
Dear Loneliness: Now Seeking Submissions

Picture this: 1,000 feet (that’s three football fields) of handwritten letters about loneliness, displayed in a room covered in mirrors. The letters (and the loneliness) appear to extend into eternity. That’s what Ex/Post Magazine plans to do with the submissions they collect for their interactive art installation, Dear Loneliness. Even before coronavirus, loneliness was considered…

8 Lessons From Legendary Authors That Will Improve Your Writing

By Chikodi Adeola Olasode Are you an aspiring author who’s wondering if it’s the right path? Perhaps you’re one of those struggling with the craft, not sure if being an author is really worth all the stress. Well, here are eight quotes from eight legendary authors that could make you sit up and fasten your…

Sourcebooks: Now Seeking Book Submissions

Updated April 1st, 2024: They are currently closed to nonfiction work, but their romance and horror imprints remain open to unagented submissions. Sourcebooks is based out of Illinois, they also have offices in Connecticut and New York. Sourcebooks was started in 1987 by Dominique Raccah. They also have several imprints, all founded within the last…

Bright Flash Literary Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Bright Flash is a brand new online journal of flash fiction and nonfiction. They launched this year in June, and since then they’ve published eight shorts online. They accept a wide range of styles, and the best way to get a sense of their aesthetic is to read what they’ve published so far online. Bright…

5 Marketing Strategies for Your Self-Published Book Launch

By Annmarie McQueen So you’ve edited your novel to perfection and you’re ready to self-publish it on Amazon and show it off to the world. You’ve decided on a launch date, but now what? Setting up a pre-launch marketing campaign is one of the biggest things determining the success of your book launch, and yet…

Untethered: Now Seeking Submissions

A respected print journal based in Toronto, Untethered publishes poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and oddities in-between. They showcase both emerging and established authors from around the world, and they print a wide variety of thoughtfully crafted, intriguing work. You can get a sense of their aesthetic by reading excerpts from the print journal online, or by…

5 Paying Literary Markets Open in July 2020

These markets pay for submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They’re accepting work in July, and don’t charge submission fee. Scare StreetThey want short horror stories with a focus on ghosts, the supernatural, paranormal, monsters, and dark tales – “We go for stories that are dark, literary; we are looking for the creepy, the weird…

Submission to Journals as a Form of Promotion

By Cait Moore These days there are a multitude of promotional tactics that authors can use to garner attention for their books. Words like blogging, book tours and personal appearances fall from the mouths of my author friends daily. I agree. They are useful and indeed a necessary part of promotion. However, the lawyer in…

Jessica Kingsley Publishers: Open to Proposals

Jessica Kingsley Publishers (JKP) is an established UK Press (with a US office) that was purchased by John Murray Press/Hachette UK in 2017. You can read more about this acquisition here. JKP focuses on publishing high quality books for professional and general readers on a variety of subjects. They are best known for their books…

The Racket: Now Seeking Submissions

Originally a San Francisco reading series featuring local authors, The Racket is now a weekly online journal with voices from around the globe. Since the launch of The Racket reading series in 2017, it’s become a popular place for flash fiction, flash nonfiction, and poetry. And no wonder—the downloadable journal is thoughtfully designed and carefully…

9 Ways to Break Through Writer’s Block

By Chikodi Adeola Olasode When you hit writer’s block, you’ll sit for hours in frustration, fiddling with your pen, and no ideas will come through. I know how helpless I feel when my creative well hits an inspiration brick. But there are always ways through and around writer’s block to generate new ideas for short…

Nightfire: Temporarily Open to Manuscript Submissions

Nightfire, the horror imprint of Tor/Forge, is open to submissions of novellas (20,000-40,000 words) and novels (40,000-200,000 words) for a very brief period this June (2020). It opened on the 15th and will close on the 22nd. Tor/Forge is a science fiction and fantasy imprint of McMillan and you can learn more about them here….

Molecule: Now Seeking Submissions

Molecule is a new online lit mag for 50 word poetry and prose. In the smallest visible particle, there are 50 molecules to each dimension of its cube. In keeping with this, each edition of the biannual journal features work from around 50 contributors. You can download the journal for free to get a sense…

Legend Press: Accepting Manuscript Queries

Legend Press is a UK based independent press open to direct and agented submissions. They publish contemporary fiction and crime fiction (largely psychological and political thrillers). They do not publish any work that falls outside of these genres. You can get a good feel for what they publish by visiting their website here. Years ago…

Duende: Now Seeking Submissions

Duende is a well-established online journal produced by the undergraduates of Goddard College’s BFA in Writing program. They publish one themed edition each Spring and one open edition each Fall. Right now through June 30th, they’re seeking submissions for their next themed issue: “Ritual.” You can read more about this theme in their current submission…

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