
aunt lute: Accepting Submissions

aunt lute is a multicultural women’s press. Their priority is to publish work by women, both transgender and cisgender, particularly women of color. They publish both fiction and nonfiction. They also publish poetry but only as part of an anthology or a larger prose work. They were founded in 1982. They are distributed by Small…

Storyscape: Now Seeking Submissions

An established online journal, Storyscape sorts all its stories into three categories: “Truth,” “Untruth,” and “We Don’t Know and They Won’t Tell Us.” They’re interested in stories of all kinds—from overheard snippets to carefully crafted masterworks—in all forms and styles. They especially like genre-bending work and stories that employ unexpected storytelling modalities, such as audio…

Five on the Fifth: Now Seeking Submissions

Five on the Fifth is a monthly online journal that publishes five short pieces of writing—horror, fantasy, science fiction, general fiction, flash fiction, and nonfiction—on the fifth of every month. They aim to help emerging authors get their voices heard by maintaining a frequent publication schedule and responding quickly to submissions. Their journal reaches a…

Five Journals Open to Submissions this February

All of these literary journals just re-opened to submissions on February 1st. As always, all of the literary journals do not have a reading fee. The literary journals are in no particular order. Switchback Switchback Journal is an online publication of the MFA in Writing Program at the University of San Francisco.  They publish a variety…

Skylight Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Skylight Press is a small, UK-based publisher. They publish 12 books every year. They publish serious esoteric and occult books (focusing on things like paganism, and Arthurian/Grail traditions), as well as literary fiction, and non-fiction with a history or horticultural focus. They also consider literary analysis, although they do not publish much of it. They…

Thimble: Now Seeking Submissions

A brand-new, beautifully designed online magazine, Thimble focuses on publishing poetry. Thimble is looking for work that speaks to writers. They suggest that submitting authors ask, “Does this piece of writing give me shelter?” Though they primarily publish poetry, they also accept short stories, essays, and interviews. You can get a sense of their style…

Finding Your Squad: Online Book Promotion as Community

By Alicia Sophia In March 2018, I signed with RhetAskew Publishing. It is a traditional small press publisher, with an independent feel to it. Part of their contract is that authors must do their own marketing and networking. My first novel 1,4,3 was released in December 2018. It is a work of LGBT Literary Fiction….

An Argument for Writing Short Stories

“Write a short story every week. It’s not possible to write 52 bad short stories in a row.’ — Ray Bradbury “A good [short story] would take me out of myself and then stuff me back in, outsized, now, and uneasy with the fit.” -David Sedaris Writers who are serious about improving and developing their…

The Pros and Cons of Publishing with Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

By Logan Stoves Recently, I just published my first book with Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and I couldn’t be prouder of myself. After my experiences, I believe KDP is one of the easiest ways to publish your book if you’re looking to self-publish. However, I would recommend you do your research on Amazon while…

McSweeney’s: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

UPDATED October 2022: They have been closed to submissions for over two years now. McSweeney’s is one of my personal favorite publishers. They publish literary fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. I own a large number of the books they have published in the last decade. McSweeney’s was founded in 1998 by Dave Eggers. They originally started out…

Booth: Now Seeking Submissions

Established in 2009 by the MFA students at Butler University’s writing program, Booth publishes one new piece every Friday online as well as two aesthetically arresting print editions each year. They like rich stories and impactful poems in both experimental and traditional packaging. Booth publishes unique voices—both emerging and established—from all backgrounds. You can get…

Common Mistakes Authors Make when Promoting their Work

By Gary Roen Often authors who are new to marketing make mistakes while promoting their book. The most important among them is not treating publishing as a business. Having been in the industry in many different capacities for a long time, I’ve seen many blunders, made a few myself, and now know better how to…

Waywiser: Accepting Queries

UPDATE July 2022: They seem closed indefinitely to prose submissions, and charge for poetry submissions. Waywiser is a small independent press based in the UK.  They host a yearly contest called The Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize, but they charge a fee for that. They seem to focus on literary prose and poetry. They publish fiction…

Asheville Poetry Review: Now Seeking Submissions

An established and respected print journal of poems, essays, translations, interviews, book reviews, and historical perspectives, Asheville Poetry Review garners an international audience. Widely distributed in the United States, Canada, and Europe, this roughly 200-page poetry journal is well-known and well-loved. Since 1994 Asheville Poetry Review has published over 1,700 emerging and established authors from…

Four Letterpress Chapbook Publishers

Stephanie Katz Old-fashioned letterpress chapbooks are making a comeback as writers and readers appreciate handmade books as true pieces of art. Many famous poets, such as Walt Whitman and Edgar Allan Poe, self-published letterpress chapbooks. Though many letterpress companies will print self-published chapbooks for a fee, the list of letterpresses below are actual publishers that…

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