Written by Emily Harstone July 3rd, 2019

Fahrenheit Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Fahrenheit Press is a publisher that focuses on publishing thrillers and crime novels. They are not interested in any books outside of these genres. They are a print and eBook Publisher.

It is important to note that they don’t mind re-publishing self-published books, as long as all the rights belong to the author.

They are based out of the UK. The editors have 25 years of experience in publishing. As they say on their website, “we figured it was time we created the publishing company we always dreamed of. We shoot from the lip and we call it like we see it – if that rubs people up the wrong way we can live with that”. That attitude is all over the website. It actually overwhelms the submission guidelines. But that could be a good thing, because at least submitters know what they are getting into. You can read an interview with the founder here.

Their website is mostly easy to use although I found that the graphics and dropdown menu didn’t always work, or didn’t look like it worked.

The covers of the books are generally excellent though. Much better than most standard genre covers.

One of the things I really like about them is that they are upfront about their royalty rates. They “offer a royalty rate of 50% on both eBooks & paperback editions for a 5 year contract.”

To learn more visit their submission guidelines here.

Bio: Emily Harstone is the pen name of an author whose work has been published internationally by a number of respected journals. She is a professional submissions adviser. She occasionally teaches a course on manuscript publishing. You can follow her on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/emilyharstone/


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