Publishing Guides

The Wild Rose Press: Open to Submissions

Updated April 2019 – They do not copyright their books and if an authors work is plagiarized, they expect the author to protect their own work. This is part of the contract. It is not advisable to publish with them, because of this. The Wild Rose Press is an established small press that publishes full-length…

3 Steps to Complete Your Manuscript (So It Can Finally Be Published)

When you write a book, it is officially called a manuscript until it is published. However one of the tricky things about writing is that it can be very hard to discern when a manuscript is actually finished and ready to be submitted to an agent, or self-published. Some authors constantly tweak their work and…

10 Ways to Promote Your Book with Facebook

When you’re promoting a book on any budget, Facebook can be a great utility. If you want great sales it is best to start early, six to nine months before your book is set to be published. When you are are ready, here are the tips to follow to help get the word out on…

10 Things I Wish I Knew As A Beginning Writer

I’ve been writing for nearly twenty years. The writing bug bit me in tenth grade when I was given an assignment to write a short story. It was a comedy piece about taking my driver’s test. The teacher read it aloud, the class laughed and I was hooked. Since then I’ve held a succession of…

“Why I Chose Create Space to Publish My First Book”

My book, “Words to Thrive By: Powerful Stories of Courage and Hope” was published with Create Space. I had a great experience with all aspects of the Create Space process: writing, editing, audience demographic analysis, printing, shipping, online website support and the overall Create Space Community. The service is extremely personalized at Create Space I…

Self Publishing Your Book With Lulu

The publishing world has undergone drastic changes in the last decade but one thing remains the same, being a successful writer still takes an extreme amount of hard work and dedication. As an unknown author decades ago, I found the traditional publishing world was a very tough nut to crack. Back then the conundrum always…

Five Ways to Promote Your Book Without Paying a Penny

When I decided my book was worth allowing the public to enjoy, I researched what kind of budget I would need for the process. I chose to self-publish, because it was the cheapest route for me. I am a stay at home mother of two with a budget that is slim to nothing. I realized…

Graduate Degrees in Creative Writing: A Must Have?

I have a Masters of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing from a respected liberal arts school. I loved the program I was in. The Professors truly helped me improve and explore as a writer. I used my degree to start down a career path I find fulfilling: Teaching writing at the college level. I…

How to Find A Writing Group

Many famous writers from Virgina Woolf  to C.S. Lewis to Ernest Hemingway were part of a writing group. Such groups are often cited by  famous authors  as one of the most important things a writer can have. Writing groups are largely informal gatherings that involve reading each other’s work and providing feedback. If you want…

3 Steps to Take Before Publishing Your Manuscript

When you read a book you know when it is finished, because you have reached the final sentence on the last page of the last chapter. When you are writing a book it is hardly that straightforward. When you have finished writing the last page of the final chapter, you will probably need to go…

Should You Self Publish in Print?

Most people that self publish these days focus on e-books, but there there are still a lot of people that prefer holding a real book in their hands instead of tablet. Also it is nice to see your name in print. If you have already decided to self publish but are not yet certain if…

Self Publishing vs Traditional Publishing: 5 Important Considerations

When you have finished writing your first manuscript and edited it to your own satisfaction, what is your next step? You can either go the traditional route and start writing query letters to agents who may help you get a contract with a traditional publishing company. There are several questions that you can ask yourself,…

Publishing Guide: What to Consider Before Self-Publishing an Ebook

Many authors self publish these days, that way they can avoid the hassle of dealing with editors, and slow moving corporations. Even some established  authors have switched to self publishing because they have more control over their book and even their profits. However self publishing is far from straight forward. This article is not intended…

Print Versus Online Journals

Print journals have been around for a very long time, you can submit to journals that are going into their sixth decade, and have published many famous poets, dead and alive. Online journals are clearly a much more recent establishment. Blackbird, one of the first online literary journals, just celebrated their 11th anniversary.  There are…

Three Tips for Submitting Your Work

If you have never sent your creative writing out to a literary journal before, the experience can be intimidating. Many productive writers try to avoid submitting. But there is no real way around it if you want to get your work out into the world. The Reviews on this website can really help you know…

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