
Titan Books: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Titan Books is a UK-based publisher. They are part of Titan Entertainment Group, which you can learn more about here. They publish a wide range of nonfiction, fiction, and graphic novels, but most of the fiction and graphic novels they publish is licensed from overseas and they are only open to direct submissions in the…

Poets: Fast Forward Your Path to Book Publication

By LindaAnn LoSchiavo During the coronavirus lockdown, when the book parties, readings, and events for my two newest poetry books were cancelled, instead of throwing up my hands, I spent more time at my desk and discovered a map that would steer me efficiently through my next literary labyrinth. How useful was my map? It…

Stone Pier Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated May 23, 2024. They are currently closed to submissions. Stone Pier Press is a niche publisher that describes themselves as “an environmental publishing company with a food focus.” They are a San Francisco based non-profit focused towards a climate-friendly food system. They say they do this by “publishing good books about good food and…

Route 7 Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Update: They have now posted this on their website “We have currently reached the allowable number of submissions through Submittable. However, you may continue to send work by email. Please use the following address: ” Route 7 Review is an online journal published by Utah Tech University. The journal is named after the highway that connects Southern…

6 Common Myths About Publishing

As a writer who receives hundreds of emails each week about publishing, there are a number of myths about publishing that I encounter repeatedly. Different writers tell them to me as if they are fact. Some myths are ones I believed when I was starting out. Some contain truth. Many are entirely false. Believing in…

Blackwater Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Blackwater Press is a new small press based in West Virginia, with an international team of editors. They also run an editorial consultancy, but when I reached out to the press directly the editors informed me that they did not direct writers submitting to the press to their editorial services and that they don’t accept…

Lavender Bones Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Lavender Bones is a new online magazine of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. They’re interested in writing that explores the themes of growth, change, and persistence: “…like flowers blooming after the harshest of winters, or how our skeletons and memories exist long after we are gone.” They want to read writing about the cycles of life…

Flash Fiction: Packing a Lot into a Little

By David Galef What’s under 1,000 words and read all over? Flash fiction. You can change the limit to 500, around 300 for micro fiction, and even less for tiny miniatures like hint fiction (25 words or fewer) and nanofiction, which is the length of an old-style tweet, 140 characters, including the spaces. The principle…

Opportunities Open to Submissions From Historically Underrepresented Voices This October

This list of publishers meet our guiding principles, but are only open to free submissions from historically underrepresented writers or focus on publishing content produced by historically underrepresented writers. Some of these publications are open to a wide range of writers including writers of color, gender non-conforming and LGBTQ+ writers, and those living with disabilities….

Cider Mill Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals

UPDATED August 11, 2023. They now appear permently closed to submissions. Cider Mill Press was an independent publisher of cookbooks,  humor books, children’s books and a variety of nonfiction related to alcohol.  In  late 2022 Harper Focus acquired Cider Mill Press. Most of what they publish could be loosely categorized as “gift books”. They are…

Invisible City: Now Seeking Submissions

Invisible City is an online journal of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, produced by the MFA in Writing Program at the University of San Francisco. They like writing that, “makes the unseen seen, examining the world through previously unconsidered perspectives and angles.” They especially like to showcase emerging authors, and authors who identify with underrepresented groups….

21 Opportunities Writers for October 2022

This is a list of opportunities for writers, including a free writers conference in Japan, a job opening for an editorial assistant, many fellowships, and other great opportunities. Please note that some deadlines are fast approaching. The 2023 Open City Fellowship The Open City Fellowship is a unique opportunity for six emerging Asian American, Muslim,…

An Accidental Novelist

By Sarah Martin Of all the different kinds of writing I’ve practised over the years, novel writing is the most exhilarating. That’s partly because things don’t always turn out the way you planned. My writing life began with school reports where careful diplomacy ran a fine line between avoiding motherhood statements or being hurtful, and…

5 Paying Literary Magazines to Submit to in October 2022

These magazines pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Not all of them are open through the month. Nightmare This is an award-winning magazine of horror and dark fantasy. They also publish nonfiction and poetry. They have opened a brief reading period for short fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Deadline: 8 October 2022 for general submissions,…

Autofocus: Now Seeking Submissions

Autofocus publishes autobiographical writing. They launched in 2020 as an online journal and podcast, and in 2022 they also become a small press, Autofocus Books. Autofocus Lit Mag is published on a rolling basis. They post new content online frequently, averaging about 12 to 15 new published pieces each month. The lit mag is attractively…

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