
SmokeLong Quarterly: Now Seeking Flash Fiction Submissions

SmokeLong Quarterly is a respected online journal established in 2003 dedicated exclusively to flash fiction. They take their name from the Chinese moniker for flash fiction–smokelong story–a tale that can be read in the time it takes to smoke a cigarette. They are looking for uncommon flashes that employ surprising language, purposeful fiction arising from…

Twelve Famous Authors Who Didn’t Get Published Until Their Fifties (Or Older)

Often people tell me they are too old to become a writer. Sometimes these people are in their thirties or forties, sometimes they are in their fifties and sixties. But the fact remains the same, no matter how old you are, you are not to0 old to become a writer. Many authors started writing later…

Speaking Volumes Redirects Submissions to Hybrid Imprint

As part of our Guiding Principles at Authors Publish we promise to only review traditional publishers. We have been following our guiding principles for five years now, and we like to think they define who we are as a publication. We always ask subscribers to update us if a press we have reviewed has started…

Belle Lutte Press: Accepting Submissions

UPDATED January 2020, no longer publishing books. Consider defunct. Belle Lutte Press is a small press with the motto “Let’s bring exceptionalism back to the masses”. They published their first two books in 2016 and they have published one book since then, with one more scheduled to be released soon. They focus on publishing literary…

Threadcount: Now Seeking Submissions

Threadcount is an online journal of short form hybrid literature seeking textural, experimental poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and other hybrid texts. They want work that weaves layer upon layer in a small, dense, textile-like space. They are interested in work that questions the boundaries of genre and refuses classification. Submitting authors can read Threadcount online to…

Finding Productive Space for Writing

By Tina Jenkins Bell                      Last summer as I worked on the edits for the last few sections of my novel, I needed an alternative to my home office–sans environmental distractions and personal interruptions, like “baby, would yous” from my husband–as I dashed toward ‘The End’. I knew I needed to find a spot suitable for…

Versify: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Update: They have been closed to general submissions for a year now but plan to re-open to general submissions in the future. Versify, a new imprint of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Books for Young Readers, is accepting submissions via email. Versify was started by the Newberry Award winning author Kwame Alexander, who you can learn more…

Four Way Review: Now Seeking Submissions

From the respected nonprofit, independent press Four Way Books, Four Way Review is an online literary journal launched in 2012 in celebration of the press’s fortieth anniversary. They publish poetry and fiction from both emerging and established authors. Four Way Review accepts submissions year-round. They publish two editions a year, and each issue contains work…

10 Paying Markets for Translators

September is National Translation Month in the United States. To celebrate, here is a list of markets that pay for translations of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry – all of these are currently open for submissions. Most of these journals or magazines also pay for original work in English. Also see National Translation Month website, which…

Nightscape Press: Accepting Submissions

Update January 17th, 2022: They haven’t published a book since 2020, even though they updated their site multiple times. They are no longer open to submissions and I would consider them defunct. Nightscape Press publishes horror, weird fiction, science fiction, and fantasy novels of at least 60,000 words and YA novels within the same genres…

Trigger Warning: Now Seeking Fiction Submissions

Trigger Warning is an online zine of pulpy short fiction published with pictures. They aim to capture the feel of the cheap rag digests of the 70’s and 80’s with two-tone illustrations. They’re looking for science fiction, horror, fantasy, and noir, or anything else that would fit in on The Twilight Zone. John Skewes, a…

4 Things Writers Need To Know About Author Readings

— Written by Lev Raphael I’ve done hundreds of invited talks and readings on three different continents and I love being out there with my writing—it’s a dream come true. But even though I’m an extrovert, I found doing readings more challenging than I expected when I started out touring twenty-five books ago. I’d had…

Thirteen Famous Authors Who Were Rejected

One of the ways I comfort myself when I face yet another rejection letter is to think about the number of rejection letters J.K. Rowling received while she was attempting to publish Harry Potter. I also think of the five years Agatha Christie spent trying to get her first novel published. I have not spent…

Acre Books: Accepting Queries

Updated August 1st, 2024 Acre Books is an imprint of The Cincinnati Review. They focus on publishing fiction, nonfiction, hybrid forms and poetry. They are particularly interested in working with debut writers. They are not accepting submissions of full manuscripts. They ask that authors query first. Their website focuses on selling books, not on recruiting…

Hypnopomp: Now Seeking Submissions

Hypnopomp is an online journal of uncanny, surreal, odd, and experimental fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. The hypnopompic state is the ungraspable borderline between waking and sleeping, the undefinable point at which the oceanic dream world meets the shore of daily life. It’s the moment just before coming to, when dreams appear real and reality…

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