
65 Specialized Publishers Open to Manuscript Submissions

All of the presses on this list meet all of our guiding principles, but most of them have such a specific focus that we cannot justify writing a full review and sending it to our full list of subscribers. But they are still good publishers. Instead, we have compiled this list of mini-reviews. I have also…

Strange Attractor: Accepting Queries

Strange Attractor is an independent publishing house based in London, founded in 2003. They are run by Mark Pilkington and Jamie Sutcliffe, who bring independent contractors to help with some components of the publication. They have a well designed and easy to navigate website. Their books are widely available online as well as distributed internationally…

Library Tales Publishing: Accepting Submissions

Library Tales Publishing was founded in 2011. They describe themselves as “a distinguished independent publishing house, renowned for publishing, marketing, and distributing a wide spectrum of books, spanning self-help, memoirs, and niche fiction, penned by skilled and creative authors.” I have not encountered their books in stores personally, and it is clear based on feedback…

Aurora Metro Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Aurora Metro Publications is an established independent publisher in London. They are run by Cheryl Robson and they now have over 300 titles in print. They have good distribution. They are made up of three imprints, Aurora Metro Books (fiction), Supernova Books (nonfiction), and Amber Lane Press (plays). This review will focus primarily on Aurora…

Bullshit Lit: Accepting Manuscript Submissions for Their June Reading Period

Updated January 2025 Bullshit Lit describes itself by saying they are,​”Inspired by a stack of silly poems, Bullshit Lit is the antithesis to those flowery submissions calls for, like, “the deepest echo in your heartcanyon.” We don’t take ourselves too seriously.​ We like to see your worst. Your trash. Get funky with it. We love silly…

Zibby Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Zibby Books was founded by Zibby Owens, an established book influencer, as part of her company Aibby Media. You can read more about her launch of Zibby Books, here, and here. Both articles focus a lot on the royalty structure. While writers still receive advances and royalties, they will also be part of a profit…

Gibson House Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated February 8th, 2024: They did not publish any books in 2023, and have yet to publish any books in 2024, so I’m not sure if they are still active. Gibson House Press is an independent publisher that publishes 1-2 books a year. They have good covers, and a clear easy to navigate website. Although…

Repeater Books: Open to Manuscript Submissions

Updated August 8th 2024: They appear to have removed their submission guidelines from their website and appear to be no longer open to submissions. Repeater Books was founded in 2014 by Mark Fisher, Tariq Goddard, Etan Ilfeld, and others, as an imprint of Watkins publishing, which has been around since 1983. You can learn more…

Wildhouse Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Wildhouse Press (WHP) is a small press based in Boston, that started actively publishing work in 2021. Their tagline is “Adventurous Spirituality – for unconventional people.” According to the website the press was founded by Wesley J. Wildman. They currently have published seven works of nonfiction, and one work of fiction, and have clear plans…

Farrago: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Farrago is an imprint of Duckworth Publishing (please read if you’re considering submitting to Farrago). Farrago’s tagline is “fiction to make you smile”. All of the work they publish, from mysteries to science fiction, have humor at the core.  They do not publish memoir. You can get a good feel for what they publish here….

Avon Books UK: Accepting Submissions

August 2023: They’ve updated their website and the submission page is gone, for now, but I suspect they may reopen to submissions because they still have a section of the home page devoted to books that started out as slush pile submissions. Avon Books UK, an imprint of Harper Collins, is one of the rare…

Apocalypse Party: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

A small press based out of Pennsylvania, Apocalypse Party says the following about the books they publish: “Our books wobble in the frame of reality and dissect the prism of surreality. These books tend to be difficult to categorize under one banner, but together they form a kaleidoscopic mirror of an increasingly bleak world. However,…

Interlude Press and Duet Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated March 6th 2024, they are not updating the website, and I do not think they plan to. I don’t know why Chicago Review Press appears to not be moving forward with this imprint, but there have been no new deals listed on Publishers Marketplace since Duet was acquired by them. Interlude Press and Duet…

Stone Pier Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated Jan 21, 2025. They are currently only open to submissions of books about sustainable gardening. Stone Pier Press is a niche publisher that describes themselves as “an environmental publishing company with a food focus.” They are a San Francisco based non-profit focused towards a climate-friendly food system. They say they do this by “publishing…

Blackwater Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Blackwater Press is a new small press based in West Virginia, with an international team of editors. They also run an editorial consultancy, but when I reached out to the press directly the editors informed me that they did not direct writers submitting to the press to their editorial services and that they don’t accept…

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