
Lion Hudson: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated May 9th, 2023: Their website has been down for at least a month. I’m not sure if they are defunct or not, but even if their website was to work again I’d approach with caution. Lion Hudson is an imprint of SPCK Group, which bills itself as “More than a publisher. More than a…

Woodhall Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Woodhall Press is a small press. They publish fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They are distributed by IPG. They have a detailed staff page, and some of their staff members do have an excellent track record, albeit in different markets. They seem to actively promote their own books, through events and social media. Their covers are…

Flashpoint Publications: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Flashpoint Publications used to be called Regal Crest Enterprises, and it has now been re-branded. Regal Crest Enterprises historically specialized in publishing books of interest to lesbian readers but their focus expanded a while ago to include LGBTQ+ work. They have been using their re-branded name of Flashpoint Publications for over a year now.  They…

Small Town Girl: Actively Seeking Manuscript Queries

Brother Mockingbird Publishing is a small independent press committed to discovering writers from the American South, but they are also open to good fiction, regardless of where the author is based. They were founded in 2018. They publish a wide range of genres including women’s fiction, historical fiction, romance, mystery (including thrillers and cozies), upmarket,…

Soft Skull Press: Accepting Submissions till July 20th

Updated July 27th, 2021: They have annonced “We will reopen unagented manuscript submissions on Submittable beginning Tuesday, August 3rd at 12:01am ET (9:01pm PT on 8/2), and ending Wednesday, August 4th at 11:59pm ET/8:59pm PT.” Updated: July 19th 2021.  They have closed early to submissions without announcing any change on their website, or their Twitter…

CamCat Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

CamCat Books is a small independent publisher that was founded in 2019. Since that time they have publishes 22 titles, and they have a number of titles already scheduled as coming soon for 2021. This is a lot of titles for such a new company. They were founded by Sue Arroyo, an entrepreneur who sold…

404 Ink: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

From now through the 31st of October, 404 Ink, an Edinburgh based publisher, is open to direct submissions of full length manuscripts of fiction, nonfiction, short stories, and poetry. They are a small press that has different reading periods every year, so if you are reading this after 2020, please check their website for the…

VERVE BOOKS: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

VERVE BOOKS is the new digital-first imprint of No Exit Press. No Exit Press is one of the top UK-based mystery publishers, and they are not open to direct submissions, but VERVE BOOKS is. They will focus on publishing crime, thriller and commercial fiction genres, with the focus being on character driven stories. Digital-first means…

The Story Plant: Accepting Queries

The Story Plant was founded in 2008 by two editors with industry experience, Lou Aronica and Peter Miller. In 2013 they were acquired by Studio Digital CT, LLC, a limited liability company headed by Lou Aronica. It is now run by Aronica and Mitchell Maxwell. The Story Plant focuses on publishing commercial fiction. They have…

Bella Books: Accepting Submissions

Bella Books is a press focused on publishing stories about women-loving-women, and they are interested in acquiring manuscripts that involve these stories across all genres, including romance, mystery, thriller, paranormal, etc. They are based in Tallahassee, Florida. The press is currently owned by Linda Hill who also owns Spinsters Ink and Bean Pole Books. They…

The O’Brien Press: Open to Submissions

The O’Brien Press is an established and respected publisher that is based in Ireland. They favour Irish voices, but are open to international submissions. They publish nonfiction for adults, and fiction and nonfiction for children. They share this list under the heading, what we are excited about. Adult Non-Fiction: Humour, sport, photography, Irish history and…

Claret Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

UPDATED July 30th, they have just adjusted their guidelines to only allow submissions by British writers. This adjustment was made after our review was sent out. We apologize for the inconvenience. Claret Press is a UK-based publisher of politics, issues, and place in the form of creative nonfiction, and fiction. They were founded in 2015….

Legend Press: Accepting Manuscript Queries

Legend Press is a UK based independent press open to direct and agented submissions. They publish contemporary fiction and crime fiction (largely psychological and political thrillers). They do not publish any work that falls outside of these genres. You can get a good feel for what they publish by visiting their website here. Years ago…

Felony Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

UPDATED MARCH 2021: They have not published a new book for over a year. I would not submit. Felony Books is a publisher of urban fiction. Urban fiction is also called street lit or street fiction. It’s fiction based in an urban setting and it usually deals with socio-economic realities and leans towards the gritty….

Inanna: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Inanna Publications and Education Inc is a Canadian feminist press that was founded in 1978 and is open to international submissions, they publish fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and essay collections. Some of what they publish is academic, but much of what they publish is not. If you are curious as to how they define the…

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