
Opportunities Open to Submissions From Historically Underrepresented Voices This December

This list of publishers meet our guiding principles, but are only open to free submissions from historically underrepresented writers or focus on publishing content produced by historically underrepresented writers. Some of these publications are open to a wide range of writers including writers of color, gender non-conforming and LGBTQ+ writers, and those living with disabilities….

Interlude Press and Duet Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated March 6th 2024, they are not updating the website, and I do not think they plan to. I don’t know why Chicago Review Press appears to not be moving forward with this imprint, but there have been no new deals listed on Publishers Marketplace since Duet was acquired by them. Interlude Press and Duet…

How to Get the Best Feedback for Your Work

By Aliya Bree Hall After finishing a new project, whether it’s for a fiction story or article, it’s always important to get another set of eyes on your work. If you happen to have a really strong support network of other writers or colleagues, this is a great resource to tap into; however, sometimes you…

Writing Opportunities for December 2022

As 2022 nears ending, we hope you’ve been able to reach your writing and publishing goals. For these opportunities, as before, please endeavor to review and adhere to the guidelines for the respective submissions, and reach out to the organizers for any clarification. Emerging Writer Award Established in 2015, the Emerging Writer Award (formerly the…

Five Paying Literary Magazines to Submit to in December 2022

These magazines accept fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, as well as translations. They’re a mix of literary and genre magazines. Fieldnotes They are reading submissions for their fifth issue. “We are seeking non-conforming submissions: ideas in transition, poetry in translation, collaborations and conversations, works between genres, between fiction and theory, between text and image, new poetic…

Orbis Books: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Orbis Books was founded in 1970, and they are the publishing arm Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, a Catholic organization of leaders in religious publishing since 1970. Within that scope they publish a wide range of books on prayer, spirituality, Catholic life, theology, mission and current affairs. The work they publish tries to encompass “the global…

Armstrong Literary: Now Seeking Submissions

Armstrong Literary is an online journal published by the The Queens College MFA in Creative Writing and Literary Translation program. They aim to showcase a diverse range of voices, “a multiplicity of cultures, languages, and experiences.”  They also aim to push the boundaries of language by featuring hybrid and experimental writing alongside other literary work….

Writing Believable Dialogue

Emily-Jane Hills Orford How realistic is the dialogue in your stories? Does it set the mood of the scene? Describe the characters? Add backstory? Help the story move forward? A story without dialogue can be very dry and quickly lose readers’ attention. But, a story with unrealistic dialogue will also turn them away. In the…

Yale University Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions & Book Proposals

Updated March 2024 Yale University Press (YUP), like most university presses, is open to direct submissions and manuscript proposals. Yale University Press was established in 1909 and you can learn more about their history here. You can see their current catalog here. When you submit to YUP, submit to only one editor. The editors are…

Heimat Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Heimat Review is a new online quarterly of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. “Heimat” means home, and Heimat Review aims to create a home for insightful writing: “It is a journal of treehouses and chipped coffee mugs; creaky floors and dusty corners. A place to tape your work to the kitchen fridge.” They’re looking for writing…

Where Do I Start?

By Emily-Jane Hills Orford This question, where do I start, usually refers to the writing process. Writers are good with ideas, good with sorting through the mesh of plot patterns, characters, setting and how one visions the story unfolding. Writers are told it’s best to begin with a plot map, although many, like me, dive…

Prestel: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Prestel is an imprint of Penguin Random House that focuses on art, architecture, design, and photography. If you’ve been to more than one major art gallery opening in the past decade in North America, chances are you’ve encountered one of their many exhibit catalogues. Their logo was immediately familiar to me for this reason. The…

BlueHouse Journal: Now Seeking Submissions

BlueHouse Journal is a Canadian publisher of poetry and creative nonfiction, as well as experimental and hybrid forms. They are “focused on the construction of the written self,” and they aim to explore the use of “I” in writing. To get a sense of what they publish, you can read past issues online. BlueHouse was…

Opportunities Open to Submissions From Historically Underrepresented Voices This November

This list of publishers meet our guiding principles, but are only open to free submissions from historically underrepresented writers or focus on publishing content produced by historically underrepresented writers. Some of these publications are open to a wide range of writers including writers of color, gender non-conforming and LGBTQ+ writers, and those living with disabilities….

Fair Winds Press: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Fair Winds Press is now an imprint of Quarto publishing, which we’ve reviewed here. Fair Winds Press was originally founded in 2001 as part of the Rockport Publishing Group. Fair Winds focuses on providing readers with authoritative and accessible information that helps them live “a healthier life, both physically and spiritually.” This sounds specific but…

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