Manuscript Publishers

Parallax Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals

Parallax Press is a nonprofit publisher founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. They publish 15 books a year, focused on Engaged Buddhism and mindful living. They’ve published many famous Buddhists, including Thich Nhat Hanh, and the Dalai Lama. Most of what they publish is nonfiction aimed at adults, but they also publish select children’s…

Luna Press Publishing: Accepting Submissions

Occasionally we’ll feature a press that isn’t open, but will be soon, for a very limited reading period. This is the case with Luna Press Publishing. They generally have three limited reading periods a year but for 2023 they’ve only announced one so far. It will open on the 16th of June and close on…

PM Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

PM Press is an independent, radical publisher of books and media. It was founded in 2007 by AK Press founder Ramsey Kanaan and several other members of AK Press. The goal of PM Press is to amplify the voices of radical authors, artists, and activists, and they publish a wide range of material, from speculative…

Haunt Publishing: Accepting Manuscript Queries Until July 1st

Haunt Publishing is a small Scotland-based press founded in 2018 that focuses on publishing Gothic, Horror and Dark fiction. They are searching for work that is “unputdownable.” They are open to novel submissions through 1st July 2022. They’ve historically published one book a year, but this year they are planing to publish two. You can…

Gollancz: Seeking Manuscript Queries This Month Only

Gollancz is an established UK-based publisher of science fiction, fantasy novels, and horror novels that is now an imprint of Hachette. They only publish worked aimed at adults. They have good distribution within the UK and have excellent covers. They have published many well known books including The Witcher series, NOS4A2, and The Mistborn Trilogy….

Able Muse: Seeking Manuscript Submissions Until July 15th

Able Muse is a small literary press that has one free reading period every year, from 1st May through 15th July. They also publish a literary journal, and they host a number of contests every year. They publish poetry and fiction primarily, and they will consider non-fiction as long as you query first. Most of…

Grub Street: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Grub Street is a small UK-based press, not to be confused with the creative writing center in Boston. Grub Street publishes nonfiction, but only in two niche markets. The books they publish are either on Cookery (recipes), or Military Aviation history. They are not interested in any nonfiction outside of these areas, or fiction at…

Pelican Children’s Books: Now Accepting Book Queries

Pelican Children’s Books has always been an imprint of Pelican Publishing. In 2019 Arcadia Publishing purchased Pelican Publishing, and now Pelican Children’s Books is an imprint of Arcadia. Pelican Children’s Books is based in New Orleans, as it always has been, and they’ve published a lot of regional children’s books, although they are open to…

Red Dog Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

UPDATED September 1st, 2023: This press has permanently gone under. Red Dog Press is a print and digital publisher based in Cheshire UK. All the books they publish are available in both formats. They are a small press that specializes in publishing thrillers, crime stories, and mysteries. You can get a good feel for what…

Interpret Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Interpret Magazine is a unique bilingual French and English literary journal that publishes fiction and poetry. What makes them so unique is not just that your work will be printed in English and French, but they are also open to submissions in any language from anywhere in the world. According to their guidelines, “Our editors…

Lion Hudson: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated May 9th, 2023: Their website has been down for at least a month. I’m not sure if they are defunct or not, but even if their website was to work again I’d approach with caution. Lion Hudson is an imprint of SPCK Group, which bills itself as “More than a publisher. More than a…

Sourcebooks Horror: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated June 2023 We’ve reviewed Sourcebooks before here, and their Romance imprint here. Their Horror imprint is now a few years old and they have published a lot of books under that imprint now, although it’s hard to know exactly how many because they still do not have a formal Horror section on the site….

Woodhall Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Woodhall Press is a small press. They publish fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They are distributed by IPG. They have a detailed staff page, and some of their staff members do have an excellent track record, albeit in different markets. They seem to actively promote their own books, through events and social media. Their covers are…

City of Light Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated, July 2024: They have always made it difficult to discover what is actually new on their website in terms of books. I have become increasingly convinced, that they weren’t publishing books regularly, but it was hard to make a call. This time I realized that by reading the summer catalogue here, and checking all…

Severn River Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated January 2025: While Severn River Publishing is still a traditional press the way they are heavily promoting and pushing their vanity imprint Ten Hut Media, and encouraging duel to submission to it, raises serious ethical questions, and to me at least, crosses the line. We are keeping this review up for posterity sake, and…

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