Manuscript Publishers

30 Mystery Publishers that Accept Direct Submissions

  “Nobody reads a mystery to get to the middle. Theyread it to get to the end. If it’s a letdown, they won’tbuy anymore. The first page sells that book. The lastpage sells your next book.”MICKEY SPILLANE Mystery is one of those genres that over the years has managed to accumulate a huge number of…

TWB Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated October 10th, 2024: They are currently closed to submissions. Do Not Query. TWB Press’s tagline is “Electronic Publishing for the 21st century.” They have an additional tag line on their main page that says “TWB Press publishes stories of human conflict and redemption through a variety of world views that reflect humanity at its…

August Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated January 2025 August Books is one of the three main imprints of Canelo, a UK  based press that was established in 2015. Their books are well distributed and you can learn more about the company as a whole here. We have previously reviewed Hera books, which is now an imprint of Canelo. You can…

Bullshit Lit: Accepting Manuscript Submissions for Their June Reading Period

Updated January 2025 Bullshit Lit describes itself by saying they are,​”Inspired by a stack of silly poems, Bullshit Lit is the antithesis to those flowery submissions calls for, like, “the deepest echo in your heartcanyon.” We don’t take ourselves too seriously.​ We like to see your worst. Your trash. Get funky with it. We love silly…

Zibby Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Zibby Books was founded by Zibby Owens, an established book influencer, as part of her company Aibby Media. You can read more about her launch of Zibby Books, here, and here. Both articles focus a lot on the royalty structure. While writers still receive advances and royalties, they will also be part of a profit…

Spurl Editions: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated June 13th 2024, due to an influx of submissions they are not currently open to submissions. Their tagline is “publishers of unusual literature”. On their About page they add the additional context, including the context that they are “specializing in works fitting for our current decrepit and apocalyptic world”. They have previously published a…

Press Box Books: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Updated February 2025: They have taken down their submission guidelines for the time being, but appear to be expanding and restructuring, so they will probably put them back up once the reorganization is complete. Press Box Books is an imprint of North Star Editions. North Star Editions is a Minnesota-based publishing company that publishes fiction…

Tilbury House: Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Tilbury House is a press based out of Maine that publishes children’s books including board books, beginning readers, picture books and middle grade titles. They have published some very successful children’s books, including Talking Walls, Sheila Says We’re Weird, and Playing War. Each has a focused message involving a social issue. You can get a…

34 Publishers that Accept Direct Submissions of Speculative Fiction

Speculative fiction is generally defined as a genre of fiction where the setting is not in the world as we know it because of supernatural, fantastical, or futuristic elements Three genres are covered by this umbrella term: Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. This term is used to cover work that doesn’t fit exactly in one…

JMS Books: Accepting Submissions

Updated January 2025 JMS Books is a small electronic press that focuses on publishing LGBTQ+ erotic romance, romance, and young adult romance. They publish mostly shorter work, but stories between 40,000 and 60,000 words in length are eligible (but not guaranteed) to be published in paperback if they sell 50 electronic copies within the first…

Moving Away From the Weekly Publication of Manuscript Publisher Reviews

For almost a decade, Authors Publish has reviewed one manuscript publisher a week. Occasionally it will be update on an older publisher that has now drastically changed their focus, or a new imprint of an established press, but the vast majority of the time it is a brand new press. I spend a lot of…

New Frontier: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

New Frontier is an established small publisher based in Australia. They are focused on publishing children’s books, including picture books, and chapter books. Their target audience appears to be readers under twelve. They were established in 2002 and are distributed by Lerner Publishing Group, which is very active in the children’s market. Their covers are…

Creston Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Creston Books is small press focused on publishing picture books and select novels. They were founded in 2013 by Marissa Moss, the author of the Amelia’s Notebook series. Creston Books was established to fill a gap in the picture book market and to focus on diverse books. They have published many award-winning and banned books…

Aqueduct Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Aqueduct Press was founded in 2004. Their motto is “Bringing Challenging Feminist Science Fiction to the Demanding Reader.” They go into more details in their mission statement that you can read here. You can get a feel for what they publish by going to their home page here. Their focus is very much on promoting…

The Evil Cookie Publishing: Accepting Submissions

The Evil Cookie is a micropress focused on publishing “gore-infested, fast-paced novels/novellas and anthologies.” It is run by K. Trap Jones, an extreme horror author. The publisher’s tagline is “#NoneGorier”. This is a niche press focusing on a niche audience, and so it should go without saying that you should not submit any work to…

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