
Top 12 Mistakes of Amateur Writers

When I was a new writer, I wondered why I kept getting rejection letters. I was tired of never making it past the slush pile. I wanted to get an acceptance letter from one of my ‘dream markets.’ Doubt started creeping in, making me question my ability as a writer. Fortunately, I kept at it….

9 Great Literary Journals That Opened To Submissions in September

The editors of literary journals generally take the summer off, making it difficult to find good journals to submit to during July and August. However, most literary journals re-open to submissions in September and October. This is a list of 10 of the best literary journals that are opening to submissions this September. The list…

Pajama Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

UPDATED August 12th, 2024: They now are accepting Middle grade manuscripts. Pajama Press is a publisher of books for children and young adults. They focus on publishing literary works. They publish books that fall into a wide range of categories including: picture books, board books for the very young, young adult novels, and non-fiction for…

Osprey Publishing: Book Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Osprey Publishing is a company that focuses on a niche market and has good distribution. I have seen and purchased a number of their books in brick and mortar bookstores. Osprey publishes non-fiction books, focusing on military history. They also produce historical themed military adventure games. They are currently only accepting unsolicited proposals for manuscripts…

Blue Bonnet Review

UPDATE: The Blue Bonnet Review is temporarily closed to new submissions. We apologize for the inconvenience. Blue Bonnet Review is a literary journal based out of Houston, Texas. They are based out of Texas but they encourage individuals around the world to submit.  They publish poetry, nonfiction, and fiction. They also publish works in Spanish,…

Author Interview: S.T. Underdahl

Author Overview: S.T. Underdahl is an accomplished author who began her writing career 11 years ago. In that time three of her novels have been published by Flux publishing, a Young Adult (YA) imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide, and the fourth, she self-published. In this interview the author discusses the intricacies of getting an agent, offers…

Three Common Submission Mistakes

I have been a contest reader, a magazine editor, a literary journal editor, and an e-book editor. In that time I have rejected thousands of poems, articles, short stories, and a couple hundred book manuscripts. In this time I have also accepted a small number of exceptional work. This of course is nothing compared to…

WITNESS Impulse: Now Accepting Book Manuscripts

Updated January 2019 – They have been closed to direct submissions for over a year now. The link to their submission guidelines is broken. WITNESS Impulse is a digital first imprint of Harper Collins. They publish a wide variety of mystery novels, including digital editions by some of the most famous mystery writers of all…

Increase Your Productivity With A Writing Routine

There’s a particular nugget of wisdom about writing that, over the past few years, I’ve stumbled across again and again. This oft-repeated bit of advice crops up in books, blogs, websites, manuals and articles. It’s even at the heart of the ever-more-popular annual frenzy that is National Novel Writing Month. You’ve almost certainly heard it…

Smartish Pace: Now Accepting Poetry

Smartish Pace is a print literary journal that focuses on publishing quality poems by emerging and established poets. They are open to submissions year round. It takes them about 8 months to respond to most submissions. Each issue has well chosen cover art. They publish a number of poems as well as reviews, interviews, and…

SOFTBLOW: Now Accepting Poetry

SOFTBLOW is an online literary journal based out of Singapore that publishes only English language poetry. They publish work by three poets every month. SOFTBLOW usually publishes 3-5 poems per poet, and they are placed on the same page, underneath the author’s biography. SOFTBLOW is a good place to submit to because a lot of…

Ellechor Publishing: Now Accepting Submissions

UPDATED FEBRUARY 2018: They are permanently closed to business. Ellechor Publishing is a Christian publisher of print and electronic books. They have good distribution, both online and in brick and mortar stores. They started in 2009, but they seem to have improved over time in terms of distribution and cover design. They publish Christian fiction…

Maudlin House

Maudlin House is an e-journal that publishes one new issue every month. They publish flash fiction, fiction, videos, art, and poems. They are not averse to publishing genre work. They are particularly interested in publishing work that explores the human condition. They try to respond to all submissions within two weeks. They accept a little…

The Three P’s of a Successful Book Signing

Many writers dream of reaching their audience, making a difference in people’s lives, or simply selling books. This article is all about reaching your readers with a book signing. This can not only be incredibly gratifying, it can help you sell a lot of books. My recent foray into book signing happened when Chapters-Indigo arranged…

Bartleby Snopes: Accepting Short Story Submissions

Update: This Journal is Now Closed as of December 30th 2016 Bartlby Snopes is an online literary journal that publishes two stories per week, all year long. They also publish a semi-annual print edition that includes selected stories that they have previously published online. They do not pay contributors, however they do run a contest…

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