
#PitMad About You: 3 Authors Discuss Pitching via #Pitmad

To learn more about what #PitMad  is read Rebecca Ann Smith‘s article about how #PitMad works. If Twitter is a writer’s playground, then “pitch parties” are that spinning-platform-of-death thingy that makes you giddy, terrified, and nauseous. Of all the pitch parties out there, #PitMad may be the most reputable. But what is it? To find…

Three Anthologies Seeking Submissions

Three upcomng anthologies, one about language, one about music, and the third about motherhood (however you define it) and traveling, are featured this month. This Bridge Called Language Anthology This Bridge Called Language is an upcoming anthology of real-life stories, each inspired by an “untranslatable” word from around the world. They are seeking personal stories/memoir…

1001 Journal: Now Accepting Submissions

1001 Journal is an annual print project produced by the students in the Certificate Program at the Independent Publishing Resource Center in Portland, Oregon. This handsomely designed, handmade journal houses poetry, prose, and comics. At 1001 Journal, they are especially interested in work that employs both words and images and hybrid work that breaks the…

How to Deal With Rejection

“Every rejection is incremental payment on your dues that in some way will be translated back into your work.” – James Lee Burke For the past five years I have had an average of 25 poems published per year. That means that I have received a fair number of acceptances.  For every acceptance I receive…

Three Anthologies Seeking Submissions

The three anthologies we are featuring this month are all seeking very different submissions. All are run by relatively new presses. Caution should be used when signing any contract with any new publisher. Tempest: Life Upturned A call for submissions opened up for the third anthology published in The Mind Key Anthologies series. The anthology…

Half Mystic: Now Accepting Submissions

Half Mystic is a new online journal dedicated to exploring the intersection of language and music. They are interested in all forms of writing that pertain to music and express musicality by exploring the ineffable. They like writing that grapples with paradox, grey space, the incomprehensible in-between, harmonious dissonance, and infinite finitude. In addition to…

Roane Publishing: Now Open to Book Submissions

Roane Publishing is relatively new on the indie publishing scene. Their website is a bit clunky and you have to really read when looking for their submissions link. They describe themselves as a romance publisher ranging from sweet to spicy. Although new, they claim their editors have sufficient editing experience gained from other publishing houses….

Is a Duotrope Subscription Worth It?

Duotrope is a publisher listing service. They are primarily a catalog of literary journals although they include small presses as well. This year Duotrope is branching out to include more mainstream magazines and publications that are open to journalistic submissions. At the time I am writing this their listing includes 5425 markets that accept fiction,…

200 CCs: Now Accepting Submissions

A new online publication, 200 CCs publishes one 200-word story each week. Though short, the stories in 200 CCs aren’t vignettes. Rather, they’re complete, condensed narratives. Like concentrated juice, the micro-stories in 200 CCs are punchy and impactful. They’re easy to read but hard to forget; they’re small stories that make a big entrance and…

Double Dragon: Book Submission Guidelines

Double Dragon Publishing is a publisher currently focused on publishing Science Fiction, Horror, Thriller/Suspense and Dark Fantasy.  This includes Hard (Science) SF, Space Fiction, Future Fiction, Lost Civilizations, Utopias, Dystopias, Disaster Novels, Alternate Histories, Time Travel, Parallel Worlds, etc.  They publish individual novels as well as series. Digital publishers that have been around for 15…

Strangelet: Now Accepting Submissions

Exploring universal truths from the decks of starships, the mouths of dragons, and the kitchen sinks of miraculously ordinary humans, Strangelet is a unique literary universe. From the collision of literary art and entertaining genre, Strangelet emerges. Their stories are made of magical realism, fantasy, and science fiction—anything that takes us to another world or…

5 Online Sources of Blogging Inspiration

Written by Ellie Matama Blogging is a great way to enhance your online visibility, build your brand, and market your written works. However, it can be quite tedious to have to come up with topics to write about on a regular basis. It is important to find continuous sources of inspiration for new material. This…

Red Moon Romance: Manuscript Submission Guidelines

A boutique publisher, Red Moon, usually publishes about 16 to 20 new titles per year. They are an imprint of World Weaver Press but explicitly state on their website that they are not owned by any major corporations. Their main aim is to bridge the gap between self publishing and traditional publishing. With that in…

Guernica: Now Accepting Submissions

Guernica is a thoughtful magazine. They like thoughtful ideas—from everyone and everywhere—so they publish fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, and art from around the world. Their authors come from dozens of countries and write in as many languages. Full editions of Guernica are published online twice a month, and additionally, smaller issues called Guernica Daily are…

Michigan Quarterly Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Michigan Quarterly Review is an interdisciplinary journal publishing poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction, as well as critical essays addressing social, cultural, political, and literary topics. Eclectic, thought provoking, and refined, Michigan Quarterly Review aims to spark the intellect of its bright-minded readers. They publish work by contemporary cornerstones—Joyce Carol Oats, John Updike, Margaret Atwood, Carol…

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