
The Pangolin Review: Now Seeking Submissions

The Pangolin Review is a new online poetry journal based in Mauritius and edited by Amit Parmessur, a poet who (of course) loves poetry. Their first issue was released this year on January 8th, and they plan to release a new issue every other month on the 8th, totaling six issues a year. The most…

The Experiment: Accepting Submissions

The Experiment was an independent publisher launched in 2008. Since 2011 they have been an imprint of Workman Publishing.  They publish a range of nonfiction, focusing on practical things such as food (one of the bestsellers they have published is the Forks over Knives Cookbook), health and fitness, psychology and personal development, parenting, relationships, sexuality,…

Taxicab Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Born out of a craving for more literature to love, Taxicab Magazine was, according to its makers, “thrown into a frying pan with the hesitancy of all great things.” It’s an American venture by creed, pioneering and accepting all corners of our shared and partitioned selves. They like novelties, shake-ups, and progress. They believe in…

Soho Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Update November 2022: They have been closed to unagented submissions for over two years now. I do not anticipate that they will reopen to them. Soho Press is an established and respected literary independent publisher based out of New York. They also have two imprints, Soho Crime and Soho Teen, neither of which are open…

Kingdoms in the Wild: Now Seeking Submissions

Kingdoms in the Wild, an online literary magazine launched in 2016, is seeking poetry and fiction that moves readers beyond popular issues to the underlying heart of communication, which mends all fractures. They want to showcase writing that represents the broad spectrum of our meaning-making systems, writing from all of our vast human fields: histories,…

How to Manage the Tone Of Your Author’s Page

— Lizbeth Meredith Glimpse my social media and you’ll notice my posts mimic those braggadocio holiday newsletters I’ve come to loathe. The newsletters that incessantly boast things like My daughter won the lead in the Christmas play! My son is an Olympic gold medalist! Our family went on three exotic vacations this year, and they…

Workman Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

UPDATE: As of July 2022 they are closed to unsolicited submissions. It is not clear if they plan to reopen. Workman Publishing is a large independent publishing company that now includes a number of separate imprints (most started out as their own companies and were purchased by Workman). The imprints include large established companies like…

Arkana: Now Seeking Submissions

Launched in 2016 by the students of the Arkansas Writers’ MFA Program at the University of Central Arkansas, Arkana is an online magazine of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, scriptwriting, translations, book reviews, illustrated narratives, and artwork. They aim to give a voice to the silent, a light to the mysterious, and a home to the…

How to Re-Capture the Love of Writing

By Abigail Shepard I don’t believe in writer’s block. I think there’s always something to write, and every writer I know has a huge file or notebook of ideas that haven’t yet seen the light of day. The problem comes from worrying too much about how you’re going to write it, or, sometimes, just not…

Making Connections: Marketing Tips for Writers

By Richard Billing Marketing is perhaps one of the trickiest parts of the writing process. You’ve just spent months writing a book, the last thing you want to do is slave away on the web trying to unlock the magic code of getting it noticed. I’ve tried various things—paid ads, joining forums and groups, going…

Tell-Tale Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated February 2025: They appear to only be regularly publishing anthologies now, and their social media has grown a lot less active. Tell-Tale Publishing is a small press founded in 2009. They seem to focus primarily on eBooks but also they have print options (largely print on demand). They publish six imprints which include Dahlia…

Cold Creek Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Cold Creek Review is an online journal of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and artwork that aims to submerge readers in the deep, icy waters of unsettling emotion. They hope to uncover the aesthetics of suffering, the beauty within pain. Each submission is reviewed individually by an editorial staff who discusses the work as a team, giving…

How to Format Your Fiction Manuscript for Submission

by Wendy S. Delmater Always, always read the guidelines very carefully and give an editor exactly what they ask for. Formatting-wise, most places either ask for Standard Manuscript Formatting or Shunn Manuscript Formatting. Things are shifting from Standard Formatting to Shunn. Here is how they work, and why they are shifting. In the Standard Manuscript…

Penny Candy Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Penny Candy Books is a publishing company focused on children’s picture books that was founded in 2015 by two poets who met in graduate school. It is a newer company but they seem off to a good start with interviews in various established publications and by publishing eight books, most to positive reviews by places…

Mookychick—Now Seeking Submissions of Stories, Essays, and Reviews

Launched in 2005, Mookychick—an online publisher of fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and reviews—has evolved into a community forum for just about everything. Eclectic and inclusive, they aim to connect like minds of all varieties. From fashion to faith and everything beyond, upside-down, and in-between—Mookychick wants to know about it. The best way to get a sense…

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