
Authors Publish Turns Ten

Jacob Jans and I got married twelve years ago, and on our first anniversary we talked about how we would never ever work together. About six months later, Jacob needed help launching a Facebook page for Freedom With Writing, which was relatively new at the time. He kept complaining about how he could not get…

Kind Words from Subscribers!

Below are a collection of quotes we gathered from our wonderful subscribers about their experience with Authors Publish over the past decade. We are very grateful for everyone who contributed kind words and for our community as a whole. “Without question, Authors Publish is one of the most valuable services a writer can wish for,…

Castle Bridge Media: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Castle Bridge Media is an independent publisher that focuses on genre fiction, particularly horror, science fiction, thriller, and fantasy. They accept direct submissions and also submissions from agents. They appear to list most of their agented deals on Publishers Marketplace, so if you’re interested in seeing what they’ve accepted recently, and have a Publishers Marketplace…

The Berlin Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Updated  April 1oth: The Berlin Review has reached capacity for this submission period, and has closed to submissions. The Berlin Review is a new online journal of literature and art, produced and published in Berlin, Germany. They “just want good writing,” regardless of trends. They aim to publish a diverse range of voices, both emerging…

The Current State of Writing and AI

To be clear, I’m not a tech expert, or a science writer. I am in no way an expert in terms of chatbots and AI. So, if you are hoping to read an article written by an expert in this field, this is not the article for you. I’m writing this article from my perspective,…

Candlemark & Gleam: Accepting Submissions

Updated March 23rd: Candlemark & Gleam updated their website to say “Important note about submissions: as of March 23, 2023, Candlemark & Gleam is closed to submissions by authors not already published by the press or not accompanied by a recommendation from a trusted colleague. This has come about because there are many amazing works…

The Renaissance Review: Now Seeking Submissions

The Renaissance Review is an online journal that aims to merge literature with other disciplines like science and history. They especially love writing that explores a range of passions, like poems that showcase historical figures or fictional stories that explore scientific ideas: “Renaissance artists were not only writers, painters, performers, and musicians, but also inventors,…

The Problem with Mass Submitting

Mass submitting is a term used to describe when an author, or a company working on an author’s behalf, submits their work to a whole laundry list of publishers and agents and literary journals at once, regardless of whether their work follows the individual guidelines or not. For example, submitting a work of memoir to…

8 Tips for Making Your True Story Come Alive

By Emily-Jane Hills Orford I have always loved apples, applesauce and cooking with apples. It’s all rooted in a fond memory that makes a great story, well worth the telling and sharing multiple times over. But, to just say I like to make applesauce isn’t enough. I am a storyteller, after all, and even my…

Artemesia Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals

Updated March 2025 Artemesia Publishing was founded in 2004, and they describe themselves as a micro-publisher. Although based on the titles section of their website they publish work at the rate of one title per month, which is actually a lot more than many other small presses. They started out focused on nonfiction, particularly inspirational…

The Sprawl Mag: Now Seeking Submissions

The Sprawl is a new online literary magazine of speculative poetry and fiction. They publish a wide range of speculative writing including sci-fi, fantasy, magical realism, and dystopia/utopia. They pay contributors $20 CAD for each published piece, and are accepting submissions until 2 April 2023. The inaugural edition of The Sprawl Mag features writing from…

The Importance of Reading Debut Novels

A debut novel is the first novel published by a writer. When one is attempting to find an agent and publisher for their own first novel, it is very important to read debut novels by other writers to see what is being published now. Older, established novelists like Margret Atwood and John Irving are going…

Opportunities for Historically Underrepresented Authors this March

This list of publishers meet our guiding principles, but are only open to free submissions from historically underrepresented writers or focus on publishing content produced by historically underrepresented writers. Some of these publications are open to a wide range of writers including writers of color, gender non-conforming and LGBTQ+ writers, and those living with disabilities….

Why We Don’t Review All Presses

At Authors Publish we receive a lot of emails every week asking us why we haven’t reviewed a certain press or requesting that we do review a certain press. Sometimes it’s easy to send out a one sentence answer, which is often this: “We have never heard of this press before, but we’ll look into…

Carina Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Carina Press is Harlequin’s digital-first adult fiction imprint, publishing first in digital, and then depending on the numbers, releasing audio and print versions as well. Unlike most of Harlequin’s imprints they don’t just focus on romance, although they are open to all subgenres of romance, including contemporary, erotic, paranormal and urban fantasy, and science fiction….

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