
5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in August 2019

These literary magazines are accepting work during August, and they pay. They are a mix of literary and genre markets, and not all are open until the end of the month, so it is best to get submissions in early. Ruminate Magazine They want fiction and poetry “that engages the contemplative spirit of our journal…

Inside an Independent Bookstore: What Writers Should Know

By David Perez I’m a writer and published author working at Op. Cit., a locally owned, independent bookstore in Taos, New Mexico. Formerly called Moby Dickens, the shop has been in business for thirty years. From my decade of employment there, I’d like to offer a few insights. First, the sheer volume of books published…

Flame Tree Press: Now Seeking Manuscript Submissions

Update December 8th, 2023: Hachette UK recently announced that they became a shareholder of Flame Tree Publishing. Hachette UK has been the companies distributor for a while now. Flame Tree Press is an imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Flame Tree Press focuses on publishing speculative fiction, science fiction, fantasy, horror and crime fiction. They have…

Full Bleed: Now Seeking Submissions

A beautifully designed print and online annual from Maryland Institute College of Art, Full Bleed is seeking poetry, fiction, graphic essays, and nonfiction. Their eclectic aesthetic reflects the broad range of voices that inform contemporary art and design. They welcome conflicting perspectives and evolving ideas, essential to progress. To get a sense of their style,…

Keeping a Writing Career On Track With Query Tracker

Karen McGeorge Sanders Need an agent? Can’t remember which agents or publishers were queried for which project? Query Tracker may be the solution.   Query Tracker (QT) is an online query tracking system that allows users to find agents and publishers in English speaking countries, list those they are querying, and track responses. It was…

How to Engage Your Readers By Editing for Who, What, Where, When Why, & How

— Wendy S. Delmater This is the second article in a series, the first can be read here. As a writer you want your readers fully immersed in your world, as seen through the eyes of a character that they fully identify with. The last, the very last thing you want to do is break…

Sapere Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

They are accepting submissions of crime fiction, mystery, thrillers, romantic fiction, women’s fiction, historical fiction, history, and historical biographies, as well as action and adventure books. You can submit unpublished manuscripts or out-of-print titles. They are a digital first publisher with a focus on thorough editing, good covers, and a fair royalty rate. They also…

Tinfish Press: Now Seeking Submissions

Reopening after 10-year hiatus, Tinfish press is seeking experimental poetry and essays of the Pacific. They are particularly interested in work exploring rage and hope, and they especially like submissions that express a dialogue between these two themes. They value formal ingenuity and extraordinary surprise. Tinfish Press was established in 1995, and since then they’ve…

How to Create a Fan Club for Your Writing on Facebook

By Kia Carrington-Russell I remember starting out as a young author, utterly naïve to the hard work ahead of me and the different ways to connect with readers on a personal level. In my opinion, having a supportive group was a massively influential part of my development as an author. When creating a Facebook Group…

Chandra Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated January 2022: Because of lack of website updates and book publications they appear to be defunct. Do not submit Chandra Press is a digital first press that focuses on publishing science fiction. They do offer print versions of all their books. They have a detailed staff page that is very different than most publishers,…

Juke Joint: Now Seeking Submissions

A gathering place for unconventional poetry, Juke Joint lives up to its namesake. Like the juke joints of the South—structures marking the margins of society, gathering sharecroppers and plantation owners after working hours—Juke Joint magazine celebrates the spirit of rebellion. They’re looking for Southern and non-Southern voices: lyrical, narrative, found, erased, and unclassified. To get…

Knowing When to Rewrite

By Richie Billings I had a sickening moment not long ago. While thinking how best to put the pieces of a story together, I realized none of it worked. It was like trying to place triangles into oblongs.  Before nausea came panic, and when at last they both settled, I realized I had a decision…

Fahrenheit Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Fahrenheit Press is a publisher that focuses on publishing thrillers and crime novels. They are not interested in any books outside of these genres. They are a print and eBook Publisher. It is important to note that they don’t mind re-publishing self-published books, as long as all the rights belong to the author. They are…

Third Point Press: Now Seeking Submissions

Founded by a trio of writers hoping to connect their local writing community with the broader literary world, Third Point Press is an international magazine with strong hometown roots. Each issue showcases writers from Lancaster, York, and Harrisburg, PA, alongside authors from around the globe. To get a sense of what they publish, you can…

5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in July 2019

These literary markets are open during July 2019 – and not all of them are open throughout the month. They are a mix of literary and genre markets, and all of these pay writers. PodCastle ­­­­­They publish fantasy short fiction on their website and as a podcast. They are open to all the sub-genres of…

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