
8 Literary Magazines Open for Brief Submissions Periods in September 2020

These markets are open now, or will open submissions for brief periods in September 2020; some are award-winning magazines, and all publish fiction. A few also accept other genres, like nonfiction and poetry. They pay writers, and have free submissions, or have some option for fee-free submissions. Cosmic Roots and Eldritch ShoresThis speculative fiction magazine…

Writing Effective Dialogue: 5 Things to Keep in Mind

By Annmarie McQueen Dialogue is an incredibly important part of storytelling, and yet one of the things many writers struggle with the most. Having characters interact with each other is a key way for information to be revealed, plots to be moved along and things to happen. Dialogue is something you need to get right…

Veritas Publishing: Open to Book Proposals

Updated February 2025: They appear to no longer be active and no loner have a functional website. Veritas is Ireland’s leading religious publisher. They also are a retailer, with stores across Ireland. They publish over 40 books each year in the areas of theology, scripture, prayer, spirituality, parenting, counselling, children’s issues, social commentary, and liturgical…

Journal of The Plague Year: Now Seeking Submissions

Journal of the Plague Year was started in 2020, by Susan Zakin, a top environmental journalist, as a way of interacting with the altered situation. Many of the journalistic contributors to the website are well known. Their tagline is “100 percent DIY by real reporters (plus poets, musicians, essayists, and the occasional fiction writer)”. The…

Crafting a Strong Bio

by Sherry Shahan Writing an effective bio was a recent topic in the Authors Guild community—in particular, when filling out that little box for an online submission. Different types of publications have different length requirements, but are generally in the 50 to 100 word range. All agreed that bios should be written in the third…

The Authors Publish Fund for Literary Journals

Since the Coronovirus pandemic started, a lot of literary journals have been under more stress than ever. Academic journals lost organizers and funding, and a number of wonderful journals went under, for financial reasons, or logistical restraints. Many journals switched over to charging fees for submissions and the ones that remained fee-free were slammed with…

Bella Books: Accepting Submissions

Bella Books is a press focused on publishing stories about women-loving-women, and they are interested in acquiring manuscripts that involve these stories across all genres, including romance, mystery, thriller, paranormal, etc. They are based in Tallahassee, Florida. The press is currently owned by Linda Hill who also owns Spinsters Ink and Bean Pole Books. They…

Paper Dragon: Now Seeking Submissions

Paper Dragon is a brand new literary journal published by the MFA students at Drexel University. Right now through September 1, they’re seeking submissions for their first issue, themed “recovery and resilience.” They’re looking for submissions from a wide range of authors, and hope to spotlight work by underrepresented voices. Paper Dragon will publish their…

What to Say to Bad Writing

by Janice R. Torres I was recently asked by a good friend of mine to take a look at their writing and let them know what I thought. I had never read any of their work before, having met them through a freelancer’s meet and greet, but I wanted to be supportive. So, I agreed…

The O’Brien Press: Open to Submissions

The O’Brien Press is an established and respected publisher that is based in Ireland. They favour Irish voices, but are open to international submissions. They publish nonfiction for adults, and fiction and nonfiction for children. They share this list under the heading, what we are excited about. Adult Non-Fiction: Humour, sport, photography, Irish history and…

Quince: Now Seeking Submissions

Quince is a brand new online journal of writing and art from around the world. They publish a wide variety of creative work: poetry, fiction, visual art, photography, film, life writing, stage plays, and screenplays. Unpublished, emerging, and established authors and artists of all varieties are invited to submit. Quince published their first edition earlier…

5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in August 2020

These markets are a mix of literary and genre magazines, and they pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Not all of them are open through the month, however. Frozen WaveletsThis speculative flash fiction and poetry magazine encourage writers to push boundaries, in format and topics. Torture porn, vampires, gore and splatter for the sake of…

6 Ways to Increase Your Confidence as a Writer

By Chikodi Olasode A writer’s journey is all about ups and downs, and how you weather the downs can make a real difference. Most writers at some stage doubt themselves or their ability to write. Here, I share some tips that might boost your confidence. 1.  AffirmationI’ve seen writers cringe when asked what their occupation…

Claret Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

UPDATED July 30th, they have just adjusted their guidelines to only allow submissions by British writers. This adjustment was made after our review was sent out. We apologize for the inconvenience. Claret Press is a UK-based publisher of politics, issues, and place in the form of creative nonfiction, and fiction. They were founded in 2015….

Orange Blossom Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Orange Blossom Review is a peer-reviewed online journal of fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, graphic literature, and book reviews. Sponsored by the Florida College English Association, the journal is thoughtfully curated and attractively designed. You can get a sense of their style by reading past issues online. Since launching in 2017, Orange Blossom Review has published…

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