Literary Journals Publishing Always open to submissions

200 CCs: Now Accepting Submissions

A new online publication, 200 CCs publishes one 200-word story each week. Though short, the stories in 200 CCs aren’t vignettes. Rather, they’re complete, condensed narratives. Like concentrated juice, the micro-stories in 200 CCs are punchy and impactful. They’re easy to read but hard to forget; they’re small stories that make a big entrance and…

Strangelet: Now Accepting Submissions

Exploring universal truths from the decks of starships, the mouths of dragons, and the kitchen sinks of miraculously ordinary humans, Strangelet is a unique literary universe. From the collision of literary art and entertaining genre, Strangelet emerges. Their stories are made of magical realism, fantasy, and science fiction—anything that takes us to another world or…

Michigan Quarterly Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Michigan Quarterly Review is an interdisciplinary journal publishing poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as critical essays addressing social, cultural, political, and literary topics. Eclectic, thought provoking, and refined, Michigan Quarterly Review aims to spark the intellect of its bright-minded readers. They publish work by contemporary cornerstones—Joyce Carol Oats, John Updike, Margaret Atwood, Carol…

Failbetter: Now Accepting Submissions

Failbetter is an online journal of prose and poetry launched in 2000 with the aim of publishing writing that’s as unique as the writers who make it. It’s a writer’s journal, driving experimentation by fueling writers with author interviews, blog posts about the writing life, and discussions about the contemporary literary community. They like work…

Smartish Pace: Now Accepting Poetry

Smartish Pace is a print literary journal that focuses on publishing quality poems by emerging and established poets. They are open to submissions year round. It takes them about 8 months to respond to most submissions. Each issue has well chosen cover art. They publish a number of poems as well as reviews, interviews, and…

SOFTBLOW: Now Accepting Poetry

SOFTBLOW is an online literary journal based out of Singapore that publishes only English language poetry. They publish work by three poets every month. SOFTBLOW usually publishes 3-5 poems per poet, and they are placed on the same page, underneath the author’s biography. SOFTBLOW is a good place to submit to because a lot of…

Maudlin House

Maudlin House is an e-journal that publishes one new issue every month. They publish flash fiction, fiction, videos, art, and poems. They are not averse to publishing genre work. They are particularly interested in publishing work that explores the human condition. They try to respond to all submissions within two weeks. They accept a little…

Bartleby Snopes: Accepting Short Story Submissions

Update: This Journal is Now Closed as of December 30th 2016 Bartlby Snopes is an online literary journal that publishes two stories per week, all year long. They also publish a semi-annual print edition that includes selected stories that they have previously published online. They do not pay contributors, however they do run a contest…

After The Pause: A Publisher of Poetry, Flash Fiction, and Visual Art

Update: Permanently Closed to Submissions After the Pause is an electronic literary journal that publishes one issue per season. They are always open to submissions. They publish each issue on the electronic magazine site Issuu. They publish poetry, flash fiction, and visual art. They plan to publish their first yearly print anthology in January 2016….

The Missouri Review: Accepting Submissions

The Missouri Review is a literary journal that has been around for over 30 years and they publish four quality print issues a year. Digital editions are now also available. They publish short stories, poetry, and non-fiction. Work that first appeared in The Missouri Review has been anthologized in Best American Short Stories, Best American…

Scrutiny: Open to Submissions

Scrutiny is a new electronic literary journal that publishes fiction. All the fiction that they publish could be categorized as magic realism. They ask that you don’t submit fantasy. Magic realism is often defined by the matter-of-fact inclusion of fantastic or mythical elements They have yet to publish their first issue. However, their site is…

Haiku Journal: an Approachable Haiku Market

Founded over four years ago, Haiku Journal publishes traditional haiku poetry. Because they want every poem to “appear clean” in honor of the tradition, poems are published with an emphasis on minimalism. This means that published poems will remain untitled, though appropriately attributed to the poets. The editor, Glenn Lyvers, writes that, like many of…

BALLOONS Lit. Journal (BLJ): Accepting Submissions

BALLOONS Lit. Journal (BLJ) is an electronic literary journal of poetry, fiction and art that is primarily aimed at young readers aged around 10-16. They have a beautiful and easy to navigate website. BLJ is based out of Hong Kong. However they only publish English language writing. They are planning to publish their inaugural issue…

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