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We Support Banned Books

6 or so years ago, I read Truth & Beauty by Anne Pattchet. It was one of my favorite books right away. I loaned it to my mother, who loved it. A little while later I read an article about the book by Anne Pattchet in The Atlantic. I was shocked to discover that it…

Evaluating a Publisher’s Website

Updated February 20th 2016 Submitting your work to full length publishers is a terrifying process partially because you are facing potential rejection and partially because it is not easy to know if the publisher will treat your work fairly. I have written before about how to avoid bad publishers in the article Red Flags. Sometimes…

The 10 Best Writing Quotes

Over the last 2 years I have made over 3,000 literary quote memes, including the one featured above. This means that I have spent many hours seeking quotes out, reading them, and re-reading them. I now like to think that I can spot a fake quote a mile away, although this is not always the…

The Climate Fiction Controversy

One of the first challenges an author faces is understanding the genre he or she is writing. From elevator pitches to query letters and beyond, professionals in the industry and the public use the idea of genre to help classify, organize, and clarify the contents of books. Cli-Fi or climate fiction is a relatively new…

5 Books Every Writer Should Read

There are a lot of books on writing out there. In fact it can seem overwhelming at times. However, whether you are a poet, a fiction writer, or a non fiction writer, there are four books that I think everyone should read. I did not enjoy reading all of these books, but they all impacted…

Book Bloggers & Writing Success: Exploiting the Connection

One of the most important relationships an author can have is with book bloggers. These people are the ones who review your books, participate in your giveaways and cover reveals, spread the word about your new releases, and can be one of the biggest supporters an author will ever have. Sometimes, just finding book blogs…

Good Literary Journals for Unpublished Writers

Updated February 16th, 2015 Over the years we have published a lot of articles about Literary Journals. If you’re curious why, then start with this article: Why You Should Submit to Literary Journals. In response, many of our readers have asked about where authors who are new to submitting should send their work. If you’re…

Mainstream Versus Literati

When I entered college as a graduate student in creative writing I had already spent a lot of my life writing. I finished my first novel at 15 and had completed four more after that. I had written over 200 poems the year before. I have always a wide variety of books. Still, I stuck…

7 Chapbook Publishers

We recently published an article about chapbooks, titled The Case for Chapbooks. If you have not read it already, you should before starting this article. When we published The Case for Chapbooks, I received a number of questions from writers about chapbook publishers and how to find them. Unfortunately most of listings of chapbooks publishers…

Reviews for Your Book

Recent controversies over reviews for books bandy about the idea that reviews are now only gimmicks for marketing purposes, due to their lack of quality and the ease with which anyone can rate a book. With a limited number of traditionally published books being reviewed by presses like the New York Times and Quill &…

The Case for Chapbooks

Chapbooks are very small books, usually no more than 30 pages in length, 50 at the most. They frequently have no spine and are often bound with staples. They have been around for a long time, at least since the 16th century, when they were associated with fiction, but now they almost always function as…

2 Places To Take Online Writing Classes

Sometimes writers need feedback. Sometimes even the most gifted writers will be stuck at a certain point in their novel, or even their writing career. Sometimes a writer has been writing for years but has not had any formal training. Writing classes often provide writers with the feedback, inspiration, and motivation that they need. Of…

Ten Literary Journals That Respond Within A Month

Updated February 16th, 2016 When I had first started submitting to literary journals, I found that by submitting to a number of journals that had quick response times I was able to remain motivated to continue submitting my work for publication. After all, if you submit to a journal and don’t hear anything for up…

How to Find the Right Traditional Publisher for Your Book

Your book is done and now you’re ready to launch it into the world with the help of a publisher. The template query letter you’ve written is burning a hole in your computer waiting for those subtle finishing touches that will captivate an editor and make them drool over your masterpiece. But where do you…

Self Publishing at Sixteen

Being an author at the age of sixteen is many things. The word “blessing” certainly comes to mind and a paragraph of different emotions certainly seems to follow. Though this is true, challenging isn’t that far down on my list of vocabulary words either. After my first novel, A Thousand Miles, was self published, my life…

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