
Ryland Peters & Small and CICO Books: Accepting Proposals

Ryland Peters & Small (RPS) and CICO Books is an independent, illustrated publisher that publishes books focused on interior design, food and drink, craft, mindfulness and spirituality, health, humour and pop culture. They also publish children’s books. It’s easy to get a feel for what they publish here. RPS was started in 1995 by David…

Victory Belt Publishing: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Updated July 31st, 2024. While their website is still active they don’t appear to be actively publishing or promoting books anymore. I would not submit. Victory Belt Publishing is distributed by Penguin Random House, and is one of the biggest publishers in terms of the Ketogenic and Paleo diets, and have published a number of…

Nourish: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Nourish is an imprint of Watkins Publishing, which was established in 1893. It is a UK based press with good distribution through Penguin Random House. Nourish focuses on publishing work related to “food and drink”, whereas Watkins as a whole focuses on ” mind, body & spirit”. Watkins Publishing is not currently open to submissions…

Prestel: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Prestel is an imprint of Penguin Random House that focuses on art, architecture, design, and photography. If you’ve been to more than one major art gallery opening in the past decade in North America, chances are you’ve encountered one of their many exhibit catalogues. Their logo was immediately familiar to me for this reason. The…

Stone Pier Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated Jan 21, 2025. They are currently only open to submissions of books about sustainable gardening. Stone Pier Press is a niche publisher that describes themselves as “an environmental publishing company with a food focus.” They are a San Francisco based non-profit focused towards a climate-friendly food system. They say they do this by “publishing…

Cider Mill Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals

UPDATED August 11, 2023. They now appear permently closed to submissions. Cider Mill Press was an independent publisher of cookbooks,  humor books, children’s books and a variety of nonfiction related to alcohol.  In  late 2022 Harper Focus acquired Cider Mill Press. Most of what they publish could be loosely categorized as “gift books”. They are…

Guernica Editions: Now Open to Manuscript Submissions

Updated March 12th 2021: In spite of not stating this on their website, Guernica makes it clear that they need additional funds to publish books by international authors, either through pre-agreed book purchases, and/or “external funding”. They say this is to make up for the money they would lose by not receiving funding by the…

Pelican Publishing Company: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated August 2023 Pelican Publishing Company is a publisher based out of New Orleans. They have been around for a long time and they published William Faulkner’s first trade paperback book. They have a back list of over 2,500 titles. They publish around 30 titles a year. They now focus on publishing adult nonfiction, including…

Artisan Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

UPDATE: As of July 2022 they are closed to unsolicited submissions. It is not clear if they plan to reopen. Artisan focuses on publishing visual-heavy nonfiction books. The visuals themselves vary between photography, illustration, or graphic design, but the idea is that these books communicate ideas and lessons because of their strong visual components. Most…

Gibbs Smith: Now Accepting Book Submissions

Updated October 2022 Gibbs Smith is an established publisher with good distribution and a focus on cook books, interior design and architecture books, and board books for children. They have published a number of bestsellers, including a board book version of Pride & Prejudice. For small children they publish activity books, picture books, and board…

The Quarto Publishing Group: Now Accepting Book Proposals

The Quarto Publishing Group is an international publishing house known for its illustrated books. They publish most of their work through a number of niche imprints each with their own focus. All of their US imprints are distributed by Hachette. Their imprints are all nonfiction. They publish a lot of cookbooks and gift books. They…

Page Street Publishing: Now Accepting Book Submissions

Page Street Publishing is a publisher of full color, mostly hardcover, gift books, cookbooks, and craft-books. Most of them have an important visual component. To get a good feeling for what they have published in the past you can go here. They are distributed through Macmillan in every country but Canada (where they have a…

Peachtree Publishing Company Inc.: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated October 8th, 2020 – Closed to unsolicited submissions for the foreseeable future. Peachtree Publishers is a well respected publisher with good distribution. They are based out of Atlanta Georgia and they specialize in publishing children’s books, young adult books, self help titles for parents and educators and guides to the American south. They also …

Chronicle Books: Now Accepting Book Submissions

Updated March 6th: Please note, they are not open to Children’s book at this time, but plan to reopen in summer 2025. Chronicle is an established and respected publisher of children’s books, cookbooks, gift books,  anthologies, and various other books, most containing a strong visual element. They are based out of San Francisco. Their books…

Andrews McMeel Publishing: Open to Submissions

UPDATED OCTOBER 2020 Andrews McMeel is a large publishing house that publishes up to 150 books a year. They are one of the largest publishers that will read proposals by authors that have not been previously published and do not have an agent. Andrews McMeel Publishing is a leading publisher of general nonfiction trade books,…

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