
Sinful Press: Now Accepting Romance Submissions

Sinful Press focuses on publishing erotica. They primarily publish eBooks but most are also offered in paperback format (through print on demand publishing). Sinful Press is based in the UK. They are a relatively new publisher and so far their Amazon sales have not been stellar, but what they have published has largely been well…

The Other Stories Podcast: Now Seeking Fiction Submissions

The Other Stories is a weekly literary podcast. Each episode features one author and begins with an interview about the author’s writing—their influences, motivations, processes, and goals. Then, the author reads a short story and the interviewer asks the author questions about the story. Each episode is set to original music, scored uniquely for the…

Stairway Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Stairway Press publishes and markets literary books in a variety of genres including science, science fiction, short stories, political essays, literary thrillers and adventure books. They are not interested in young adult or children books. Their main focus is quality writing. Although a number of the books I looked at I would not describe as…

The Wyrd: Now Seeking Submissions

Based in South Africa, The Wyrd is an online journal of slipstream, speculative, and weird prose. They walk between genres the way some people walk down untraveled roads. And, like the surprises that inevitably meet such travelers, the stories in The Wyrd are memorable, uncanny, and unexpected all at once. The best way to get… Publishing Open to Novellas till May 15th

Until 15 May 2018 (9 a.m. EST), Publishing, the publishing arm of the science fiction and fantasy website, will be open for unsolicited novella submissions. Novellas should be between 20,000-40,000 words and can be either in the science fiction or fantasy genres. They specify: “This open period is intended for authors who have…

Square One Publishers: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Square One Publishers focuses on publishing adult nonfiction books. They are looking for books by authors that are experts in their field. Their books are focused on meeting the needs of niche audiences. They are not a publisher of bestsellers, they have a specific market/markets and they cater to them. Currently they are open to…

Landfill (Ursus Americanus Press): Now Seeking Submissions

A project of Ursus Americanus Press, Landfill is an online journal of poetry and hybrid forms.  Helmed in Chicago and New York, they publish a wide range of “beautiful weirdos,” from bizarre to banal. Their only guideline is: “Show us your teeth.” Landfill has been published bimonthly for about a year now. They usually publish…

Storey Publishing: Accepting Submissions

Updated January 2025 The founders of Storey Publishing, John and Martha Storey, bought the publishing arm of Garden Way. They initially named their new business Storey Communications before renaming to Storey Publishing. Their mission is to provide practical information that encourages independence in a way that is harmonious with the environment. The books they publish…

Ascent: Now Seeking Submissions

Helmed at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, Ascent is a literary journal of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and photography. Since 1975, they’ve curated a collection of the best work from select emerging and established writers. Previously a print publication, they transitioned to an online format in 2009. Since then, they’ve published and archived the work of…

How to Politely Sell Your Books to Friends

By Ben Graff Many writers are introverts, most hate selling, and it is not always easy to develop strategies for approaching existing contacts. Yet established networks provide real opportunities to reach potential readers and should not be ignored. Whilst your circle of friends and readers will be different, there is no reason why they cannot…

Thrice Fiction: Seeking Submissions Until April 30

The brainchild of RW Spryszak, a player in the alternative zine scene of the 80’s and 90’s, Thrice Fiction is a modern resurrection of the literary sub-culture out of which altzines were born. In addition to invoking the spirit of the merry pranksters of yore, Thrice Fiction hopes to give that spirit a new body…

Ripple Grove Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

UPDATED MARCH 2021: They are closed to new submissions and did not publish any new books in 2020. It seems in all likelyhood they are defunct. UPDATED January 2020: They are now only reading manuscript submissions from July 1st to September 30th. Ripple Grove Press is a newer family-run children’s book publisher based out of…

Roane Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated April 2019: Website non-functioning. Consider defunct. Roane Publishing is a romance publisher that focuses on work ranging from sweet to spicy. Roane now also publishes erotica and fantasy. No romance element is required in their fantasy books. They are open to most sub-genres of fantasy including “Epic, Sword and Sorcery, Steampunk, Urban Fantasy, Dystopian,…

Soft Cartel: Now Seeking Submissions of Poetry and Prose

Soft Cartel, an online magazine of poetry and prose, believes that literature can have a life—and that it can even have fun. They like playful experiments and heartfelt dashes into the unknown. They’re tired of worn-out stories and exclusionary, high-fiving cliques. They’re open—to brand new experiences and submissions to match. Soft Cartel accepts submissions all…

Why You Need to Follow the Guidelines

Wendy S. Delmater Every market has what are called guidelines, often on a Submissions or Guidelines tab or page. So what are guidelines? Guidelines are a set of rules put together for the benefit of editors, to make their lives easier. They are also for writers, to give them a better chance of getting published….

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