
Tips for Being a Writer During the Health Crisis

By Brandie June I won’t lie, the world is a bit of a scary place right now. Anytime I turn on the news or go to the store, I’m reminded that there is a big health crisis that we all have to deal with right now, and it means a lot of changes. Over just…

The Importance of Reading Debut Novels

A debut novel is the first novel published by a writer. When one is attempting to find an agent and publisher for their own first novel, it is very important to read debut novels by other writers to see what is being published now. Older, established novelists like Margret Atwood and John Irving are going…

Open Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

UPDATED May 29th, 2024: We have continued to hear feedback that they are offering hybrid contracts. but have one tier of publications that is traditional. I haven’t heard from anyone in the traditional tier, and this is a highly unusual approach. To be a traditional press in good standing one cannot direct from traditional publishing…

Yellow Arrow Journal: Now Seeking Submissions

Yellow Arrow is a nontraditional publisher producing a hand-bound journal of poetry, creative nonfiction, and book reviews written by authors who identify as women. They see creativity as an act of service and a path toward communal empathy. With that in mind, they aim to spotlight and inspire underrepresented authors. They encourage authors who identify…

The Importance of Trope Awareness

Over the last decade, the word trope has come to be used to describe commonly recurring motifs, clichés, and rhetorical devices in a wide range of creative works. Once you become aware of tropes, and how they’re used (and misused), they can become a useful tool in your writer’s toolkit. Tropes: in characters and stories…

The Feminist Press

Last Updated February 2025. The Feminist Press was established as an independent nonprofit literary publisher in 1970.  The Feminist Press is the oldest women’s publishing house in the world. They are open to submission from female/female identifying, and non binary authors. They publish literary fiction and works of nonfiction. It is easy to get a…

Sixth Finch: Now Seeking Submissions

Sixth Finch is a well-established and respected online poetry journal edited by poet Rob MacDonald. Founded in 2008 with the goal of offering readers premier poetry and art for free, Sixth Finch continues to build a reputation for literary excellence. Simple, stunning design and great poetry have earned the journal many accolades. Work originally published…

Excession Press: Seeking Manuscript Submissions Until April 5th, 2020

Excession Press is a small press focused on horror, science fiction, weird western, or dark fantasy with literary merit. The books they publish are between 30,000 and 60,000 words in length. They say they have a few hundred words worth of wiggle room on either end of that guideline, but that is it. Excession Press…

Bracken: Now Seeking Submissions Poetry and Fiction

Bracken is an online literary magazine exploring “human nature as part of nature.” Stunning original artwork coupled with poetry and short fiction makes this eye-catching digital journal a memorable read. They publish a wide range of forms and writing styles for a broad audience, but they tend to favor lyrical magical realism. You can get…

5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in March 2020

These markets are open in March and they pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry; one of these magazines also accepts screenplays, graphic art, and graphic fiction. There are both literary and genre markets here. Deep Magic They want clean fantasy and sci-fi stories. They won’t publish fiction with graphic violence, mature sexual themes, or profanity….

How to Get Review Quotes for Your Book

 By Ben Graff When I had finished writing my first book, a more experienced author told me the hard work started now. She highlighted that all writers face a crowded marketplace. That no matter how beautiful the language or however moving the story, very few novels sell themselves. We all want our work to connect…

Brother Mockingbird Publishing: Actively Seeking Manuscript Queries

Updated February 2025 Brother Mockingbird Publishing is a small independent press that describes itself as “committed to the discovery of talented writers with original stories”. They publish a wide range of genres including, Action/Adventure, Chick Lit, Commercial, Contemporary, Crime/Detective/Cozies, Historical, Horror, Humor/Satire, Literary, Multicultural, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction,  Suspense, Thriller, Upmarket, Western, Women’s Fiction, Young…

Cheat River Review: Now Seeking Submissions

This thoughtfully designed online journal edited by West Virginia University graduate students publishes flash fiction, poetry, micro poetry, longform nonfiction, and flash nonfiction. Founded in 2013, Cheat River Review is a well-established journal featuring both emerging and established writers. Each year, they nominate authors for the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and other major…

How to Work with an Artist to Design Your Book’s Cover

By Ben Graff As writers, we strive to make every word we place on the page work perfectly. However, readers frequently make judgments and buying choices without reading any of what we have written. Our cover designs are often the gateway to our work, and it is all too easy to undermine a great book…

Uproar Books: Accepting Submissions

UPDATED July 27th 2022, they have a pretty permanent looking closed to submissions. Uproar Books was founded in 2018 by Rick Lewis, who has a background in marketing, not publishing. Uproar books published its first book in early 2019. They only publish epic fantasy and science fiction for adults and young adults, and they are…

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