Literary Journals Publishing Genre

The Coachella Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Note: This literary journal closed to submissions after this article was published. For more opportunities, see this list of 32 flash fiction markets,  this list of nine recurring dark fiction markets, and this list of 41 themed calls for submissions. The Coachella Review is an online literary journal produced by the University of California, Riverside-Palm…

Pocket Fiction: Now Seeking Submissions

Pocket Fiction is a new online publisher of short fiction and poetry. They offer stories that can be read during coffee breaks, commutes, and other everyday happenings, stories that can be finished in five to twenty minutes. They publish both literary and mainstream writing by authors from around the world, and they aim to reach…

Kaleidotrope: Now Seeking Submissions

Kaleidotrope is an established online magazine of speculative fiction and poetry. Although they mostly publish science fiction, fantasy, and horror, they’re open to other writing that blurs these genre boundaries or falls outside of these categories. You can read Kaleidotrope for free online to get a sense of what they publish. Kaleidotrope has been published…

The Dread Machine: Now Seeking Submissions

The Dread Machine is a publisher of futuristic dark fiction, speculative fiction, slipstream, literary science fiction, and cyberpunk. They also like magical realism, dystopias and utopias, unconventional societies, and diverse protagonists. The Dread Machine is a selective publisher with a small staff, so they ask that authors send only their best writing. The Dread Machine…

Once Upon a Crocodile: Now Seeking Submissions

Once Upon a Crocodile is an online publisher of humorous stories and poems. They aim to leave readers with a “mile-wide grin.” They’re especially interested in humorous and absurd fantasy and sci-fi writing with quirky characters, and they also like animal stories. Once Upon a Crocodile has been published since 2018. They’ve produced nine issues,…

Moss Puppy Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Moss Puppy Magazine is a new online and print publisher of fiction, creative nonfiction, flash writing, and poetry. Right now through April 1 they’re seeking submissions for their upcoming edition themed “Puppy Love.” They’re looking for writing about romance and, “what makes your heart howl.” In general, Moss Puppy is looking for unexpected and thoroughly…

Nocturne Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Nocturne Magazine publishes artfully crafted horror. They’re not looking for predictable plots and cheap screams; rather, they want literary work that’s “deeply unsettling.” They embrace dark writing that might fit into a wide range of genres, including speculative fiction, dark fantasy, and of course, horror. But they also embrace disturbing writing that can’t be classified….

K-Zine: Now Accepting Submissions of Short Stories

This UK-based magazine is published in print and on Kindle. The goal of the magazine is to provide quality original genre fiction. The genres they publish are science fiction, horror, fantasy and crime. Length guidelines are 1,000-8,000 words. They usually publish around seven stories per issue. Their covers are very eighties-inspired but generally a lot…

The Clearing: Now Seeking Submissions

The Clearing is an established online journal published by Little Toller Books, a well-loved independent press committed to reviving old nature classics and books about rural living in the British Isles. They’ve received numerous accolades, and The Independent calls them “a small but discerning press.” The Clearing is an online space for authors and artists…

Déraciné: Now Seeking Submissions

Déraciné is an online journal of dark fiction, poetry, and art. A déraciné  is a person who feels displaced, and Déraciné magazine hopes to raise awareness of psychological issues and feelings of displacement. Using elements of the literary gothic, horror, and fantasy, Déraciné explores the shadow of the psyche. To get a sense of what they…

Five on the Fifth: Now Seeking Submissions

Five on the Fifth is a monthly online journal that publishes five short pieces of writing—horror, fantasy, science fiction, general fiction, flash fiction, and nonfiction—on the fifth of every month. They aim to help emerging authors get their voices heard by maintaining a frequent publication schedule and responding quickly to submissions. Their journal reaches a…

MARY: Now Seeking Submissions

MARY: A Journal of New Writing, is a thoughtfully designed online journal sponsored by the MFA in creative writing program at Saint Mary’s College of California. MARY is buzzing with daring, strange fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and hybrid writing from both new and established authors. They’ve published work by D.A. Powell, Dorathea Lasky, Peter Orner, Bruce…

The Wyrd: Now Seeking Submissions

Based in South Africa, The Wyrd is an online journal of slipstream, speculative, and weird prose. They walk between genres the way some people walk down untraveled roads. And, like the surprises that inevitably meet such travelers, the stories in The Wyrd are memorable, uncanny, and unexpected all at once. The best way to get…

Taxicab Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Born out of a craving for more literature to love, Taxicab Magazine was, according to its makers, “thrown into a frying pan with the hesitancy of all great things.” It’s an American venture by creed, pioneering and accepting all corners of our shared and partitioned selves. They like novelties, shake-ups, and progress. They believe in…

Mookychick—Now Seeking Submissions of Stories, Essays, and Reviews

Launched in 2005, Mookychick—an online publisher of fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and reviews—has evolved into a community forum for just about everything. Eclectic and inclusive, they aim to connect like minds of all varieties. From fashion to faith and everything beyond, upside-down, and in-between—Mookychick wants to know about it. The best way to get a sense…

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