Literary Journals Publishing Always open to submissions

Collaborature: Now Seeking Submissions

Collaborature is a new online journal dedicated to publishing collaborative writing: “Minds can be opened, much can be learned, and creativity can flourish in collaboration with others.” They are looking for work that is written by more than one author, or writing that collaborates with (or responds to) visual art or other forms of artistic…

Wrong Turn Lit: Now Seeking Submissions

Wrong Turn Lit is an online journal of writing that takes risks. Their goal is, “To publish based on quality of story and language above all else, no matter how “wrong” someone (anyone) may feel about that.” They publish fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Wrong Turn Lit has been published online since 2022, and they offer…

Milk Candy Review: Now Seeking Flash Fiction Submissions

Milk Candy Review is a weekly online journal of flash fiction. They publish a new flash (almost) every Thursday. And every Monday they follow that up with a two-question interview with the author who was published the previous week. Numerous flashes published in Milk Candy Review have been selected for anthologies and awards, such as…

Ballast: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

Ballast is a brand-new online poetry journal. They hope to showcase a broad range of poetic forms, including long poems, visual poems, translations, and more. And they’re open to all styles. They just want poetry that makes an impact and makes meaning: “Send us your ports in the storm. Send us your storms.” Ballast hasn’t…

The Whisky Blot: Now Seeking Submissions

The Whisky Blot is a new online literary journal, dedicated to publishing short fiction, poetry, and haiku. They also will publish one annual “best of” print journal, and plan to split the profits between the contributors. They say they are seeking work that is seriously literary, but without pretension. The short fiction they publish is…

Flash Fiction Magazine: Now Accepting Submissions

Flash Fiction Magazine publishes one piece of flash per day of the year. They are always open to submissions. Their general submissions are free, but they also have a contest. The deadline for the contest is whenever they reach 130 submissions, and it does cost $30  to enter, but everyone who enters will get extensive…

Voyage: Now Accepting Submissions

Voyage is a paying market that focuses on publishing young adult (YA) fiction, as well as craft essays and young adult creative nonfiction. They are open year-round, and their general submissions are fee-free. They pay $200 for most creative nonfiction and fiction, and $50 per craft essay. The editor is an author Racquel Henry. They…

Bright Flash Literary Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Bright Flash is a brand new online journal of flash fiction and nonfiction. They launched this year in June, and since then they’ve published eight shorts online. They accept a wide range of styles, and the best way to get a sense of their aesthetic is to read what they’ve published so far online. Bright…

Coastal Shelf: Now Seeking Submissions

Coastal Shelf is a brand new online journal of poetry and prose paying authors at least $20 per published piece. After over twenty years of experience working at other literary magazines, editor Zebulon Huset wanted to do things differently. In addition to paying authors for their work (often well over $20), he provides constructive feedback…

Ghost Parachute: Now Seeking Submissions

Ghost parachute is an established online journal of flash fiction. They publish daring, unexpected flashes that explore the grey outside traditional black and white boundaries. They especially like surrealist fiction. You can get a sense of their style by reading the journal online. Since 2016, Ghost Parachute has been published once a month online. Each…

Scribble: Now Accepting Submissions

Scribble is a bi-monthly electronic literary journal. They were founded in 2018 and are known for their vibrant and creative covers. Scribble is a member of the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP). They are always open to submissions of flash fiction and short stories. Even the short stories they publish are not particularly…

The Clearing: Now Seeking Submissions

The Clearing is an established online journal published by Little Toller Books, a well-loved independent press committed to reviving old nature classics and books about rural living in the British Isles. They’ve received numerous accolades, and The Independent calls them “a small but discerning press.” The Clearing is an online space for authors and artists…

Flint Hills Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Flint Hills Review is a well-established print annual produced at Emporia State University. Published and distributed nationally for 24 years, Flint Hills Review has made its mark by redefining “regional writing.” They have a particular interest in writing that explores the Midwest—especially the ways in which ethnicity, gender, and relationships appear in Midwestern culture. Flint…

Small Orange: Now Seeking Submissions

A new online poetry journal, Small Orange is seeking aesthetically pleasing, meaningful verse in all forms and styles. Published three times a year in October, January, and April, each issue of Small Orange showcases seven poets and one visual artist, and includes one interview. Small Orange also occasionally considers creative nonfiction for publication. The visual…

Cotton Xenomorph: Now Seeking Submissions

A new, fast-growing online literary journal offering brilliant poetry and fiction as an alternative to the language of oppression. Cotton Xenomorph hopes to broadcast new voices and contribute to conversations on social justice. You can get an idea of what they publish by reading the journal online. Cotton Xenomorph is published online on a rolling…

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