Special Issue

26 Literary Fiction Publishers that Accept Direct Submissions – No Agent Required

Literary fiction is one of the harder genres to get published in without an agent. There are smaller presses that specialize in it, but unfortunately more and more of those presses are now charging reading fees. However, there are still good options of authors who are unagented and are averse to paying reading fees. The…

23 Publishers that Accept Science Fiction or Fantasy Novels

  Most of these publishers are interested in science fiction and/or fantasy. Some publish just one of these genres. Others publish many genres and types of books, science fiction and fantasy just being one genre among many.  Some are small companies, others are imprints of major publishing houses. They are not listed in any particular…

25 Poetry Markets Seeking Submissions – April 2020

This is a list of 25 poetry journals/magazines open for submissions now, during the National Poetry Month. Most of these accept other genres too, like fiction and nonfiction, and many pay writers. None charge a reading fee, or they have some fee-free option; they’re listed in no particular order. There are also a few upcoming,…

30 Themed Submissions Calls for April 2020

These are 30 themed submission calls from 22 markets listed here for writers of fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Some themes are: Genderful (furry fiction), trench coats, Queer life, ghosts, Christmas, self-care, historic fantasy, time travel, disobedience, rebellious pixies, alcohol-infused horror, vacation horror, murder and machinery, B-movie monsters, vampires, flame, and everything computes. All pay writers,…

31 Manuscript Publishers with Geographic Restrictions

All of the presses on this list meet all but one of our guiding principles. All of these presses only accept work from writers with a specific geographic region or nationality. Because of that, we have never reviewed these presses, but they are still good presses. This is our update of the initial list, which…

30 Non-Fiction Publishers Open to Direct Submissions

The following publishers all focus on publishing non-fiction books. Most focus in on one or two aspect of non-fiction, such as history books, memoir, or cookbooks. Some are more broad in their interests. All of them are open to unsolicited submissions directly from authors. No agent required. Almost all of these publishers open to proposals,…

21 Creative Nonfiction Markets Open for Submissions Now

These magazines/websites accept creative nonfiction of various types – lyrical essays, memoirs, personal, or narrative essays included. Some of these are themed. They are open for submissions now, and most of these also accept other genres also, like fiction, poetry, scripts, reviews, commentary, and interviews. Several of these pay writers. Here they are, in no…

22 Specialized Manuscript Publishers that Accept Direct Submissions

All of the presses on this list meet all of our guiding principles, but most of them have such a specific focus that we cannot justify writing a full review and sending it to our full list of subscribers. But they are still good publishers. Instead, we have compiled this list of mini-reviews. I have also…

24 Themed Calls for Submissions for March 2020

There are 24 themed submission calls for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and plays in the 18 markets listed here. Some of the themes are: steampunk and gaslamp fairy tales, debts, Lovecraft mythos, wildlife, Halloween, house and home, migration, vampire noire, dead awake, road (trips), and fear the future. They all pay writers, from token…

What To Consider Before Writing Your Novel

When I first started writing, I went with the tried and true method of putting one word after the other. I was thirteen at the time. Now that I have spent a great deal of time and effort advising others on how best to publish their novels, I have a different perspective. Some of it…

29 Poetry Markets Open to Submissions in February

These are magazines for poets, and none of them charge a fee to submit, or they have fee-free options. Many pay writers, and all are open for submissions now. They are listed in no particular order. Several of these magazines accept other genres too, like fiction and nonfiction. There are also some awards, grants, and…

85 Poetry Manuscript Publishers Who Do Not Charge Reading Fees

Most traditional poetry manuscript publishers charge their readers a fee to submit. You can read about why that is the case here. This article focuses on a number of poetry manuscript publishers who do not charge submission fees to writers, which is good news for poets. This is the longest and most accurate list of…

20 Themed Calls for Submissions for February 2020

These are 20 themed submission calls for writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry in the 16 markets listed here. Some themes are: publishing, inverted fairy tales & folklore, an adventure anthology of Queer ladies, sky, stripes, extinction, Twenty Thousand Leagues Remembered, horses, cocktails, and romantic disasters at sea. All pay writers and none charge a…

26 Publishers Seeking Young Adult Submissions (No Agent Required)

Young adult is one of my favorite genres to read, even though when I was a young adult I struggled to find good YA books. These days the young adult genre is profitable, diverse, and covers a wide variety of genres, from science fiction to romance and everything in between. A lot of young adult…

55 Children’s Book Publishers Seeking Submissions

All of the publishers on this list publish children’s books. Some just publish picture books, some publish only middle-grade fiction, and some publish a wide variety of genres aimed at adults as well. Some are looking for educational work, others are open to anything. A number of these publishers are large and established. Others are…

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