
The Problem of Traditional Publishers With Vanity Presses

Vanity presses have been around for a long time. They charge writers significant amounts of money to get a book published, offering services such as editing, design, and marketing, often for many thousands of dollars. I have many problems with vanity presses in general. More recently, there has been a recent trend of vanity presses…

Aethon Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated July 6th, 2023: They recently updated their submission guidelines and are now open to Thrillers of all types, though with an emphasis on Action, Political, and Military Thrillers. Aethon Books is a print and eBook publisher that focuses on Science Fiction and Fantasy. They are open to all sub-genres within these genres including Hard…

The Rupture: Now Seeking Poetry, Fiction, and Non-Fiction

The Collagist is a literary journal published by Dzanc Books. It was very recently re-named The Rupture. They also got a comprehensive re-design. They are an electronic publication. They publish short fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. They are open to submissions until July 31st. They reopen to submissions in October. They publish one issue every two…

How to Use Personality Theory to Write Real Characters

Katie Lawrence In Bring Your Fiction To Life, Karen S. Wiesner writes about a way to craft your story in a logical and comprehensive way. Writing, from her perspective, is divided into the categories of setting, plot, and, arguably the most important, character. Creating characters something every fiction writer that ever was and ever will…

On Pen Names

I am writing this using a pen name. I write poetry, prose, and nonfiction, and only my prose is published under my legal name. That said, there are plus and minuses to pen names. I don’t think they are for everyone, and after using the same one for almost a decade I wouldn’t chose another…

Allworth Press: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Allworth Press is a non-fiction imprint of Skyhorse Publishing. They have major distribution, and while Skyhorse’s past reputation has been a little mixed, they seem to be doing well for a while now. They have good distribution, decent cover design, and marketing. Allworth publishes books in the following categories:     Graphic Design    …

Sweet Tree Review: Now Seeking Submissions

An established online journal, “obsessed with ineffable connectivity,” Sweet Tree Review is seeking submissions for their Summer 2019 issue. What’s a sweet tree? Whatever you need, and whatever you least expect. You can get an idea by reading Sweet Tree Review online. Since 2016, Sweet Tree Review has been published quarterly online. Now through June…

How to Write a Third Person Biographical Statement

When you read submission guidelines, which vary from literary journal to literary journal, almost all of them will require that you include a brief biographical statement (or bio). Usually they require that the bio is in the third person and to be 50 words or less. These bios are tricky to write. It is hard…

Histria Books: Accepting Submissions

Updated January 14th 2021, Contracts continue to ask for rights in perpetuity. This is in no way standard or acceptable practice. Updated November 3rd 2020 – The last contract I saw asked that the author surrender copyright. This means you could lose all rights to your book. This is in no way standard or acceptable…

Kissing Dynamite: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

A compact journal of twelve poems exploding from a single theme, Kissing Dynamite blows the idea of the single-story narrative apart. They publish a new online edition each month, and they select one poet from the issue to feature with front-page publicity and in-depth commentary. They publish both emerging and establishing authors, and they aim…

5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in June 2019

These literary markets are open during June 2019, though not all are open throughout the month. They are a mix of literary and genre markets, and all of these pay writers.   Neo-opsis Science Fiction Magazine This magazine publishes science fiction and fantasy stories on any theme. They tend not to publish horror. They also…

An Argument for Writing Poetry

One of the funny things about writing poetry is that most writers either think of themselves as a poet or as a writer. This is not in fact the case, poetry is after all just a form of writing. However a lot of writers, even writers with lots of experience and published books out, are…

Amberley Books: Now Seeking Book Proposals

Amberley is a UK based publisher that focuses on publishing historical books. They only publish nonfiction. The books they publish include regional history, specialist history and general history. They have published well over 2,000 titles. Their distributor is Casemates, and their books are widely available, particularly in the UK. They offer writers an advance, but…

Eye to the Telescope: Now Seeking Speculative Poetry

An established online journal of speculative poetry, Eye to the Telescope is seeking submissions for their 33rd issue: “Infection,” edited by Sara Tantlinger. Since 2011, Eye to the Telescope has published science fiction, fantasy, horror, and other speculative poetry in their quarterly, themed journal. The project boasts the backing of the Science Fiction & Fantasy…

The Benefits of Embracing Multiple Forms of Writing

I’ve loved writing since I was a child, but I suppose I didn’t consider myself a ‘real’ writer until I finally published my first novel in 2013. If you’d asked me back then, what else I wrote, I would have said nothing. In my mind, I was a novel writer and nothing more. In fact,…

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