Special Issue

10 Literary Markets Paying for Artwork

Literary and other magazines can be a nice source of additional income for artists, illustrators, and photographers. Having work published here can also make a great addition to an artist’s CV. The guidelines for artists/illustrators are usually found under the ‘Submission’ or ‘Contributor’ guidelines tab (sometimes these are under ‘Contact us’ tab, or ‘About us’…

20 Themed Calls for Submissions for September 2019

These are 20 themed submission calls in the 14 markets listed here for writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the themes are classics remixed, fierce, mystery, urban nature and the environmental challenges of cities, classic fairy tales populated with gay Bears, AfroMyth, the magic of dogs (and cats), Christmas, me-time, Anne of Green…

7 Common Mistakes New Authors Make When It Comes To Publishing

For the purpose of this article, I am defining new authors not as people new to writing, but as writers new to publishing their work. Publishing your work is a completely different beast than writing. There is some overlap between crafting a good query letter and crafting a good chapter, but it is insignificant in…

15 Paying Creative Nonfiction Markets Now Seeking Submissions

These publications accept creative nonfiction, including personal essays and memoir. Most of these outlets accept other genres also, like fiction and nonfiction. A few also publish translations and artwork. All of them pay writers, from token to pro rates, and are listed in no particular order. Shenandoah The magazine publishes poetry, prose, translations, and comics….

12 Specialized Manuscript Publishers that Accept Direct Submissions

All of the presses on this list meet all of our guiding principles, but most of them have such a specific focus that we cannot justify writing a full review and sending it to our full list of subscribers. But they are still good publishers. Instead, we have compiled this list of mini reviews. I have…

16 Themed Calls for Submissions for August 2019

These are 16 themed submission calls in the 14 markets listed here for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, and comics. Some of the themes are: detective thrillers, a dying planet, industry, climate change, 1984 revisited, secret lunar wars, darkness wired, tricksters, and literary lovers. All of these pay writers, whether royalties, token, or pro…

20 Literary Journals Always Open to Submissions

Most literary journals are open to submissions for a window of time each year. Sometimes it is a very long window. Sometimes it is more than one window. But it can be frustrating to visit their website and realize that they just closed to submissions. It is particularly hard during the summer, when the majority…

42 Writers’ “Rules for Writing”

Most writers have their own special “rules for writing,” even if they don’t talk about them. I find other writers’ rules fascinating, even when I don’t agree with them. A lot can be learned by reading about other authors’ approaches to writing. The New York Times and The Guardian have published famous author’s answers to…

Seven Exciting New Literary Journals

The following is a list of 7 new literary journals. All of these journals have been around for less than six months. In my experience, there are many reasons to seek publication in these journals. When a literary journal is new, the editors tend to be a lot more passionate. I have gotten handwritten thank…

15 Themed Calls for Submissions – July 2019

These are themed submission calls for writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the themes are: suburbia, monsters in space, swashbuckling cats, roots/routes, chains, haunting, survival horror, and pain. All of these pay writers, whether royalties, token, or pro rates. Deadlines are approaching quickly for some markets. The Suburban Review: Suburbia This Australian quarterly…

33 Romance Publishers Open to Direct Submissions

In 2018 and 2019, after a sustained period of growth, the romance publishing market started to see a number of changes, mostly in terms of romance publishers going out of business. A year ago this list had 40 publishers on it. It now has 33. Part of this is because of diminished eBook sales and…

17 Mystery Publishers Open to Manuscript Submissions

“The crime novel is the great moral literature of our time.” JEAN-PATRICK MANCHETTE “Nobody reads a mystery to get to the middle. They read it to get to the end. If it’s a letdown, they won’t buy anymore. The first page sells that book. The last page sells your next book.” MICKEY SPILLANE Mystery is…

22 Respected Literary Journals and Magazines that Publish Creative Writing

The literary journals and magazines on this list reject the vast majority of what is submitted to them. Sometimes authors’ works are rejected for years, decades even, before they receive an acceptance. But these literary journals are respected and trusted. Most have a large readership and good distribution in libraries and bookstores. Many of these…

16 Themed Calls for Submissions for June 2019

The calls are for fiction, nonfiction, poetry, scripts, and puzzles. The themes include: journey, World War II, food horror, art and music, encountering nature, all aboard, a new beginning, hair, frontier, and midnight in the witch’s kitchen. All of these pay contributors. Also see this list of submission calls – some deadlines are coming up….

16 Major Book Publishers Always Open to Submissions

Some publishers open and close their doors to submissions on a routine basis. It can be hard to determine if they are open or shut to submissions, and when you should submit. The following 16 publishers, however, are always open to submissions from writers without agents or previous publishing experience. They are all respected publishers…

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