Manuscript Publishers

Small Town Girl: Actively Seeking Manuscript Queries

Brother Mockingbird Publishing is a small independent press committed to discovering writers from the American South, but they are also open to good fiction, regardless of where the author is based. They were founded in 2018. They publish a wide range of genres including women’s fiction, historical fiction, romance, mystery (including thrillers and cozies), upmarket,…

Young Dragons: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Young Dragons is a traditional independent publisher focused on publishing books for children. They publish picture books as well as middle grade fiction. They used to be part of a larger press Oghma, but at some point that press underwent a major re-branding and is now called Roan & Weatherford. There is no mention of…

Soft Skull Press: Accepting Submissions till July 20th

Updated July 27th, 2021: They have annonced “We will reopen unagented manuscript submissions on Submittable beginning Tuesday, August 3rd at 12:01am ET (9:01pm PT on 8/2), and ending Wednesday, August 4th at 11:59pm ET/8:59pm PT.” Updated: July 19th 2021.  They have closed early to submissions without announcing any change on their website, or their Twitter…

Affirm Books: Accepting Submissions on the First Monday of Every Month

Affirm Books is a Melbourne, Australia based publisher of local and international authors that is open to direct submissions. They publish a broad range of non-fiction work and have a smaller, more focused fiction list for adults and children. They are only open to nonfiction and children’s book submissions from non Australian authors. They have…

Abingdon Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals

Founded in the 1920s, Abingdon Press is a cross-denominational religious publisher. They are an imprint of The United Methodist Publishing House, which as been in operation since 1789.  They offer a wide variety of products, including books (Christian living, academic, leadership), church supply items, church program resources, curriculum resources, and a host of other print…

AM Ink: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated November 11th, 2024 AM Ink is a Western Massachusetts based press that initially published biographies, children’s books, novels, and short story collections.  They’ve published many books, including bestsellers. They have also sold television rights, and had movies made from their books. Most of what they have published has not been particularly successful though, and…

Nightfire (Tor): Accepting Submissions June 15th -22nd

Every year Nightfire, an imprint of Tor, opens to submissions for a limited window of time. This year it’s June 15th through the 22nd. The opportunity opens and closes at 9 AM EST. Because it’s such a limited window, and because it’s an excellent opportunity, we try and promote it a little in advance so…

Pavilion Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals

Updated May 2022: Now permanently closed to un-agented submissions. Pavilion Books is an independent London-based publisher that specializes in illustrated books. They have international distribution. They have a number of imprints and between them they publish 150 books per year. Much of what they publish has to do with craft, cooking, children, and textile art….

Thames & Hudson: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Thames & Hudson was founded in 1949 by Walter and Eva Neurath. Their goal was to create a ‘museum without walls’ and it is named after the rivers flowing through London and New York. They have over 2,000 titles in print. They publish high-quality books in the following categories: the arts (fine, applied, decorative, performing),…

Laurence King: Now Accepting Proposals

Founded in 1991 in London, Laurence King focuses on publishing books and gifts on the creative arts. They have international distribution and recognition. They are open to proposals for books or gift products for adults, students and children. They focus particularly on the following areas: art and design, architecture, fashion and beauty, film, photography, practical art…

Levine Querido: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

UPDATED Nov 2022: They now have a submittable cap. And so they close certain categories temporarily when they’ve reached maximum submissions, but re-open them the next month. Arthur A. Levine Books was an imprint of Scholastic Inc. that was founded in 1996 and as of 2019 they parted ways with Scholastic and since 2019 they have…

Future House Publishing: Accepting Submissions

Updated January 2023: No longer updating website, lots of links broken. Would steer clear. Future House focuses on publishing “adult science fiction and fantasy, as well as middle grade adventure books that embrace community, liberty, and family”. All of the work is clean, free of excessive violence. You can get a feel for what they…

Blind Eye Books: Open to Manuscript Submissions

Blind Eye Books publishes science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and romance novels featuring LGBTQ protagonists. They are a print publisher and their book covers are beautifully designed and really stand out. The books they have published have won and been nominated for a number of awards, including the Lambda. Most of what they publish is between…

Alcove Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated January 2025 Alcove Press is a new imprint of the established publisher Crooked Lane . Alcove Press published their first book in September 2020. Alcove Press is focused on publishing upmarket Book Club fiction that “explores family, friendship, and community”. They are actively trying to publish debut authors as well as established ones. You…

The Good Book Company: Now Accepting Book Proposals

“We are an evangelical publishing house that stand on the fundamental truths of the Christian faith, for example, the IFES/UCCF/Intervarsity basis of faith. We are also corporate members of the Evangelical Alliance.” As such they are not interested in views outside of the Christian Evangelical movement. However, within that area they publish resources for evangelism,…

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