
Adventures in Publishing: The Small Press Edition

by: Samantha Bryant I didn’t think it would get as bad as it did. In fact, at the outset, I imagined myself the heroine of a fairy tale, the newly crowned princess–or, rather, published author. But fairy tales are seldom as simple as they seem, and “happily ever after” is sometimes quite short lived. When…

Dust Poetry: Now Seeking Submissions

A brand new online poetry magazine, Dust Poetry, is currently seeking poems on the theme, “Landscape.” They welcome all interpretations of the theme, and they’re accepting submissions for this issue through the end of June. Since launching in January 2020, Dust Poetry has published three issues online. Each edition contains work from around fifteen poets….

Manuscript Publishing as Part of a Larger Story

Most authors who are new to writing think of publishing as a three-step process. The first step is to write a manuscript, the second is to submit a manuscript, and then the third step is to publish that manuscript. This is an over-simplification, and all of these steps have multiple components. For example, as part…

Owl Canyon Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Owl Canyon Press is an independent publisher based out of Boulder, Colorado. They were founded in 2011. They publish fiction, nonfiction, young adult fiction, and works in translation. It’s easy to get a feel for what sort of work they publish by browsing their catalog. They have local distribution, but outside of Colorado, I suspect…

Miracle Monocle: Now Seeking Submissions

Helmed at the University of Louisville, Miracle Monocle is an established publisher of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. They also publish a broad range of experimental and hybrid work, and they actively seek flash and micro-fiction as well as work that can’t be categorized by traditional genres. They encourage unpublished and emerging authors to submit….

How the Coronavirus Turned My Puzzle Book Into an Amazon Bestseller

By Michael Wiesenberg Two years ago I assembled 105 Canadian-themed crossword puzzles that I published as an 8.5×11” soft cover book on Amazon’s self-publishing facility. The book did moderately well, until the coronavirus came along. A lot of people were finding themselves with a lot more time on their hands. In these times of self-isolating,…

Implementing Objective Correlative

By Sherry Shahan I recently helped facilitate a writing workshop focusing on revision. Most of the participants had agents and were widely published. Yet brows furrowed when I mentioned the literary device Objective Correlative. Simply put, an objective correlative is an object in a story with a symbolic purpose. It can be an everyday item…

Kane Miller: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

UPDATED August 2024: They have not been open to unsolicited submissions for over two years now. Their phrasing implies they may reopen someday, but we are removing them from the guide and they will not be added to lists going forward. Kane Miller is an award winning publisher of educational children’s books. In 2019 they…

Bad Pony: Now Seeking Submissions

Bad Pony is an online journal of good writing about bad behavior. Inspired by a fictional pony who had a bad childhood, Bad Pony is seeking mischievous fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. You can read more about their aesthetic here. And, you can get a sense of their style by reading the journal online. Since launching…

5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in May 2020

These magazines are open for submissions in May, and accept fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and translations. They’re a mix of literary and genre markets. AGNIThis respected literary journal accepts fiction, poetry, nonfiction, translations, and essays. All work will be considered for print and online publishing.Deadline: 31 May 2020Length: No word limit for prose; up to five…

5 Ways to Find Time to Write When You Work Full Time

By Brandie June Whenever I hear writers complaining that they can never find the time to write, I have to wonder how hard they are trying to find that precious time. And I get it. I wish I had all the time in the world and could sit in front of my computer all day…

Big Sky Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Big Sky Publishing is an Australian based publisher that focuses on publishing nonfiction books for adults. They also publish children’s books, although they are only open to children’s book submissions at certain times. They focus on publishing manuscripts focusing on the following areas: History, Military History, Self-help, Autobiography, Business, Careers, Environment, How to/Practical Guides, Health,…

The Shore: Now Seeking Submissions

The Shore is a new online poetry journal, established in 2019, dedicated to publishing bold, unexpected poems. They like poems that explore liminality and the power of language to make meaning. You can get a sense of their style by reading the journal online. The Shore is published four times a year online: in the…

Four Common Submission Mistakes

I have been a contest reader, a magazine editor, a literary journal editor, and an e-book editor. In that time I have rejected thousands of poems, articles, short stories, and a couple hundred book manuscripts. In this time I have also accepted a small number of exceptional work. This of course is nothing compared to…

Plough Publishing Company: Open to Queries

Plough Publishing House was founded in 1920. They are an independent publisher of books on faith, society, and spiritual life. They are primarily based in  Walden, New York, with additional branches in the United Kingdom and Australia. Plough is the publishing house of the Bruderhof, which is according to the site “an international movement of…

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