
7 Ways To Stay Motivated In Your Writing

By Kelli Fitzpatrick A former student recently emailed me asking how I stay motivated to write. As a full-time teacher, I am under a constant barrage of demands on my attention, but writing is too important to let slip. The following are my best pieces of advice for keeping your eyes on the prize. Create…

Boyds Mill Press: Now Accepting Submissions

Updated July 2019 Boyds Mill Press was owned by Highlights for Children. They are an award winning publisher of children’s books. In 2019 they were sold to Kane Miller and are now known as and is now Boyds Mills & Kane.

DIAGRAM: Open to Submissions

As our name indicates, we’re interested in representations. In naming. In indicating. In schematics. In the labeling and taxonomy of things. In poems that masquerade as stories; in stories that disguise themselves as indices or obituaries. DIAGRAM is an online literary journal that has over a million visitors per month. They have a reputation for…

Our Eleven Most Popular Articles of 2016

Of the many articles we published on writing and publishing this year, the following eleven were our most popular in the magazine and on Facebook. They also had the most positive feedback in terms of emails and comments. It is interesting to see the range of ideas these articles cover within the realm of writing….

The Twelve Best Literary Journals: 2016 Edition

Out of all the literary journals we reviewed this year the following 12 are our personal favorites. They run a wide gamut, from highly respected to new and intriguing. If a literary journal you admire is not on this list it is probably for one of the following reasons: We didn’t review that literary journal…

Albert Whitman & Company: Now Seeking Book Manuscripts

In 2020 they had a serious non payment issues with a number of authors. As authors and agents came forward with these stories, information about other questionable practices came to light. You can read all about these issues here. In 2021 Publishers Weekly published a follow up article, where some of the issues are addressed…

The Perch: Now Seeking Submissions

Produced by the Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health, The Perch is a non-academic literary journal dedicated to publishing poetry, prose, visual art, and music related to mental health. They see The Perch as a place from which readers can gain perspective, and then fly off to new altitudes. They are interested in work…

10 Tips for Staying Active When Your Work Is Sedentary

Written By Jean Knight Pace For most of my married life, my primary job was to be an at-home mother. I played with my kids and managed our household, working on my writing at night and in the quiet crevices of my days. My first novel, Grey Stone, was written like this. And then, last…

Sterling Publishing: Now Accepting Book Submissions

UPDATED January 10th, 2021, they rebranded as Union Square Press and are no longer open to general submissions Sterling Publishing is owned by Barnes and Noble. They put it for sale a couple of years ago, but then after a period of time pulled it from the market. During this whole period Sterling has continued…

Wildness: Now Seeking Submissions

Wildness is an online literary magazine based in the United Kingdom, founded in 2015. They publish poetry and prose that explores the unknown, evokes the far-away voice of all that’s lost. They seek work by both emerging and established writers, and they showcase a wide variety of styles and literary forms. To get a sense…

The Truth About Copyright

I am not a copyright lawyer. I would never claim to be. But I am a writer, a writer whose work has been published widely, so I have figured out a thing or two about how copyright does and does not work. This article focuses mainly on copyright in terms of literary journals, but it…

Little Pickle Press: Now Accepting Book Submissions

Updated March 27, 2018: Little Pickle Press was acquired by Sourcebooks. No word yet on how this will change submissions etc. But you can learn more here. Little Pickle Press is a publisher in the process of re-branding to become March 4th, INC. They seem to be taking their time at the re-branding because both…

Small Beer Press: Now Accepting Book Submissions

Updated February 2024: Due to ongoing health issues they are closed to submissions for the foreseeable future.  Small Beer Press has now been around for over a decade and published some rather well known authors including Ursula K. Le Guin. They publish literary work leaning towards the speculative. Although, to really know what they publish…

Belletrist: Now Seeking Submissions

Belletrist is an online and print journal produced by the students at Bellevue College. They are looking for poetry, fiction, nonfiction, playwriting, graphic literature, and art that wants to get noticed. They publish work by both emerging and established writers from around the country, as well as work by the students at Bellevue College. They…

Query Etiquette: Lessons I’ve Learned From Literary Agents

Sixteen years ago I received a request for a full manuscript from UK literary agent Laetitia Rutherford. The manuscript was my first serious complete work of literary fiction and I was blinded by excitement. Ms. Rutherford was kind enough to send me line edits on the entire manuscript. She even called me from the UK…

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