Manuscript Publishers

Tin House: Accepting Manuscript Submissions Soon

Last Updated January 2025 Tin House is an established and respected small press. They used to be responsible for one of the most respected and established literary journals, although that closed a few years ago. They still run residencies, workshops, and bookstore in Portland, Oregon. They still publish a wide variety of respected and admired…

Wildhouse Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Wildhouse Press (WHP) is a small press based in Boston, that started actively publishing work in 2021. Their tagline is “Adventurous Spirituality – for unconventional people.” According to the website the press was founded by Wesley J. Wildman. They currently have published seven works of nonfiction, and one work of fiction, and have clear plans…

Farrago: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Farrago is an imprint of Duckworth Publishing (please read if you’re considering submitting to Farrago). Farrago’s tagline is “fiction to make you smile”. All of the work they publish, from mysteries to science fiction, have humor at the core.  They do not publish memoir. You can get a good feel for what they publish here….

Blue River Press: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Updated March 1st 2024: It’s hard to tell because of the organization of their website and the second edition of books but I don’t think they have acquired a new book in years. I would not submit for that reason. Blue River Press is a publisher based in Indianapolis. They released their first book in…

Three Ravens Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Update: As of December 6th 2024 , they are closing early to submissions, because of influx during a planned reading period. Three Ravens Publishing is a fiction publisher focused on genre work, particularly science fiction and fantasy, but are open to other genres as well.  They are active on social media, and attend various conventions,…

Avon Books UK: Accepting Submissions

August 2023: They’ve updated their website and the submission page is gone, for now, but I suspect they may reopen to submissions because they still have a section of the home page devoted to books that started out as slush pile submissions. Avon Books UK, an imprint of Harper Collins, is one of the rare…

Castle Bridge Media: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Castle Bridge Media is an independent publisher that focuses on genre fiction, particularly horror, science fiction, thriller, and fantasy. They accept direct submissions and also submissions from agents. They appear to list most of their agented deals on Publishers Marketplace, so if you’re interested in seeing what they’ve accepted recently, and have a Publishers Marketplace…

Candlemark & Gleam: Accepting Submissions

Updated March 23rd: Candlemark & Gleam updated their website to say “Important note about submissions: as of March 23, 2023, Candlemark & Gleam is closed to submissions by authors not already published by the press or not accompanied by a recommendation from a trusted colleague. This has come about because there are many amazing works…

Artemesia Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals

Updated March 2025 Artemesia Publishing was founded in 2004, and they describe themselves as a micro-publisher. Although based on the titles section of their website they publish work at the rate of one title per month, which is actually a lot more than many other small presses. They started out focused on nonfiction, particularly inspirational…

Carina Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Carina Press is Harlequin’s digital-first adult fiction imprint, publishing first in digital, and then depending on the numbers, releasing audio and print versions as well. Unlike most of Harlequin’s imprints they don’t just focus on romance, although they are open to all subgenres of romance, including contemporary, erotic, paranormal and urban fantasy, and science fiction….

Dover Publications: Accepting Nonfiction Submissions

Based in New York, Dover Publications was founded in 1941. They publish a wide range of books including fiction but are only open to unsolicited nonfiction submissions. They are not open to submissions of fiction, music, or poetry. All submissions must be made by post and they only respond to submissions if interested. They cannot…

Saraband: Now Accepting Nonfiction Submissions

Saraband is an independent publisher that was founded in 1994 in Norwalk, Connecticut. In 2000 they relocated to Glasgow, Scotland and they have since relocated to Manchester, England. Their focus has always been on nature, history, art and the mind/body connection. On their website now, they divide their nonfiction into two categories, nature and culture….

Wayne State University Press: Now Accepting Proposals

Wayne State University Press is a publisher committed to supporting its parent institution’s core research, teaching, and service mission by generating high-quality scholarly and general interest works of global importance. They focus on advancing education and serving the local community. Before submitting a proposal to them, you need to verify that your work fits their…

Apocalypse Party: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

A small press based out of Pennsylvania, Apocalypse Party says the following about the books they publish: “Our books wobble in the frame of reality and dissect the prism of surreality. These books tend to be difficult to categorize under one banner, but together they form a kaleidoscopic mirror of an increasingly bleak world. However,…

Zondervan: Now Accepting Nonfiction Submissions

Zondervan is one of the largest and most established Christian media companies. They are based in Grand Rapids Michigan, but have an international presence. They are now owned by HarperCollins. They are a founding member of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. They only have two imprints that are open to direct submissions: Zondervan Reflective books aim…

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