced by a collective of high school students. They aim to create opportunities for young writers around the world to participate in the publication process, and to combat what they call “poetic acedia”: “our mission is to help reverse the genre’s unfortunate decline.” Interested high school students…

Locking it Down During Lockdown: Writing and Publishing During the Pandemic

— By A. K. Adler Lockdown was good for me. Suddenly, everyone seemed to be in a fervour of baking banana bread and online workout groups. I’ve always hated baking and exercise, so I took a writing course. Until that point, writing had been a hobby. I’d already written three novels, and self-published them because,…

Golden Storyline Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Note: Usually we keep our updates in chronological order starting with the most recent at the top and the oldest at the bottom but because of the amount of updates required here, and their relationship to each other, we’ve condensed and reorganized all the updates to go here. The latest update for this note, is…

Cape Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Cape Magazine in an online publisher of fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and everything in between. They delight in both traditional forms and experiments that aren’t defined by genre: “We have no genre expectation, just send us something that is utterly you.” They publish all forms and styles of writing, and they love discovering unheard voices: “from…

3 Mistakes That Eventually Led to a Small Press Contract

By Jean Burgess If you are one of those “full steam ahead” types, who are too impatient to learn from your mistakes, then stop reading now. However, if you are willing to learn how, as a novice fiction writer, I made a few major mistakes and still ended up landing a contract with a small…

How to Make Your Emotional Scenes Believable and Engaging

By Emily-Jane Hills Orford Are you writing a tear-jerker scene? Or a passionate love scene? How about something humorous? Emotions are a powerful tool to engage readers. You want them laughing, crying and getting involved with the characters. What are some of the techniques you can use to embellish the emotions? From asking the famous…

White Cresset Arts Journal: Now Seeking Submissions

White Cresset is a new journal of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and writing that defies genre boundaries. A cresset is a metal container that holds something flammable, like oil, and is burned as a light. In the same way, White Cresset aims to be, “the fuel and receptacle for your flames.” They’re looking for intense,…

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