Special Issue

13 Literary Journals that Focus on Nature and the Environment

Most literary journals, unless they have a very focused mission, or are genre journals, are open to publishing poems, prose, and nonfiction featuring nature. Most writers that focus on the natural world do not have an issue finding homes for their work in general interest literary journals. Still, there are a number of journals that…

26 Horror Fiction Markets Open Now

These are avenues which accept short horror fiction, and all are open now for submissions. Some accept only horror, while others accept other fiction genres as well. A few also accept non-fiction and poetry. Many of them pay writers. Some calls are themed. Here they are, in no particular order. Apex MagazineThis is a popular…

Why and Where You Should Start Submitting Your Writing This September

“I went for years not finishing anything. Because, of course, when you finish something you can be judged… I had poems which were re-written so many times I suspect it was just a way of avoiding sending them out.” Erica Jong Starting to submit your work to literary journals is a hard task. Before you…

26 Magazines that Publish Writing for Children and Teens

Most children’s book authors and young adult authors struggle with creating a history of previous publications – a useful task when trying to find an agent or publisher for their work. The following list of publishers are all looking for work aimed at teens and children. So, not only do you create a history of publication,…

22 Themed Submissions Calls for September 2020

There are 22 themed submission calls in the 20 outlets listed, for writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, and they all pay writers. Some of the themes are: harvest; terrifying ghosts; environmental justice; fix the world; selkies, sirens and sea monsters; Krampus tales; Gothic romance; inner spaces; and lost contact. There are also some themed…

How to Submit Your Manuscript For Publication

When I finish the first draft of a novel I always have a great surge of adrenaline. When I was younger I would enjoy the thrill of completion for days and then start on a new project. It should surprise no one that my early efforts were not published (thank goodness). Now that I am…

20 Creative Nonfiction Markets for August 2020

There are 20 literary magazines and websites listed here which are open for submissions of creative nonfiction and nonfiction. They also publish other genres like fiction and poetry, and many of them pay writers. A few have themed submission calls. They’re listed here in no particular order. Shenandoah­­­­­This literary magazine publishes essays, creative nonfiction, short…

15 Magazines that Publish Writing by Children and Teens

The following is a list of literary journals and magazines that publish writing by children and teenagers. Some of them accept submissions from adults – and all of them accept submissions from youth of various ages. Not all of them are currently open to submissions but most are. Children Stone SoupThis magazine by and for…

28 Themed Submission Calls for August

There are 28 themed submission calls for the 18 outlets listed here for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the themes are: archives, interrupt, Clara Barton and global health, tough times, cats, governance, Lovecraftian tales, wellness, secrets, strange holiday mysteries, characters working in illegal/unsavoury positions, cake horror, and the Wild Hunt. There are also a…

12 Literary Journals that Publish Novel Excerpts

Literary journals are one of the best ways to build a publication history. They give agents and publishing houses a reason to take your manuscript submission seriously. However, most literary journals publish short stories, poems, nonfiction, and flash fiction, not novel excerpts. That is fine as many novelists also write other work. Some do not….

Writer’s Block: Over a Dozen Solutions to a Non-Problem

By Ken Finley I was sitting in the audience of a writer’s panel at WorldCon in San Antonio when the subject of writer’s block came up. Gail Carrigher was the first to speak, saying there was no such thing. Not one writer on that panel disagreed with her. Several chimed in to express their usual…

24 Themed Submissions Calls for July 2020

These are 24 themed, paying submission calls for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry in the 21 markets listed here. Some themes are: the year of the virus; alternate endings; tales of the sea; a multiplicity of futures; omens; with blood and ash (elemental magic); Isms; and tales of the Wendigo. There are also some themed contests…

45 Literary Journals that Pay

“It is a sad fact about our culture that a poet can earn much more money writing or talking about his art than he can by practicing it.” – W.H. Auden As someone who makes their living writing about writing and publishing, I can attest to how truthful Auden’s quote is. It is hard making…

31 Poetry Outlets for June 2020

These are 31 outlets for poetry and they are open for submissions now. Many also accept other genres, like fiction and nonfiction, and about half of the outlets listed here pay writers. A few are currently accepting themed submissions. Here they are, in no particular order. Some deadlines are approaching quickly.The PuritanThis Canadian literary magazine…

19 Approachable Literary Journals

If you are just starting to submit your work to literary journals, or perhaps you just want to avoid rejection, this list is for you. All of the literary journals in this list accept around half of what is submitted to them. So the odds of your work being accepted just went up. These are…

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