
Yolk—Now Seeking Submissions

Yolk is an international literary journal of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual art based in Montreal. The editors are graduates of writing programs, as well as graduate and undergraduate students. Yolk is published in print—each high-quality volume is beautifully designed—as well as online. You can get a sense of what they publish by reading their…

Not Your Typical Book Launch

By Kathryn Haueisen Anyone who’s published a book knows the hard promotional work starts even before typing “The End” on the last page of the manuscript. Ideally, marketing the book starts months before the book is published. One major item on that “to do” list is planning a book launch, or ideally a series of…

Small Town Girl: Actively Seeking Manuscript Queries

Brother Mockingbird Publishing is a small independent press committed to discovering writers from the American South, but they are also open to good fiction, regardless of where the author is based. They were founded in 2018. They publish a wide range of genres including women’s fiction, historical fiction, romance, mystery (including thrillers and cozies), upmarket,…

Mysterion: Seeking Submissions till July 31st

Mysterion is a Christian-themed speculative fiction e-zine that is currently seeking quality speculative fiction with Christian characters, themes, or cosmology.  They are open to submissions till July 31st 2021. They have two reading periods every year, one in January and one in July. They are run by a husband and wife team and have a…

Light: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

Light is one of the oldest and best-recognized journals of light verse: humorous poetry, witty and well-crafted. Their mission is to “restore humor, clarity, and pleasure to the reading of poems.” You can read past issues online to get a sense of what they publish. Light is published twice a year online, and each issue…

Getting Past Author Angst

By Colin Newton Creativity can be counterintuitive. You might have experienced that in the creative process, like when ideas spring from the most unlikely places, but it can appear in the results too. One would think finishing a big piece of writing would result in a flood of positive emotions – happiness, pride or at…

Young Dragons: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Update June 12th 2023: They are currently only open to submissions from author/illustrators and authors who are already agented. I’m not sure yet if this is a permanent shift, but for the time being I think it’s safe to consider them closed to unagented authors. Young Dragons is a division of Oghma Creative Media. It…

Soft Skull Press: Accepting Submissions till July 20th

Updated July 27th, 2021: They have annonced “We will reopen unagented manuscript submissions on Submittable beginning Tuesday, August 3rd at 12:01am ET (9:01pm PT on 8/2), and ending Wednesday, August 4th at 11:59pm ET/8:59pm PT.” Updated: July 19th 2021.  They have closed early to submissions without announcing any change on their website, or their Twitter…

Three Platforms for Serialized Fiction

Holly Garcia Do you feel overwhelmed by the thought of writing an entire novel cover to cover without feedback? Maybe you’re a new author who hasn’t found their audience yet. Or perhaps you’re an established author who is looking to try out a new genre, but you aren’t sure how your current audience will react…

the other side of hope: Now Seeking Submissions

the other side of hope is a new journal dedicated to showcasing writing by authors who are immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. The journal is also edited by immigrants and refugees, and aims to serve the immigrant and refugee community worldwide. They pay authors £100 for work published in the print issue, and £50 for…

Affirm Books: Accepting Submissions on the First Monday of Every Month

Affirm Books is a Melbourne, Australia based publisher of local and international authors that is open to direct submissions. They publish a broad range of non-fiction work and have a smaller, more focused fiction list for adults and children. They are only open to nonfiction and children’s book submissions from non Australian authors. They have…

Seaborne Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Seaborne Magazine is an online publisher of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction celebrating the world’s seas and oceans. By showcasing the awe of the ocean in literature, they hope to inspire readers to protect Earth’s waters. They also donate a portion of their profits to fund charitable work that aids oceans and marine life. Seaborne is…

5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in July 2021

These magazines publish fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They are a mix of literary and genre markets, and not all are open through the month. Catapult This magazine is accepting fiction submissions currently, and translated fiction. They are particularly interested in flash fiction, of about 1,000 words or fewer. Deadline: 16 July 2021 Length: 500-4,000 words…

How to Self-Publish a Chapbook

By Trish Hopkinson Chapbooks are a short collections of poetry or prose, typically 20 to 50 pages in length. They are sometimes referred to as pamphlets or booklets. Shorter still are micro-chapbooks, usually less than 10 pages in length. Traditionally published chapbooks often have a consistent theme where the poems or short prose pieces are…

Abingdon Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals

Founded in the 1920s, Abingdon Press is a cross-denominational religious publisher. They are an imprint of The United Methodist Publishing House, which as been in operation since 1789.  They offer a wide variety of products, including books (Christian living, academic, leadership), church supply items, church program resources, curriculum resources, and a host of other print…

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