
18 Fellowships & Other Paying Opportunities for Writers: February 2023

This list comprises opportunities for writers and journalists. Some are restricted by geography. A couple of the open calls have fast-approaching deadlines. Please check the eligibility and guidelines before applying. 2023 Highlights Foundation Scholarships All aspiring and published children’s authors and illustrators are invited to apply for the 2023 Highlights Foundation scholarships to their programs….

The First Draft: Love It or Hate It? Just Write It!

By Dawn Colclasure Some writers fear writing a first draft. The first draft is that blank page looming before them, daring the writer to compose a masterpiece. Feeling as though they must write a perfect first draft is just one of the roadblocks writers face when it comes to writing something new. It is also…

Five Paying Literary Magazines to Submit to in February 2023

These magazines pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They are a mix of literary and genre outlets. Not all of them are open through the month. Planet Scumm They publish fiction, including flash fiction, and they’re reading submissions for Issue 17. They want sci-fi of all kinds, and speculative fiction, weird fiction, and slipstream. Deadline:…

Zondervan: Now Accepting Nonfiction Submissions

Zondervan is one of the largest and most established Christian media companies. They are based in Grand Rapids Michigan, but have an international presence. They are now owned by HarperCollins. They are a founding member of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. They only have two imprints that are open to direct submissions: Zondervan Reflective books aim…

Pyre Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Pyre is an online publication of dark writing. They primarily publish horror, sci-fi, fantasy, magical realism, and writing that’s otherwise weird or macabre. Within these genres, they like memorable, meaningful writing that contemplates what it means to be human. To get a sense of what they publish, you can read Pyre online. Since 2020, Pyre…

Five Things To Do After Getting Rejected as a Writer

By Samuel Edward Imagine squeezing time out from other daily engagements and committing some of your brightest of creative ideas into a 5,000-word story, with a deadline for submission fast approaching. The late nights, the backaches from hours of sitting, the many rough drafts. And then the joys of putting the final touches to your…

Psychonaut Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Update August 2023, they now charge 5 dollars to submit, so they no longer qualify for a listing with us. Psychonaut Press is currently hosting an open reading period for full-length speculative fiction novels. We do not review brand new publishers without track records, but even though Psychonaut Press has yet to publish any books,…

Twin Bird Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Twin Bird Review is a brand new journal of fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, artwork, and comics. The like writing that’s imaginative: “We love the metaphorical, the speculative, the fantastical, the whimsical, and the strange.” They also value writing that’s sincere: “We care less about perfection and more about sincerity; less about looking good and more…

An Anniversary Approaches: Calls for Blurbs and Suggestions

In April 2023, Authors Publish will turn 10. When I founded Authors Publish way back in 2013, I was still figuring a lot of things out. I was adjuncting at universities and was severely underpaid, but also deeply frustrated with how little resources there were out there for authors who couldn’t pay to attend classes…

How Authors and Writers Can Use LinkedIn to Advance Their Careers

By Jonathan Riley Being a writer requires the ability to generate a regular flow of work knowing that being in this profession, either as a magazine writer, author or in some other writing field, we must also constantly compete with other creatives. LinkedIn has helped me meet the challenges, because having followers and establishing a…

Art/Books: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Art/Books is an independent UK based publisher of books on art, architecture, design, photography, and contemporary culture. They were founded in 2012. You can get a feel for what they are currently publishing by visiting this page. It’s important to note that they appear to have published very few books during the peak of the…

Paperbag: Now Seeking Submissions

Paperbag is an electronic literary journal now reading submissions for its 15th issue. They publish previously unpublished poetry, visual art, music/sound, and hybrid work. Their website is sleek, well designed, and poetry focused. It’s easy to engage with the work they present. On the main issue page, you can get a feel for that they…

An Argument for Writing Short Stories

“Write a short story every week. It’s not possible to write 52 bad short stories in a row.’ — Ray Bradbury “A good [short story] would take me out of myself and then stuff me back in, outsized, now, and uneasy with the fit.” — David Sedaris Writers who are serious about improving and developing their…

Opportunities Open to Submissions From Historically Underrepresented Voices this January

This list of publishers meet our guiding principles, but are only open to free submissions from historically underrepresented writers or focus on publishing content produced by historically underrepresented writers. Some of these publications are open to a wide range of writers including writers of color, gender non-conforming and LGBTQ+ writers, and those living with disabilities….

Oxford University Press: Now Accepting Proposals and Manuscript Submissions

Oxford University Press, like most university presses, is open to direct submissions. It has much better distribution systems than most university presses. They publish nonfiction with an academic focus on a wide range of subjects. They are open to proposals and manuscripts. Their website is much more thorough in terms of helping outline how the…

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