Special Feature

8 Essential Articles for Self Published Authors

This collection of articles contains comprehensive, thoughtful advice for self published authors by self published authors. The articles in this collection focus on giving concrete advice and encouragement for self published authors. Eleven Ways to Build an Audience for Your Writing Eleven concrete steps to take to develop an audience for your writing, not just…

7 Articles You Should Read Before Self Publishing

Self Publishing has been around since the dawn of writing. In the last century it has been mostly been frowned on. It was a field dominated by vanity presses that charged their authors a lot in order to be published. It was considered something that authors should do as a last resort. It was not…

Stupid Things Authors Believe, Part 1

It’s been said that if what you write isn’t new, delete it. In an attempt to promote fresh, original ideas, these pundits of the pen want us to say something no one else has ever said before or jettison it to the trash heap. My response? Bull crap. As an ancient and wise author once…

The Sea of Tranquility: A Self Publishing Success Story

The Sea of Tranquility was initially self published by Katja Millay in 2012. Within only three weeks of being self published the novel was picked up by Atria Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. It went on to win the American Library Association’s Alex Award & A School Library Journal Best Book of the…

How to Tell If Your Writing Is Any Good.

‘The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.’ – Sylvia Plath “The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize.” – Robert Hughes The Editors of Authors Publish receive regular emails and Facebook messages that contain one or two sentences and are always the same…

8 Ways to Improve Your Writing

“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.” – Ernest Hemingway Most writers want to improve their writing but they don’t necessarily know how. Some writers are happy with the way they currently write, but in my opinion there is always room for improvement. In my own writing practice,…

Smashwords: A Must for Your Author’s Toolbox

Every writer should have a toolbox – a go-to place that lists or houses all the fantastic contacts and resources that you can’t live without. Whether you’re self or traditionally published (or just building an author platform) one essential item to have in your toolbox should be Smashwords – the eBook distributor. About 50% of…

Wattpad: A Source of Support for Young Writers

I joined Wattpad two years ago. When my first novel was recently released, I was looking for more ways to promote it and get my name out there. I knew nothing about Wattpad until I read an article by a young adult author who credited this site with an increase in her following. It made…

How To Fail Miserably With Self-Publishing

I’ve seen indie authors who’ve done nearly everything right except for one thing. These authors have poured their hearts and souls into their book projects. Their prose sings. They have an amazing book cover and interior design. They have good editing. Yet too many of these books will never reach their sales potential. In fact,…

Advice From Other Authors I’m Glad I Finally Listened To

As an independently published writer I follow a lot of social media pages about writing, and more specifically, promoting your writing. I expect most ‘indie’ or self-published writers do the same. We are all searching for the holy grail of advice, the top tips to success that have so far eluded us. I read anything…

Still Alice: A Self Publishing Success Story

Lisa Genova started selling her self-published book out of her car. Now her book has been made into a major motion picture. This is the story of how she went from a self published author to a New York Times bestseller with a major publisher and a well established career. Her book, Still Alice, was…

10 Publishers for Your Mystery Novel

Mystery is one of those genres that over the years has managed to accumulate a huge number of sub-genres. From cozy mysteries, literary mysteries, and crime novels to ones focused on conspiracies, now there is a mystery sub-genre for almost every reader’s taste. The majority of the following publishers focus on one or two sub-genres…

10 Respected Publishers of Science Fiction Short Stories

The following 10 magazines and journals focus on publishing science fiction. Some also are interested in publishing horror, fantasy, and speculative fiction, as well as poetry, but the main focus remains on Science Fiction. All of these journals are highly respected, many have been around for a long time. All of the following journals pay…

The Top 20 Publishers for New Authors

Updated October 2020 The writing market can be overwhelming, particularly for new authors who do not have a history of past publication. It is important to note that no legitimate established presses specifically look for unpublished authors. The presses on this list were chosen because they have published a number of debut books before. Also,…

Five Major Book Publishers Always Open To Submissions

Some publishers open and close their doors to submissions on a routine basis. It is hard to determine if they are open or shut to submissions and when you should submit.  The following five publishers are always open to submissions from publishers without agents or previous publishing experience. They are all respected publishers with good…

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