Special Issue

24 Publishers that Accept Science Fiction or Fantasy Novels

Most of these publishers are interested in science fiction and/or fantasy. Some publish just one of these genres. Others publish many genres and types of books, science fiction and fantasy just being one genre among many. Some are small companies, others are imprints of major publishing houses. They are not listed in any particular order….

40 New Literary Magazines for July 2021

These 40 magazines publish fiction (literary and genre), nonfiction, and poetry, and they all began publishing during or after 2020. Most, not all, of these are open for submissions now; some have themed calls. Many of them pay writers. The magazines are listed in no particular order. Uncharted They will debut in August 2021, and…

29 Literary Fiction Publishers that Accept Direct Submissions – No Agent Required

Literary fiction is one of the harder genres to get published in without an agent. There are smaller presses that specialize in it, but unfortunately more and more of those presses are now charging reading fees. However, there are still good options for authors who are unagented and averse to paying reading fees. The manuscript…

16 Magazines that Publish Writing by Children and Teens

The following is a list of literary journals and magazines that publish writing by children and teenagers. Some of them accept submissions from adults – and all of them accept submissions from youth of various ages. Not all of them are currently open to submissions, but most are. Children Stone Soup This magazine by and…

25 Literary Fiction Markets Seeking Submissions

The 25 magazines listed here are open for literary fiction submissions; a few accept genre fiction/blended-genre work as well, and all of them also publish work in other formats, like nonfiction and poetry. Many of the outlets pay writers. The magazines are listed here in no particular order, and some of the deadlines are approaching…

28 Flash Fiction Markets That Pay

By Theresa van BaalenAre you dreaming of writing, but battling to find the time to write? Why not try your hand at something really short? Flash fiction is a genre of fiction that is defined as a very short story. They are also sometimes called sudden fiction, short-short stories, postcard fiction, micro stories, nanotales, or…

23 Mystery Publishers that Accept Direct Submissions (No Agent Required)

  “The crime novel is the great moral literature of our time.” JEAN-PATRICK MANCHETTE “Nobody reads a mystery to get to the middle. They read it to get to the end. If it’s a letdown, they won’t buy anymore. The first page sells that book. The last page sells your next book.” MICKEY SPILLANE Mystery…

20 Poetry Markets Open to Submissions this May 2021

These magazines publish poetry, and most also publish other genres, like fiction and nonfiction. They’re open for submissions now, and some of them pay writers. The Account This literary magazine publishes poetry (3-5 poems), fiction, and creative nonfiction. All work has to have an account— “We are most interested in how you are tracking the…

49 Children’s Book Publishers that Accept Direct Submissions — No Agent Required

All of the publishers on this list publish children’s books. Some just publish picture books, some publish only middle-grade fiction, and some publish a wide variety of genres aimed at adults as well. Some are looking for educational work, others are open to anything. A number of these publishers are large and established. Others are…

22 Markets Open for Book Reviews in April 2021

These outlets publish book reviews, and accept queries or applications from potential reviewers, or submissions of reviews of books, in a variety of genres. Most of them also accept writing in other genres, like fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. About half of them pay writers. They’re open for submissions, barring one, which opens for a brief…

Where to Submit Your Haiku and Other Japanese Poems in English

Zebulon Huset There has been a lot written about the haiku and Japanese forms in English—some love the elegant poetic forms while others find them ‘simplistic’ or too short. I like Haiku Journal’s description of what they want from a submission: “Simplicity is the key here. Keep it simple and beautiful. Haiku should seem to…

33 Themed Calls for Submissions for April 2021

There are 33 themed calls for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, including 13 themed contests. Some of the themes are: generations; climate change; gaslamp fantasy; art; ocean animals; asinine assassins; cryptids emerging; winter wonders; sleep and dreams (as related to fairy tales); and consequences of war. All but one pay cash for submissions. Also see this…

How Strong Is Your Narrative Arc?

Holly Garcia When I first started writing fiction, I thought it was as simple as having a good idea. Sure, there would be characters involved in a particular setting. The plot I had in mind would send my readers on a journey, but once I got deeper into crafting my work, I realized how important…

28 Literary Fiction Markets Seeking Submissions

These magazines publish literary fiction, or stories with a literary slant, and many publish stories in other genres, as well. Most of them publish other genres/forms too, like nonfiction and poetry. Several of them pay writers. A few of the calls are themed. They are now open for submissions, and are listed in no particular…

What is a Chapbook + 8 Chapbook Publishers

Chapbooks are very small books, usually no more than 30 pages in length, 50 at the most. They frequently have no spine and are often bound with staples. They have been around for a long time, at least since the 16th century, when they were associated with fiction, but now they almost always function as…

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