
Immedium: Now Accepting Book Submissions

Updated February 2025: While still technically open to submissions, they have not published a new book in over two years. Immedium was founded in 2004 and is led by experienced professionals, who have written critically acclaimed books, marketed print and digital media, and sold #1 nationwide best-sellers. Aquanauts, a series of books they published, was turned…

The Fiction Week Literary Review: Now Seeking Submissions

The Fiction Week Literary Review is an online magazine of innovative poetry and fiction. Since 2009, they have been publishing ground-breaking new writing that seeks to find novel ways to tell a story. They also publish craft essays, selections from novels, and reviews of innovative fiction and poetry books. You can get a sense of…

Find Your People: How to Start a Writer’s Society

By Lindsay Redifer One of the best decisions I made this year was to seek out fellow writers in my community and bring them together into a little society. I love to write alone all day, but I love to exchange ideas and energies, too. The solitude broke me and I formed my little group…

Gibbs Smith: Now Accepting Book Submissions

Updated October 2022 Gibbs Smith is an established publisher with good distribution and a focus on cook books, interior design and architecture books, and board books for children. They have published a number of bestsellers, including a board book version of Pride & Prejudice. For small children they publish activity books, picture books, and board…

Poetry South: Now Seeking Submissions

Founded in 2009, Poetry South is a print journal of poetry published by the MFA program in Creative Writing at Mississippi University for Women. They give particular preference to writers from the South—those who are born, raised, or living there—however, they consider poetry of all kinds, from all regions of the country and around the…

BetaBooks: A New Tool for Organizing Beta Reading

By Kelli Fitzpatrick Beta readers are essential to the writing process. They voluntarily read your completed work to give feedback before you submit a manuscript for publication. While these people are awesome, the process of collecting feedback from multiple beta readers and keeping it organized and accessible has long been a hassle for authors, especially…

The Sunlight Press: Now Seeking Submissions

The Sunlight Press is a new online literary journal that publishes poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction and photography, as well as reflections on craft composed by authors and artists. They seek to showcase experiences that foster epiphanies, stories in which people turn toward hope. They are searching for illustrations of our capacity to navigate the unknown,…

Seven Books Every Writer Should Read

There are hundreds of books on writing that are out there. In fact as a young writer I received many of these as birthday gifts; some were extremely helpful,  others were just frustrating, and many are still sitting on a shelf in my parents’ house, unread. However, whether you are a poet, a fiction writer,…

Top Conference Follow-Up Tips

by Devon Ellington  Meeting agents and editors at conferences gives a stronger sense of whether your work is the right match. You also meet other authors, who provide mutual support on the publishing journey. Conferences are both exhilarating and exhausting. How often have you returned from a conference, dumped your bag in the corner and…

Dawn Publications: Now Accepting Book Manuscripts

UPDATED January 18th 2022: They seem to be completely absorbed by Source Books and do not seem to have their own identity outside of being part of Source Books larger children’s book catalog.  Dawn Publications is a boutique print press focused on publishing books connecting children and nature. They usually just publish six books a…

Reality Hands: Now Seeking Submissions

Removed at the request of the publisher.

Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing: Accepting Submissions

UPDATED August 2024. Founded in 1911 and located in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company is an independent publisher of religious books. They have a large range, including academic books and reference works in theology, biblical studies, and religious history to popular titles in spirituality, social and cultural criticism, as well as literature….

Lou Lit Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Lou Lit Review is a print literary magazine of fiction and poetry produced by Louisburg College. They publish writing that explores place-based experience, from their local streets of Franklin County, North Carolina to locations around the globe. Starting in Spring 2018, Lou Lit Review will be published once a year in print. As submissions are…

How to Future-Proof Your Writing

By James Aitchison When books come back from the dead, who gets the money? Or doesn’t it matter? As a working author, I think it matters greatly. As history has often proved, you never know when something you’ve written will be rediscovered and dusted off long after your death. A case in point is Maigret,…

The Cerurove: Now Seeking Submissions

A new online literary journal helmed in India, The Cerurove seeks to become a revolution in literary form. They want to personify Albert Camus’ words: “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” They are searching for writing that…

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