Literary Journals Publishing Creative Non Fiction

Fahmidan: Now Seeking Submissions

Fahmidan is an online quarterly of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They aim to publish a wide range of voices from around the world, and to inspire a wide range of emotions in their readers: “Send us your thought provoking existentialism, your phobias, your darkest moments. Entrance us with your whimsical fantasy. Move us to tears…

Long River Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Long River Review is produced by the undergraduate students at the University of Connecticut. They aim to champion emerging writers and unheard voices of all kinds: “Here at Long River Review, we want to publish new voices: voices from the mouth of the river and beyond, voices drowned out by other voices, voices that might…

Crab Creek Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Crab Creek Review is an established print journal of poetry and creative nonfiction, founded in 1983. They publish both emerging and established writers, and they have a long list of well-known authors who have been featured in past issues: Naomi Shihab Nye, Dorianne Laux, Ilya Kaminsky, and more. You can get a sense of what…

The Afterpast Review: Now Seeking Submissions

The Afterpast Review is an online feminist magazine led by youth and dedicated to amplifying underrepresented voices. Although they accept writing from authors of all ages and genders, they especially hope to celebrate and uplift the voices of girls and young women from around the world. Most authors published in The Afterpast Review are under…

Talon Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Talon Review is an online publication based out of the University of North Florida. They are funded by the Amy R. Wainright Endowment. They started out focused only on publishing student work, but since 2018 they have been open to submissions from anyone.  They publish stories, essays, poems, and hybrid work as well as art,…

Immigration Diaries: Now Seeking Submissions

Immigration Diaries is a new online journal of stories about immigration. They aim to connect and empower those who have experienced immigration, or have been affected by it, through the communal act of sharing stories. The editor of the journal is a Chinese-American immigrant who found comfort in reading about people with similar experiences. She…

Great Ape: Now Seeking Submissions

UPDATED June 30th, 2023: Great Ape has unexpectedly closed permanently to submissions as of late yesterday/early today, after this review was sent out. We apologize for the inconvenience. Great Ape is a literary journal of absurdist humor. They publish humorous fiction (including flash), nonfiction, and poetry, and they’ve been around since 2019. Each edition is…

Rushing Thru the Dark: Now Seeking Drama Submissions

Rushing Thru the Dark, a print and digital annual produced by Choeofpleirn Press, is a journal entirely dedicated to publishing one-act plays and short screenplays. They’re looking for dramas with engaging dialogue and scene descriptions, clear plots, and strong character development. Choeofpleirn Press also publishes a journal called Coneflower Café for short fiction and a…

Book of Matches: Now Seeking Submissions

Book of Matches is an online journal of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, established in 2020. They aim to “celebrate the best in humanity through the very real magic of words.” They’re interested in both the knowing that comes through living, and the unknowing too. You can get a sense of what they publish by…

Lunaris Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Lunaris Review is an international journal of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry, based in Nigeria. They aim to “embrace creativity from every corner of the earth” and to create a space where diverse narratives can “thrive symbiotically.” The journal celebrates ideas and artful aesthetics from around the world. Lunaris is published twice a year as…

Emerge Literary Journal: Now Seeking Submissions

Emerge is a literary journal completely dedicated to publishing emerging authors: “Whether you’re a new writer, a writer new to publishing, or a writer with experience experimenting with their style of work, we dedicate ourselves to you.” They publish free-verse poetry and flash prose in a broad range of voices. Launched in 2011, Emerge Literary…

The Saltbush Review: Now Seeking Submissions

The Saltbush Review is an online journal affiliated with the JM Coetzee Centre for Creative Practice at the University of Adelaide in South Australia. They publish both emerging and established authors of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. At the Saltbush Review, they’re looking for writing that’s both rooted and boundaryless: “Like the grey saltbush which blooms…

The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts: Now Seeking Submissions

The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts is an online publisher of shortform writing like micro fiction/nonfiction, flash writing, and prose poetry. The journal is a project of Matter Press. They pay contributors $50 per published piece. At The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts they believe, “that something very small can add up to something very…

Arboreal Literary Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Arboreal Literary Magazine is a new print and digital publication of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual art. They aim to create a publication that nurtures artistic growth by showcasing a wide range of voices and encouraging creative risk-taking. Arboreal is published online as a downloadable journal, and their next issue will also be published in…

The Berlin Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Updated  April 1oth: The Berlin Review has reached capacity for this submission period, and has closed to submissions. The Berlin Review is a new online journal of literature and art, produced and published in Berlin, Germany. They “just want good writing,” regardless of trends. They aim to publish a diverse range of voices, both emerging…

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