Literary Journals

Milk Candy Review: Now Seeking Flash Fiction Submissions

Milk Candy Review is a weekly online journal of flash fiction. They publish a new flash (almost) every Thursday. And every Monday they follow that up with a two-question interview with the author who was published the previous week. Numerous flashes published in Milk Candy Review have been selected for anthologies and awards, such as…

The Garlic Press: Now Seeking Submissions

The Garlic Press is a quarterly online magazine of “extra pungent poetry and prose”. They’re looking for memorable writing in all forms, from traditional to experimental. They just want writing that makes an impact: “We’re looking for work that stings us awake and leaves us revitalized, fortified against the viruses of apathy and inattention.” They…

Dulcet: Now Seeking Submissions

Dulcet a new journal of accessible, hopeful fiction, poetry, and visual art. They’re looking for writing with “vulnerability and relatability.” Writing that, “takes readers on a journey and leaves them changed for the better.” Writing submitted to Dulcet doesn’t need to have a happy ending, but it should have a sense of meaning and transformational…

The Brussels Review: Now Accepting Submissions

A new print and electronic literary journal based in Belgium, The Brussels Review focuses on publishing poetry, fiction, interviews, essays, and art. They share that they “are particularly committed to promoting non-native English writers and translations, while also welcoming works from English native creators. Our goal is to create a rich tapestry of perspectives, experiences,…

Thought Magicians: Now Seeking Submissions

This new online literary journal is focused on philosophy. In fact as they state on their website: “Our only strict criterium is the presence of philosophical value that is expressed textually.” If you want to learn more about the platform and the people behind it, their about page is very helpful. They are based in…

25 Respected Literary Journals

The literary journals and magazines on this list reject the vast majority of what is submitted to them. Sometimes established authors’ works are rejected for years, decades even, before they receive an acceptance. But these literary journals are respected and trusted. Most have a large readership and good distribution in libraries and bookstores. Many of…

The Writers’ Journal: Now Seeking Submissions

The Writers’ Journal is a new online journal of fiction, creative nonfiction, and prose poetry, “dedicated to celebrating the art of storytelling.” They hope to showcase stories that, “inspire curiosity, provoke introspection, and foster connections between cultures.” They are seeking writing from both emerging and established authors from around the world. The Writers’ Journal is…

Icebreakers Lit: Now Seeking Submissions

Icebreakers Lit is all about collaboration. They publish collaborative poetry, flash writing, fiction, creative nonfiction, and “everything else”—written by two or more authors. Also, when requested, they help to pair authors for collaborations: “Icebreakers is about fostering connection within the lit community.” Icebreakers Lit also loves meaningful chaos and unbridled creativity. They like surprising writing…

Litmosphere: Now Seeking Submissions

Litmosphere is an online journal of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and flash writing. The journal is published by Charlotte Lit Press, an imprint of Charlotte Center for Literary Arts, a nonprofit in North Carolina. Litmosphere wants the process of submitting to be positive and connective, regardless of the outcome: “We’ve envisioned Litmosphere as an oasis in…

Blue Unicorn: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

Blue Unicorn is long-running and well-loved print poetry journal. Founded in 1977, the journal has been published for almost 50 years. And since its inception it has welcomed both free verse and formal poetry with equal enthusiasm. Blue Unicorn especially appreciates formal poems that seem effortless (even though they require a great deal of effort…

Antiphony: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

Antiphony is a new online poetry journal and press. According to the editor, they plan to keep their issues small—their first edition features only fifteen poems—so that each piece of writing gets the attention it deserves. And every submission is reviewed by a single editor. Antiphony accepts submissions from both emerging and established authors year-round,…

Verdant: Now Seeking Submissions

Verdant is an online journal of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and artwork. They aim to publish vibrant writing, “to ignite the imagination of readers, transporting them to new worlds through captivating storytelling, evocative poetry, insightful essays, and visually stunning artwork.” They also hope to create a community that fosters the growth of new and emerging…

Prune Juice: Now Seeking Submissions of Senryu and Related Forms

Founded in 2009, Prune Juice is the longest-running literary journal completely dedicated to publishing English language Senryu and related forms, such as Kyoka, Haibun, Haiga, and Rengay. They aim to explore new frontiers of Senryu as an artform, and to publish the best they can find. Poems published in Prune Juice have appeared in prestigious…

Channel: Now Seeking Submissions

Based in Ireland, Channel is a print journal that publishes writing about nature and the environment: “We publish work from Ireland and abroad that displays and celebrates the relationships between plant and animal life, landscape and humanity.” Founded in 2019 as a response to the climate crisis, Channel hopes to use literature to help restore…

Twelve Mile Review: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

Update June 1st 2024: They have closed to submissions after receiving enough submissions. They say “We will begin reading for Winter 2024 on July 1, 2024.” Twelve Mile Review is a biannual print publication of poetry, established in 2021 and edited by two poets. They publish a wide range of forms and styles, but they…

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