
Graveside Press: Now Seeking Submissions

Graveside Press is the Horror imprint of Paper Angel Press, which you can learn more about here. It’s important to read that review as well, as it covers more of how the press as a whole operates. They are a relativity new imprint having been founded in October 2024. You can already get a good…

Black Bed Sheet Books: Accepting Queries

Black Bed Sheet Books publishes horror, and science fiction & fantasy, and have been publishing since 2008. Their primary focus is horror. They were founded and are still run by Nicholas Grabowsky, a horror writer. You can learn more about the publisher here, but sections of that page appear to be fairly out of date,…

The Evil Cookie Publishing: Accepting Submissions

The Evil Cookie is a micropress focused on publishing “gore-infested, fast-paced novels/novellas and anthologies.” It is run by K. Trap Jones, an extreme horror author. The publisher’s tagline is “#NoneGorier”. This is a niche press focusing on a niche audience, and so it should go without saying that you should not submit any work to…

Agape Editions: Accepting Submissions

Updated January 2025 Agape Editions started out as an imprint of Sundress Publishing but it has been an independent press since 2019. Agape’s masthead is here and it includes a number of established and active members of the literary community, which is always a nice sign. Agape is a small press with varying imprints, and…

Black Beacon Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Black Beacon Books is a small press that was established in 2013. It was founded in Australia, but since then has moved to Brittany, France. They publish mysteries, suspense, horror, and post-apocalyptic fiction. They have a Patreon, and regularly publish anthologies. In fact, they have two open calls for anthologies right now which you can…

Android Press: Accepting Submissions

Android Press is a new small press based in Eugene, Oregon. This is how they describe their mission: “uplifting author and creator voices from marginalized communities and the Global South, Android Press publishes science fiction, fantasy, and light horror specializing in climate fiction and the various -punk subgenres. We love stories that are rooted in…

Tenebrous Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Tenebrous Press is a publisher of New Weird Horror. They know this genre is one that needs further definition, because they have an entire page of their website devoted to defining it. You can see that webpage here if you are not already familiar with the genre, which was according to the web page, invented…

Cemetery Gates Media: Seeking Debut Authors of Horror Novel Series’

Cemetery Gates Media was founded in 2015 by longtime friends John Brhel and Joe Sullivan and focuses on publishing fantasy and supernatural fiction. Cemetery Gates Media is based in Binghamton, New York. They have published a number of anthologies that seemed to do well, and they have paid all contributors. The anthologies reflect a wide…

Three Ravens Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Update: As of December 6th 2024 , they are closing early to submissions, because of influx during a planned reading period. Three Ravens Publishing is a fiction publisher focused on genre work, particularly science fiction and fantasy, but are open to other genres as well.  They are active on social media, and attend various conventions,…

Castle Bridge Media: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Castle Bridge Media is an independent publisher that focuses on genre fiction, particularly horror, science fiction, thriller, and fantasy. They accept direct submissions and also submissions from agents. They appear to list most of their agented deals on Publishers Marketplace, so if you’re interested in seeing what they’ve accepted recently, and have a Publishers Marketplace…

Luna Press Publishing: Accepting Submissions

Occasionally we’ll feature a press that isn’t open, but will be soon, for a very limited reading period. This is the case with Luna Press Publishing. They generally have three limited reading periods a year but for 2023 they’ve only announced one so far. It will open on the 16th of June and close on…

Haunt Publishing: Accepting Manuscript Queries Until July 1st

Haunt Publishing is a small Scotland-based press founded in 2018 that focuses on publishing Gothic, Horror and Dark fiction. They are searching for work that is “unputdownable.” They are open to novel submissions through 1st July 2022. They’ve historically published one book a year, but this year they are planing to publish two. You can…

Gollancz: Seeking Manuscript Queries This Month Only

Gollancz is an established UK-based publisher of science fiction, fantasy novels, and horror novels that is now an imprint of Hachette. They only publish worked aimed at adults. They have good distribution within the UK and have excellent covers. They have published many well known books including The Witcher series, NOS4A2, and The Mistborn Trilogy….

Sourcebooks Horror: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated June 2023 We’ve reviewed Sourcebooks before here, and their Romance imprint here. Their Horror imprint is now a few years old and they have published a lot of books under that imprint now, although it’s hard to know exactly how many because they still do not have a formal Horror section on the site….

Severed Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Established in 2008, Severed Press is a eBook and print on demand publisher focused on publishing horror and science fiction. They are established and respected within these genres, and the books they publish have excellent genre-appropriate covers. Many authors have worked with them for many years, and published many books with them, which is generally…

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