August 10, 2023

The Colored Lens: Now Seeking Speculative Fiction Submissions

The Colored Lens is an established print publisher of speculative fiction. They aim to help readers see the real world more clearly by looking at it through the lens of the imagination: “By considering what could be, we gain a better understanding of what is.” They publish all forms and styles of speculative fiction, including…

August 3, 2023

The Acedia Review: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

The Acedia Review is a new poetry journal produced by a collective of high school students. They aim to create opportunities for young writers around the world to participate in the publication process, and to combat what they call “poetic acedia”: “our mission is to help reverse the genre’s unfortunate decline.” Interested high school students…

July 27, 2023

Cape Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Cape Magazine in an online publisher of fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and everything in between. They delight in both traditional forms and experiments that aren’t defined by genre: “We have no genre expectation, just send us something that is utterly you.” They publish all forms and styles of writing, and they love discovering unheard voices: “from…

July 20, 2023

White Cresset Arts Journal: Now Seeking Submissions

White Cresset is a new journal of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and writing that defies genre boundaries. A cresset is a metal container that holds something flammable, like oil, and is burned as a light. In the same way, White Cresset aims to be, “the fuel and receptacle for your flames.” They’re looking for intense,…

July 13, 2023

Spare Parts Literary Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Spare Parts is an online literary magazine of poetry, fiction, plays, and novel excerpts. They aim to showcase writing that doesn’t fit elsewhere, and authors that feel like outsiders: “Spare Parts Lit was born out of the hopelessness of feeling like a spare part.” They hope to reframe the rejection that authors often experience as…

July 5, 2023

Immigration Diaries: Now Seeking Submissions

Immigration Diaries is a new online journal of stories about immigration. They aim to connect and empower those who have experienced immigration, or have been affected by it, through the communal act of sharing stories. The editor of the journal is a Chinese-American immigrant who found comfort in reading about people with similar experiences. She…

June 29, 2023

Great Ape: Now Seeking Submissions

UPDATED June 30th, 2023: Great Ape has unexpectedly closed permanently to submissions as of late yesterday/early today, after this review was sent out. We apologize for the inconvenience. Great Ape is a literary journal of absurdist humor. They publish humorous fiction (including flash), nonfiction, and poetry, and they’ve been around since 2019. Each edition is…

June 22, 2023

Epistemic Literary: Now Seeking Submissions

Epistemic Literary is new online literary magazine of poetry and flash fiction. They aim to create a publication that fosters community by showcasing a diverse range of perspectives: “Knowledge, connection, and growth are key to our mission.” They also hope to make submissions accessible to everyone by keeping them free, and by welcoming questions. Now…

June 8, 2023

Rushing Thru the Dark: Now Seeking Drama Submissions

Rushing Thru the Dark, a print and digital annual produced by Choeofpleirn Press, is a journal entirely dedicated to publishing one-act plays and short screenplays. They’re looking for dramas with engaging dialogue and scene descriptions, clear plots, and strong character development. Choeofpleirn Press also publishes a journal called Coneflower Café for short fiction and a…

June 1, 2023

Book of Matches: Now Seeking Submissions

Book of Matches is an online journal of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, established in 2020. They aim to “celebrate the best in humanity through the very real magic of words.” They’re interested in both the knowing that comes through living, and the unknowing too. You can get a sense of what they publish by…

May 25, 2023

Lunaris Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Lunaris Review is an international journal of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry, based in Nigeria. They aim to “embrace creativity from every corner of the earth” and to create a space where diverse narratives can “thrive symbiotically.” The journal celebrates ideas and artful aesthetics from around the world. Lunaris is published twice a year as…

May 18, 2023

Emerge Literary Journal: Now Seeking Submissions

Emerge is a literary journal completely dedicated to publishing emerging authors: “Whether you’re a new writer, a writer new to publishing, or a writer with experience experimenting with their style of work, we dedicate ourselves to you.” They publish free-verse poetry and flash prose in a broad range of voices. Launched in 2011, Emerge Literary…

May 11, 2023

Black Coffee Review: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

Black Coffee Review is an online publisher of poetry with a kick. They’re looking for poems that examine “the rawness of life—the dirt and grit of being human.” They publish all forms and styles of poetry, and you can get a sense of their style by reading the journal online. Black Coffee Review was launched…

May 4, 2023

The Saltbush Review: Now Seeking Submissions

The Saltbush Review is an online journal affiliated with the JM Coetzee Centre for Creative Practice at the University of Adelaide in South Australia. They publish both emerging and established authors of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. At the Saltbush Review, they’re looking for writing that’s both rooted and boundaryless: “Like the grey saltbush which blooms…

April 20, 2023

Small Wonders Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Small Wonders Magazine is a new online publisher of narrative poetry and flash fiction. They primarily publish fantasy and science fiction; they also publish horror. Small Wonders is looking for writing that invites the reader into the wonder of other worlds. To get a sense of what they publish, you can read their first issue…