Special Feature

The Benefits of Procrastination

It’s the weekend, the kids are out with your spouse and you have nothing to do but work on your manuscript – except the breakfast dishes aren’t going to clean themselves, even if all they need is a bit of help into the dishwasher.  Oh, and the dog needs to be walked, dinner should be…

The Routines of Successful Writers

I have always been fascinated by the routines and daily schedules of other writers and artists. Writing is not a job with hours or even deadlines, unless you count the self-imposed ones. There is so much self discipline involved in being a dedicated writer. Some of my friends write best in bars, others measure their…

On Becoming an Author

1au·thor noun \ˈȯ-thər\ : a person who has written something; especially : a person who has written a book or who writes many books : a person who starts or creates something (such as a plan or idea) (From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary) I receive emails all the time asking me what it means to be…

Why a Writer Must also Be a Salesperson

You’re a writer, just like I am. Perhaps you’ve always known you had a natural talent for grammar and an ear for tone and flow. When your English teacher was diagramming sentences, you just knew what was correct; not because you could name all the parts of speech, but because your intuition told you where…

3 Ways Promote Yourself As A Writer (Even When You Don’t Want To)

“Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don’t want to make eye contact while doing it.”  ― John Green As an introvert, a writer, and a very reluctant self-promoter, this quote has always struck me as being particularly profound. Not just because of…

Authors Publish Guiding Principles

Authors Publish was founded by creative writers who wanted to encourage other writers to publish their work and establish themselves as authors. Since the very beginning our principles have guided every review we have ever written and every article we have ever published. For the first time we are formally publishing our principles along with…

7 Secrets For Overcoming Writer’s Block

Writer’s block is one of the most frustrating afflictions that a writer can suffer from. It can cause unparalleled stress from project delays, missed deadlines, it can even cause you to second guess your talent. It is safe to say that everyone has suffered from writer’s block at some point in their lives. Studies have…

Writing Contests: 4 Questions to Ask Before Paying a Fee.

As an author, editor, professional submitter, and poet, I end up talking about writing contests a great deal. A lot of writers enter contests, but as a general rule we do not review contests in Authors Publish, Magazine. Why? Because contests almost always have an entry fee attached The first time I ever encountered a…

11 Ways Writing a Novel Changed My Life

The unfinished manuscript for my first novel, Alarm Clock Dawn, sat on the shelf for years at a time before I gained the confidence to begin a serious effort to complete it in late 2010. I was working a full time job and publishing smaller works of poetry, short stories, and children’s books. I was…

How to Drive a Semi.

No, I don’t propose to teach you how to drive an 18-wheeler in a magazine article, although I could. I’ve had a hand in numerous publications that teach truck driving, including BUMPER TO BUMPER®, The Complete Guide to Tractor-Trailer Operations. If you’ve never done it, you can imagine how unnerving is the prospect of getting…

Why You Should Submit to Literary Journals

When I was first starting out as a writer, I had no desire to submit to literary journals. I did not really understand what function they served. I also didn’t know how many there were out there; I just thought they were a small niche marketplace. I had a few publications which were mostly in…

Ten Tips for a Succesful NaNoWriMo

I assume that if you’re reading this, you have intentions to write something for National Novel Writing Month. Congratulations! I wish I were joining you this year, but I’m starting a new job, skipping the country and trying to get a manuscript edit finished in the next few weeks.  Now that you’ve made this momentous…

The Life of a Writer With a Full Time Job

I fell madly in love with writing the day that I found I could move people with my words. In my younger days I was extremely quiet and shy and writing became an important emotional outlet. As early as I can remember there has been this aching inside of me, to tell a story. As…

The Pros and Cons of NaNoWriMo

T.S. Eliot claims in “The Wasteland” that “April is the cruelest month.”  As a Red Sox fan, I put October (namely, play-offs season) ahead of April.  As a writer, I think that November can top them all. Welcome to my rundown of the pros and cons of the month affectionately known as NaNoWriMo.  It is…

5 Literary Markets for the Triple Threat

If you’re a writer looking to be published by a literary journal, there are many publications that will give your non-fiction, fiction, and poetry consideration. For example, Glimmer Train and Ploughshares. But what if you do more than write? What if you are also an illustrator and photographer? Let’s say you took a photo or…

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